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What Do Carpenter Ants Eat?

a carpenter ant

Carpenter ants are often compared to termites because they tunnel through wood. However, unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. They are fierce predators with a diverse diet that includes insects and plant matter.

What Do Carpenter Ants Eat?

Carpenter ants are known for building their nests in wood; however, they do not eat wood. Instead, they eat a wide variety of food that changes depending on whether they live outside or indoors.

Outdoor Carpenter Ants

Outdoor carpenter ants feed on living and dead insects, honeydew and various plant materials. These pests are predators and scavengers, so they are skilled at hunting down other living insects or finding dead insect carcasses. Carpenter ants prefer to eat other insects because they contain plenty of protein and nutrients.

However, carpenter ants are attracted to honeydew’s sweetness, which aphids and other sap-sucking insects secrete. Surprisingly, ants do not hunt and kill the insects to access the honeydew. … Read Full Post »

Carpenter Ant Queen: Behavior and Identification

a carpenter ant queen

Do you know how to tell a carpenter ant queen apart from other ants? While all ant species share several similarities, carpenter ant queens have a few distinctions that make them stand out.

Carpenter Ant Queen: Behavior and Identification

The easiest way to identify carpenter ant queens versus other carpenter ants is by their size. Carpenter ant queens can grow up to an inch in length, which is much longer than worker carpenter ants, which range from one-fourth to one-half of an inch.

Next, much like other ant species, carpenter ant queens can range in color. Most of them are reddish-brown but can be black, dark brown and yellow. Their color makes them hard to distinguish from other types of ants, so it’s important to use other factors to identify them.

For example, carpenter ant queens are known for having wings until they reach adulthood, which is a distinguishing factor. Female carpenter ants use … Read Full Post »

How To Identify Red Fire Ants

a red fire ant

Do you know how to identify red fire ants? These pests are stealthy, and they can inflict pain with their bites. It’s important for homeowners to understand what they look like, where they nest and how they behave so that they can get in front of a red fire ant problem.

While working with a pest control company is the best way to deal with a red fire ant colony, there are prevention measures that homeowners can take to help deter these pests from their homes.

How To Identify Red Fire Ants

Fire ants are a major nuisance for homeowners, so it’s important to learn how to identify red fire ants to deal with an infestation. However, identifying these pests goes beyond knowing what they look like. It’s helpful to be able to recognize their behaviors and nest patterns.

Red fire ants are known for their reddish-brown bodies and large eyes. Their bodies have … Read Full Post »

Tawny Crazy Ant Identification Guide

a tawny crazy ant on a leaf

Ants are persistent pests. When you think you’ve gotten rid of them, these resilient and hardworking insects can quickly return.

Tawny crazy ants are a common type of ant that homeowners can find in their homes. Their colonies have several queens and many more workers than other ants. As their name implies, tawny crazy ants are an aggressive bunch.

If these ants are already making themselves comfortable in your home, contact pest control specialists. They have the tools and expertise to take on tawny crazy ants and other ant species.

Tawny Crazy Ant Appearance and Behavior

Tawny crazy ants are native to South America but have been invading the U.S. since 2002. They started in Texas and have since spread to Mississippi, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana. They are so invasive that they have displaced the local fire ants in these areas.

While this species can’t fly, they infest old boxes, potted plants and other objects. … Read Full Post »

How Many Ants Are in a Colony?

an ant colony

If you have pesky ants at home, you know how they can feel impossible to control. Since it can seem like they are always around, many homeowners wonder how many ants are in a colony.

If ants are invading your space, contact pest control specialists. Ants are hardworking and resilient pests but are no match for the pros. They have the tools and expertise to control these pests and help prevent future colonies from invading.

How Many Ants Are in a Colony?

Ants are social insects, and each of them belongs to a colony. Unlike other insects, you’ll never find an ant that operates solo. These colonies come in different sizes depending on species, colony age, climate and other factors.

The number of ants in a colony can vary depending on the species, age of the colony and the weather. Most ant colonies will have a few hundred ants, while some ant species, like … Read Full Post »

Why Do Some Ants Have Wings?

a group of winged ants

Did you know that there are over 15,000 known species of ants? With that many different types of ants, it’s understandable to see some that don’t look like the rest. For example, some ants actually have wings. Keep reading to learn about ants with wings and the ant life cycle.

Why Do Some Ants Have Wings?

Some homeowners are surprised to learn that certain ant species have wings and can fly. Some ants have wings because they use them as part of the reproductive phase of an ant colony.

For example, like other insects such as wasps and termites, some ant species mate in flight. Reproductive ants in an ant colony leave their nest at the same time to find a mate and establish new colonies.

Winged ants, also known as alates, take part in the “nuptial flight” to protect their species’ survival. Specific environmental factors are required to develop sexually mature winged ants, … Read Full Post »

Identifying Flying Fire Ants Versus Termites

flying fire ants

Have you noticed small insects with wings around your property and wondered whether they are termites or fire ants?

Although distinguishing the two can be tricky, knowing which pest you are dealing with can help you better control them. If you’re dealing with any pest problems, contact a pest control professional. These experts have the knowledge and experience to tell the difference between flying fire ants, pictured above, and termites and can help you control both of these pests.

Flying Fire Ants

Flying fire ants are often known as reproductives, and they are the members of the colonies that reproduce and create new colonies. Unlike worker fire ants, who don’t have wings, reproductive flying ants’ wings allow them to move independently and take flight.

Flying fire ants’ wings can extend twice the length of their bodies. Their body color is usually reddish-brown or dark brown. These insects possess segmented bodies with distinct head, thorax … Read Full Post »

How To Identify Fire Ants With Wings

fire ants with wings

Fire ants are annoying pests that can cause pain when they bite and sting. It’s important for homeowners to understand the different types of fire ants, particularly winged fire ants versus non-winged fire ants.

Fire ants with wings are the reproductive members of the colony. You may see them swarming between the spring and fall seasons when they mate. Spotting a fire ant swarm is a sign that a fire ant colony is nearby. Keep reading to learn more about how to identify fire ants with wings.

How To Identify Fire Ants With Wings

Fire ants with wings are called “reproductives” because they are the sexually mature male and female members of the ant colony that reproduce. Unlike other colony members, they have wings so they can fly away from the nest to mate and establish new colonies.

Reproductive fire ants look similar to other fire ants with the addition of wings. They have … Read Full Post »

Can Ants Smell Food?

two ants on a rope

Homeowners who have experienced an ant infestation often want to know how ants got into their home, and one way is through scent. Ants can smell food and use their sense of smell to guide them to a food source.

Along with their sense of smell, ants also use their sight and taste to locate a food source. They even use their antennas to find food and communicate with their colony. Once ants discover an abundant food source in your home, it doesn’t take long for the rest of the territory to arrive.

Another unique thing about ants is that they do not sleep for long periods. Instead, they take short naps throughout the day, lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes. This allows them to recharge and continue the task of finding food. Homeowners should understand that they can encounter ant activity all day and night because of this … Read Full Post »

What To Do About Ants in Your Lawn

ants in a lawn

Are ants invading your lawn? Ants are pesky nuisances, but there are ways you can manage their population to protect and preserve your lush lawn.

Ants in lawns are often an annoyance for homeowners during warmer months, particularly as nest-building ants may damage your lawn by building nests and tunnels in it. Some species can even bite or sting. Therefore, it’s important that you act when you see ants in your lawn.

What Conditions Attract Ants?

Ant species typically prefer lawns with dry, well-drained soil and low water-holding capacity. These conditions allow ants to easily build nests for food storage, colony defense and protection.

Ants are drawn to lawns that contain organic matter, such as dead leaves, grass clippings and debris. These materials give them the essential nutrition needed to survive and reproduce.

Finally, ants need water for survival. That’s why they are drawn to lawns with access to collected sources of moisture like sprinkler … Read Full Post »