How Long Does It Take for Termites to Do Damage?

Are you dealing with termites? If you’re noticing signs of wood damage around your home, you may have a termite infestation.
Termites can cause damage for months or years before homeowners notice them. In fact, most homeowners don’t identify a termite infestation until a year or two after the termites first arrived. The reason for this is that termites chew wood from the inside out and are stealthy pests that remain out of sight.
Because of their unseen activity, termites are hard pests to control. It’s important to work with a pest control specialist to control a termite population fully. Experts have the tools and experience to offer solutions for controlling termites.
How Long Does It Take for Termites to Do Damage?
How long does it take for termites to do damage? The length of time depends on several factors, such as the size of the termite colony, the type of termites, what they … Read Full Post »