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How Small Are Termites?


Have you ever seen a termite? These pests are hard to spot, especially since they spend most of their lives staying out of sight from humans. However, it’s still important for homeowners to learn about the appearance of termites, such as how small they are and what termites look like.

If you suspect a termite infestation in your home, contact a pest control company.

How Small Are Termites?

How small are termites? There are several species of termites, like subterranean and drywood termites, but they are all small pests. In fact, termites only range in size from one-eighth to three-eighths of an inch long. The tiniest termites are around the size of a grain of rice while larger termites are near the size of a paper clip.

While understanding the size of termites is helpful, it’s important for homeowners to know other aspects of termites’ appearance. The more you know, the easier it will … Read Full Post »

Are Termites Attracted to Light?


Termites are elusive pests that are hard to spot, which is why it’s important for homeowners to learn as much as possible about their behavior. Whether or not termites are attracted to light is a common question because homeowners often spot flying termites around light sources.

Some termites are attracted to light, but turning your lights off is not an effective way to deal with a termite problem.

Are Termites Attracted to Light?

Are termites attracted to light? The answer is yes, termites are attracted to light when they are swarming.

Swarming can occur during the spring and summer when swarmer termites leave their colonies to mate and start new colonies. Unlike soldier and worker termites, swarmer termites have wings and will find a mate in the air.

If there is an active termite colony on your property during swarm season, you may see a termite swarm or notice the aftermath of a termite swarm. … Read Full Post »

Red Termites: Identification and Control Guide

red termites

Termites are an expensive problem to have at home. They can destroy almost anything, including wooden structures, insulation, books and filtration systems. Even the plants and trees in your backyard aren’t safe from these pests. They’re hard workers, wreaking havoc all year round. The needed repairs can leave a gaping hole in homeowners’ wallets.

While termites are common household pests, you might be surprised to see red variants invading your home. These are most likely drywood termite swarmers. It helps to know more about their characteristics and habits so you can identify them and control them.

Of course, you’ll need the help of pest control specialists. They have the tools and expertise to control termites and restore peace and comfort. It’s better to contact them sooner rather than later to prevent damage to your home.

Do Red Termites Exist?

We may not know it, but termites are all over the world. There are around … Read Full Post »

Do Termites Look Like Ants?

reddish brown termites

Do you know the difference between termites and ants? These two pests are easy to confuse because of their many similarities. However, there are several physical differences between termites and ants that you can use to tell them apart.

Termites and ants also differ in their life cycle, habitat, reproductive process and caste system. Understanding their key differences will help you identify an infestation in your home.

Some termites and ants can fly, and they are the ones that leave their colonies to reproduce and start new colonies. Swarmer termites are often confused with flying ants. 

Do Termites Look Like Ants?

It’s not easy to tell tiny insects apart from each other, and termites and ants are often mistaken. However, ignoring a termite infestation because you think they are ants will lead to more structural damage to your home. 

Termite Appearance, Life Cycle, Habitat and More

Many homeowners find that it’s easier to spot the signs … Read Full Post »

Best Mulch To Avoid Termites

termites in dirt

Are termites taking up residence on your property? There are several places where termites can hide outdoors, including in your garden and flower beds. One substance that termites have been known to infest is mulch. Thankfully, there are types of mulch that you can use to help avoid termites.

If you suspect that a termite colony is taking up residence on your property or inside your house, call a professional pest control service to implement an effective treatment.

Choosing the Right Mulch to Avoid Termites

Mulching your flower and garden beds is a great way to keep your yard healthy and beautiful. However, it can become frustrating when you find termites in your mulch. These pests can make their way from your yard to your house and cause severe and costly structural damage.

Homeowners always want to know the best mulch to avoid termites, but the truth is that mulch does not inherently attract … Read Full Post »

When is Termite Season?

termites on a wall

Many homeowners wonder about termite season and when they should be on the lookout for these pests. The unfortunate truth is that termites can be active all year long, quietly creating damage to a home. That said, there is a stretch of time when homeowners are more likely to notice termites—when termites swarm.

When a termite nest reaches maturity, reproductive termites will fly out of the nest to go find a mate, find a place to nest and start a new colony. If you are home when a termite swarm happens, you will see these insects flying toward light sources or windows. If you aren’t home when a termite swarm happens, you may find dropped wings near windowsills and on the floor. Flying termites can easily be confused with flying ants. If you find wings around your home and you are not sure what you’re dealing with, it’s wise to contact … Read Full Post »

What Do Termites Look Like?

a group of termites

The thought of having termites in your home is alarming. These pests can cause damage to your home and it’s difficult to catch an infestation early. When it comes to termites, one common question homeowners have is: What do termites look like?

All termites have a straight waist and straight antennae. Additionally, most species of termites have three different castes—workers, soldiers and reproductives. As their name implies, the workers do the work. They search for food, feed the other castes and maintain and build tunnels and tubes. Soldiers defend the nest against any invaders. Reproductive termites leave the nest when it reaches maturity to create a new colony. Also known as swarmer termites, reproductive termites have wings so they can fly out of the nest when the time is right.

If you are home during a swarm or come home to find shed wings near windowsills, collect a few wings to show … Read Full Post »

What To Do About Termites in Your Soil

termites in soil

Most homeowners have heard about the horrors of termites in their homes. These small pests build colonies numbering in the thousands or even millions. They feed on wood and can cause major property damage as they chew through houses, garages, decks, fencing and more. But what if you notice termites in the soil somewhere on your property? Should you be worried?

Unfortunately, if you find termites in the soil, they are likely to be subterranean termites—one of the most common and destructive termite species in the United States. These pests build their colonies in the ground near the wood that they feed on. If you see them in the soil, this is a sign that there is an active colony nearby.

Termites in the soil can also indicate a water leak or drainage problem. The reason subterranean termites build colonies in the soil is that they require damp conditions. Broken sprinkler lines, … Read Full Post »

Subterranean Termites Versus Drywood Termites

subterranean termites

Do you know the difference between subterranean termites versus drywood termites? These termite species have several similarities in their appearance and behavior, but there are also key differences that can help you tell them apart. 

Identifying which type of termite is infesting your home is the first step in controlling the termite colony. The most important thing to remember is that all types of termites can cause severe structural damage to your home and need to be dealt with quickly.

Not all termites fly, but each species has a type of termite that has wings. They are called swarmer termites, and it is their job to fly away from their current colony to reproduce and form new colonies. These termites discard their wings after mating, and homeowners often spot them around their houses. Discarded termite wings are a sure sign that a mature termite colony is nearby.

It’s important to take the right … Read Full Post »

Do Termites Die in the Winter?

a house in winter

Termites are extremely destructive and can damage your biggest investment—your home. You may be wondering, when the weather cools down, are you still at risk of a termite infestation? Should you still be on the lookout for signs of termites or do termites die in winter?

The reality is that termites like things warm. In warmer climates, these insects will be active all year long. In places where it gets cold for at least part of the year, it is a bit of a different story. When temperatures hit about 25 degrees Fahrenheit, a termite can die within minutes. So self-preservation means that when temperatures get to around 50 degrees, termites start moving farther underground, where the soil is warmer.

One of the most common types of termite in the U.S., the subterranean termite, not only loves warmth, but also prefers wetter conditions. Just after a rain is a prime time … Read Full Post »