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How Long Does It Take for Termites to Do Damage?


Are you dealing with termites? If you’re noticing signs of wood damage around your home, you may have a termite infestation.

Termites can cause damage for months or years before homeowners notice them. In fact, most homeowners don’t identify a termite infestation until a year or two after the termites first arrived. The reason for this is that termites chew wood from the inside out and are stealthy pests that remain out of sight.

Because of their unseen activity, termites are hard pests to control. It’s important to work with a pest control specialist to control a termite population fully. Experts have the tools and experience to offer solutions for controlling termites.

How Long Does It Take for Termites to Do Damage?

How long does it take for termites to do damage? The length of time depends on several factors, such as the size of the termite colony, the type of termites, what they … Read Full Post »

Eco-Friendly Lawn Care Tips for a Sustainable Yard

Eco Friendly Lawn Care

Eco-Friendly Lawn Care Tips for a Sustainable Yard

Maintaining a lush and beautiful lawn doesn’t have to compromise your commitment to environmental sustainability. With the right techniques and practices, you can achieve a healthy lawn while protecting the environment. This comprehensive guide explores eco-friendly lawn care tips that help you create a vibrant, sustainable yard, emphasizing the benefits of natural and environmentally conscious practices.

Grass clippings can be a valuable resource in maintaining a healthy lawn. Instead of bagging them, use them as natural fertilizer by leaving them on the lawn to decompose, adding nutrients back into the soil. This practice reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers and supports an environmentally friendly lawn.

Incorporating clover lawns is another effective strategy. Clover adds nitrogen to the soil, improving soil structure and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. It also attracts beneficial insects, enhancing your lawn’s ecosystem.

Organic fertilizer is a … Read Full Post »

Outlet Stopped Working but Breaker Is Not Tripped

an outlet

Circuit breakers are an important part of our home electrical system. When an outlet stops working, finding a tripped breaker is normal. However, if the circuit breaker is okay, it can confuse you as to why the outlet is not functioning.

It can be difficult to sort out this issue if you are not a licensed electrician. The safest option is to consult a licensed electrician with the skills and training to do it best.

Common Reasons Why the Outlet Stopped Working But the Breaker Is Not Tripped

There are different reasons your outlet stopped working even when your breaker did not trip. Each of these reasons requires a skilled and licensed electrician to diagnose and fix.

Here are the most common reasons.

Faulty Outlet

Electric outlets are extensively used in our homes and can get easily damaged. Since items are repeatedly plugged in and out of outlets over time, they get damaged from repeated wear … Read Full Post »

Seasonal Lawn Care: A Comprehensive Guide

Seasonal Lawn Care

Seasonal Lawn Care

Seasonal Lawn Care: A Complete Guide

Maintaining a lush and vibrant lawn requires more than just occasional mowing. To achieve a green, healthy lawn year-round, you need a strategic approach that adjusts to seasonal changes. Different grass types, such as cool season grasses and warm season grasses, have unique needs throughout the year.

Cool season lawns, for instance, thrive in cooler temperatures and need special care in the spring and fall, while warm season grasses flourish in the heat of summer and require different maintenance strategies.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about seasonal lawn care, providing tips and techniques to ensure your lawn remains in peak condition throughout the year. From choosing the right lawn mower to understanding the needs of new grass, our guide will help you make informed decisions about your lawn care routine.

Proper maintenance of healthy grass involves more than … Read Full Post »

Why Are There So Many Mosquitoes in Dallas?

Dallas, Texas skyline

As homeowners in Dallas, Texas, know we have large mosquito populations. Unfortunately, our city offers the conditions that mosquitoes love: warm, humid weather, plenty of rain and mild winters.

Contact a pest control service if you’re dealing with a mosquito problem on your property.

Why Are There So Many Mosquitoes in Dallas?

Mosquitoes thrive in hot and humid climates, so Dallas is an ideal home for these pests.

Dallas has so many mosquitoes because the city has warm weather nearly year-long, with summertime temperatures consistently over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Dallas also enjoys fairly mild winters, which allows mosquitoes to have an extra-long breeding season.

Cold weather can significantly reduce mosquito populations, which is why they like to reside in warmer places like Dallas.

Another factor is humidity. Mosquitoes require moisture to breed, and humid air creates the perfect damp environment. In Dallas, humidity remains high in the spring, summer and fall seasons. Mosquitoes can reproduce and … Read Full Post »

What You Need to Know About Black Carpet Beetles

a black carpet beetle

As a homeowner, you might be worried about black carpet beetles, since their larvae can cause damage to your belongings. The black carpet beetle, or Attagenus unicolor, is a common household pest. Black carpet beetle larvae eat just about anything, from animal by-products (wool, hides and feathers) to natural fibers and plant products (vegetables, grains and cereals).

If you’re dealing with a black carpet beetle problem, your best option is to contact pest control professionals to handle these pests. You can also ask them questions like, “When do mosquitoes come out?”

What Do Black Carpet Beetles Look Like?

Adult black carpet beetles are small, oval-shaped insects, typically one-eighth to three-sixteenths of an inch long. They are dark brown or black, with a shiny, smooth appearance. Their larvae are light brown to black and covered in bristly hairs, growing up to a quarter inch long. The larvae have a long, elongated and carrot-shaped body … Read Full Post »

How Small Are Termites?


Have you ever seen a termite? These pests are hard to spot, especially since they spend most of their lives staying out of sight from humans. However, it’s still important for homeowners to learn about the appearance of termites, such as how small they are and what termites look like.

If you suspect a termite infestation in your home, contact a pest control company.

How Small Are Termites?

How small are termites? There are several species of termites, like subterranean and drywood termites, but they are all small pests. In fact, termites only range in size from one-eighth to three-eighths of an inch long. The tiniest termites are around the size of a grain of rice while larger termites are near the size of a paper clip.

While understanding the size of termites is helpful, it’s important for homeowners to know other aspects of termites’ appearance. The more you know, the easier it will … Read Full Post »

How to Choose the Right Grass for Your Climate and Soil

Grass Types For Climate

Grass Types For Climate

How to Choose the Right Grass for Your Climate and Soil

Selecting the right grass for your lawn is crucial for achieving a beautiful, healthy, and vibrant landscape throughout the year. Your local climate and soil conditions should guide your choice and specific lawn needs.

For warm season grass, options include Bermudagrass, which thrives in sunny, hot climates; Zoysiagrasses, ideal for areas with both sun and shade; St. Augustinegrass, suitable for tropical and subtropical regions; and Buffalograss, a drought-resistant choice for dry, sunny areas. On the other hand, cool season grass like Kentucky Bluegrass, known for its lush coverage in cooler climates; Perennial Ryegrass, which establishes quickly and grows well in cooler conditions; Fine Fescue varieties, great for shady areas; and Tall Fescue, offering robustness and drought tolerance, are excellent choices for cooler regions.

Choosing the appropriate grass type will ensure your lawn remains healthy and attractive.

Understanding … Read Full Post »

How to Fix Squeaky Stairs

stairs in a home

Squeaky stairs are a nuisance. Besides disrupting the peace during quiet moments at home, they indicate that your stairs need maintenance. Thankfully, fixing them typically isn’t hard. It may be as simple as a loose tread, worn wedges or protruding nails. Understanding the cause of the noise is the first step to a quiet staircase.

Identify the Source of the Squeak

Before you can fix the noise in your stairs, you need to know what’s causing it. Start by enlisting the help of a friend or family member and follow these steps.

Pinpoint the Problem Area

Have someone walk up and down the stairs while you listen for creaks. Focus on the exact steps or joints making noise. Stand at the center of the stairs and gently rock side to side, followed by front to back.

If the squeak comes from the front of the stairs, the tread has come loose from the riser. If … Read Full Post »

Do Carpenter Ants Have Two Sets of Wings?

a carpenter ant with wings

Can you identify carpenter ants? The more homeowners know about their appearance, the easier it is to spot and control a carpenter ant infestation. One interesting feature of carpenter ants is that some of them have two sets of wings while others have no wings at all.

If you have a carpenter ant problem, contact a pest control specialist. They will find the nest, treat the colony and can put prevention methods in place to stop the carpenter ants from returning.

Do Carpenter Ants Have Two Sets of Wings?

Do carpenter ants have two sets of wings? The answer depends on the type of carpenter ant. For example, worker carpenter ants do not have any wings.

Reproductive carpenter ants, on the other hand, do have two sets of wings. This type of carpenter ant is also known as the alates. They are the ants that leave their colony to mate and form new colonies.

Alates … Read Full Post »