In an economy that begs you to save money wherever you can, you should strongly consider ways to become more efficient with your use of energy. By making a few small tweaks, you can save a considerable amount of money going forward. Here are five money-saving secrets that will have you reaping the financial benefits all year long.
1. Use a Programmable Thermostat
Programmable thermostats will enable you to save money in a few crucial ways. Because these thermostats are designed to turn on or off automatically, you will not have to worry about running your heating and cooling systems for extended periods of time. To reduce your utility bills even more, try to set your thermostat a bit cooler during the winter. A difference of a few degrees can lead to extra cash each month.
2. Subscribe to a Maintenance Plan
To maximize the efficiency of your home heating system, you should subscribe to a maintenance plan throughout the year. Certified technicians will be able to check for air leaks, plumbing problems and poor insulation. Many of these problems can be fixed before they become a drain on the household income. Seasonal inspections might also focus on your furnace.
3. Minimize Your Water Usage
Shorter showers and baths can lower your monthly water bill. You may also want to install a low-flow shower nozzle, which will cut down on water use going forward. You will likewise want to run the dishwasher only when it’s full. By conserving water you can improve your finances and help save the environment.
4. Install New Windows
Consider replacing single-pane windows with double-pane windows. Double-pane models will more readily keep heat inside the house. High-performance glass and insulating window shades will also help. In the summer, blinds and shades can keep your home cooler while preventing your air conditioner from working overtime.
5. Make Smarter Choices with Your Appliances
Home appliances should always be turned off when they’re not being used. Televisions, radios and other electronic devices can act as power drains if they are left on. You can make your home even more efficient by plugging your appliances into power strips and turning the strips off when you leave the house.
Give us a call at ABC Home & Commercial Services in San Antonio for further assistance. We can help you make energy-efficient decisions that will boost your bank account going forward.