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What Are PFAS in Water?

a glass of water

Most of us don’t think much about our water. However, everyone should be more mindful of their drinking water supply at home because of synthetic chemicals called PFAS. These chemicals can find their way into the drinking water.

What are PFAS in water? Here’s a closer look into these “forever chemicals” and their harmful effects. If you want peace of mind, contact the professionals for help. Water quality experts can put measures in place to keep it PFAS-free. They can also help you understand why water quality is important.

What Are PFAS in Water? Here’s Everything You Should Know

PFAS, or per and polyfluoroalkyl substances, comprise a large group of human-made chemicals that have been in production in the U.S. since the 1940s. Manufacturers use them for household and commercial products to make them resistant to chemical reactions and heat. They also repel water, oil, grease and stains. You can find PFAS in … Read Full Post »

Does Reverse Osmosis Remove PFAS?

a water filtration system

These days, chemicals are everywhere, making health a top concern. It can be hard to know what is okay to consume. Even drinking water carries risks because of synthetic chemicals like PFAS. But before you get too worried, know there are ways to ensure your water at home is chemical-free.

If you want peace of mind, let a professional assess your water quality at home. They can then install a water softener or water filtration system and provide regular maintenance to ensure the unit functions effectively. They can also help you understand why water quality is important.

Does Reverse Osmosis Remove PFAS? Everything You Need to Know

PFAS or per- and polyfluorinated substances are man-made chemicals that have been around since the 1940s. They are typically used to make water-resistant or non-stick consumer products. They are also present in firefighting foams and used in various industrial operations.

Here are some common products that can … Read Full Post »

Why Is Water Quality Important?

a water softener

Why is water quality important? We all know our health depends on it, but we don’t realize that it’s also important for maintaining our homes. Poor water quality is the culprit behind various home issues, affecting sinks, tubs, wall tiles and other fixtures. If you want to avoid unnecessary stress and expenses, it pays to check and improve the water quality in your home.

If you don’t know the first thing about water quality, we’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll learn about the impact of poor water quality on our health and houses. We’ll also share tips on measuring water quality.

Effects of Poor Water Quality and How to Address Them

While hard water doesn’t pose health risks, its high levels of magnesium and calcium can significantly add to your mineral intake. It also has unwanted effects on your hair, skin, appliances and plumbing system. If you have hard water at home, here … Read Full Post »

How To Test Water Quality

a shower head

Water is part of our everyday lives, so we often don’t pay much attention to it. But, it is important to find out if the water in your home is clean and safe. It should be free of chlorine, lead and other impurities.

Homeowners on municipal water should receive a Confidence Consumer Report for their water’s quality. You can contact your local water supplier if you are not getting your annual water quality report. You can also test your water yourself. Doing so will take a little effort, but your body will thank you later.

If you don’t know how to test water quality, here is everything you need to know about the process.

How To Use a Water Home Testing Kit

If you are worried about contaminants in your water, a home testing kit can provide accurate results. They come in various forms, depending on what you are testing for. They can be … Read Full Post »

What Is a Water Softener Salt Bridge?

a water softener

Hard water contains high levels of dissolved minerals in the form of ions, most often magnesium and calcium. These hard water minerals seep into our water supplies from the ground, and that water leaves behind mineral deposits known as scaling.

If you find a stubborn, whitish build-up on your faucets, drains or other areas that come in contact with your water supply, like shower doors or toilets, it’s likely to be mineral scaling left behind by hard water.

To help prevent issues from these mineral deposits, many homeowners install water softeners or water conditioners to treat the incoming water and reduce the impact.

What is a Water Softener Salt Bridge?

A salt bridge is a hard, crusty layer of salt that forms in your brine tank. What makes this problematic is that it gives the appearance that the tank is still full when, in fact, you may be low or even completely out of … Read Full Post »

What Are the Benefits of Water Softeners?

a shower head

So what does “hard” water really mean? 

When rain falls, it is pure water. Once it seeps into the ground, it picks up minerals like calcium and magnesium. Water that has collected a large amount of such minerals is called “hard.” In fact, about 85 percent of water in the United States can be classified as hard water.

Is a water softener worth it? It’s important to first see if you are noticing the signs of hard water. Seeing stains on your sinks and tubs or on your kitchen utensils? It’s a good bet you have hard water. Seeing scale deposits on kitchen appliances and plumbing is another sign. Are you having to use more soap than usual? Hard water doesn’t lather well, so you have to use more. Hard water will also face your clothing and make your skin and hair feel dry after a shower. 

Water also has a continuum of … Read Full Post »

Do I Have Hard Water?

a shower that has been turned on

Both seasoned and first-time homeowners have asked the pros, “Do I have hard water?” It’s hard to know if you have hard water if you don’t know the signs to look for. Homes on well water or city water can have hard water. The signs that you have hard water include everything from dry, itchy skin after a shower to spots on your dishes and silverware after running the dishwasher.

Many people don’t even know exactly what hard water is. Put simply, hard water is water that contains high levels of minerals. This specifically means minerals like calcium, limestone or magnesium. But, hard water can also have trace amounts of other minerals as well. These minerals are naturally occurring, and they are safe to drink. Their tiny particles dissolve into the water and typically aren’t visible to the naked eye.

As tiny as they are, though, they are abrasive. These particles become … Read Full Post »

Why Is My Water Softener Leaking?

a kitchen with stainless steel appliances

A leaking water softener is an irritating problem to have in your home. Not only can the leak cause quite a mess, but it can also impact the appliance’s ability to do its job. Without a properly working water softener, you may start noticing signs of hard water again. For example, your home’s water might leave spots and residue on your glasses and faucets, and start to dry out your skin and hair. This is why it is important to identify the source of the leak before it becomes an even bigger problem.

As with any kind of appliance, water softeners only last for a certain amount of time. Their typical lifespan is around 10 to 15 years. At this point, the water softener can start to have issues like leaks or could stop working altogether. However, having a leak does not necessarily mean that it is time to buy a … Read Full Post »

Is a Water Softener Worth It?

a sink and dishwasher that would benefit from a water softener because hard water is wearing down the appliances

Water softeners are valuable for many different reasons. They can lengthen the lifespan of your home’s appliances and prevent your family’s skin and hair from getting dry and itchy. Water softeners can also help prevent minerals from building up inside your pipes and water fixtures. Plus, they can reduce spots on glassware and soap scum in your sink and tub.

However, not everyone needs a water softener. You really only need one if you have hard water in your home. Otherwise, if your water is already soft, then using a water softener doesn’t have many benefits.

Water softeners work by removing unwanted minerals, such as magnesium and calcium, from the water in your home’s plumbing. Magnesium and calcium are both positive ions. The resin beads in a water softener hold negative sodium ions. As water flows through the softener, the resin beads in the water softener attract the minerals that need to … Read Full Post »

How Long Do Water Softeners Last?

a kitchen with white cabinets

Softening water can help prolong the life of your home’s pipes, water heater and other appliances. Plus, it can make your water easier on your skin and hair. This is because hard water not only dries out people’s skin, but the sediment in hard water can also build up in your plumbing.

Water softeners work for about 10 to 15 years, but a variety of factors can affect how long the equipment lasts. For one, the quality and type of water softener that you own matters. This is because some types of water softeners can degrade more quickly. For instance, water softeners that run on a timer system instead of on-demand may run through water and regenerate more often than needed. These systems replenish salt based on a set schedule, even if you haven’t been using much water. This can make the system work much harder than it needs to and … Read Full Post »