Why Does My Furnace Smell Like Burning?
Your furnace is your best friend in the winter, keeping you warm and comfortable inside your home. But if you hate turning it on because your furnace smells like burning, there’s an underlying problem to look into. While some odors are nothing to worry about, your furnace should never produce lingering smells of burning plastic or electrical components. These are signs of an issue with your HVAC system.
If your furnace smells like burning, here are some possible reasons for this frustrating issue. The best way to handle the situation is to get professional help. HVAC specialists will pinpoint the root cause and perform the necessary repairs or replacements. They can also come in for regular tune-ups to keep your furnace in tip-top shape and prevent bigger issues.
Reasons Your Furnace Smells Like Burning
During the months it’s not in use, your furnace might accumulate dust on its ducts, heat exchanger and ignition … Read Full Post »