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Are Moles Blind?

a mole

It’s a common misconception that moles are blind. Some homeowners wonder if moles even have eyes. Moles do have eyes, and they are not blind, but they have very poor vision.

Mole eyes are very small and they are covered by their fur. Because of these factors, it’s hard to see a mole’s eyes, which is why many people wonder if they have eyes at all.

Since moles are subterranean creatures and spend most of their lives underground, their eyes have adapted to their lifestyle. Their eyes can detect light and dark, but they can not see much beyond that. Instead, they rely on their other senses to survive, such as touch and smell.

How to Distinguish Moles From Other Pests

Moles have several distinct physical features. It’s important for homeowners to learn what moles look like so that they can identify them on their property.

First, moles are small animals that typically measure between four and seven inches long. Their bodies are round, and their front arms are shaped like paddles. Their front arms are quite strong. They use them to dig tunnels and find worms, which is their primary activity.

Next, moles have velvety, dense fur that ranges from gray to black in color. It’s soft to the touch. However, their tails are mostly hairless except for a couple of small hairs. Mole tales are short and thin.

Lastly, moles have distinct faces. Moles have extremely small eyes that are covered in fur and barely visible. Underneath their eyes, they have a large pointed snout. Moles have a great sense of smell and use their snouts to help them dig through the soil in search of worms to eat.

When to Contact Professional Pest Control Services

What should you do when you notice moles on your property? These pests can wreak havoc on your lawn and garden by digging tunnels and pushing up dirt. It’s important to get rid of moles in your yard quickly before they can cause too much damage that leads to costly repairs.

The most effective way to deal with moles is to contact a professional pest control service. The experts can effectively control them.

a mole

Do Moles Bite?

Moles have large snouts and strong front arms, so it’s normal to wonder what kind of pain they can inflict when they feel threatened. Do moles bite? The answer is not straightforward.

To start, moles can bite when they feel threatened, and they have sharp teeth that can cause significant pain. However, it’s rare for moles to bite as they are typically timid and solitary animals. They use biting as a last resort defense mechanism when they feel they have no other choice.

For example, moles are more likely to bite when they are caged, handled, trapped or provoked. They may also use their front claws to defend themselves in these situations.

It’s best to avoid an encounter with a mole altogether. Try the following methods to deter moles from your property.

Methods to Deter Moles From Your Property

  • Lawn maintenance. Keeping your lawn healthy may help deter moles from digging on your property. They prefer loose and moist soil that is easy to move, so regular maintenance may make your lawn less appealing to them.
  • Physical barriers. Since moles spend most of their lives underground, one way to deter them is to install underground wire mesh fencing on your property. However, the installation is not simple and requires professional help for it to be effective.
  • Minimize food sources. Moles feed on earthworms, so one way to deter them is to reduce the earthworm population on your property. The best way to do this is to avoid overwatering your lawn since too much watering encourages more earthworm activity.

If you already have moles in your yard, it’s wise to work with pest control professionals instead of trying to remove them yourself.

a mole hole

Do Moles Hibernate?

Moles are elusive subterranean creatures with unique habits. They spend most of their lives underground and are known for destroying lawns with their tunnel-digging. However, when the weather turns cold, most mole activity seems to stop.

Moles do not hibernate in the colder months, but they do change their activities. Instead of hibernating, moles dig further underground to stay warm.

Animals that hibernate break from their regular routines to wait out the cold. Moles, on the other hand, continue their regular activities in the cold months. They continue their regular routines from deeper underground, where they can stay warm.

There are a few reasons why moles do this instead of hibernating. First, moles are active predators. Unlike animals that can survive the winter without eating, moles need a constant supply of food. Moles eat grub, earthworms and insects and spend the winter searching for them just like they do during the rest of the year.

Next, moles have thick fur that provides insulation and helps them adapt to colder temperatures. That, along with their shelters underground, keeps them safe from extreme weather in the winter months.

Finally, moles need to remain active during the winter in order to reproduce. These rodents reproduce year-round, which means they may spend the winter caring for their young or searching for a mate.

Even if you do not see mole activity on your property during winter, that does not mean that they are not there. They may simply be hiding deep underground in order to stay warm and continue their everyday activities.

Mole Reproduction

It’s important for homeowners to understand that moles reproduce rapidly. A small mole problem can quickly become a large infestation because of how quickly they multiply.

Part of the reason for this is because moles become sexually mature at only a few months old. They can produce litters a few times a year, and each litter typically contains three to five pups.

The more moles on your property, the more damage they can cause. Since moles are solitary creatures, they disperse and create their own tunnels, which causes more damage to your yard.

If you have moles on your property, even if it is only a few, do not hesitate to contact a pest control professional. It’s important to get ahead of the problem before the population gets out of hand and causes significant damage to your lawn and garden.

ABC Can Control the Moles on Your Property

Once you realize you have moles in your yard, the best way to deal with them is by contacting a professional mole control service. ABC Home & Commercial Services can control your pest problem, whether you’re dealing with moles, voles or any other type of pest.

Russell Jenkins

Russell Jenkins is the VP of Business Development for ABC Home and Commercial Services in North Texas. Russell has been working as part of the ABC Family since he was 12 years old under the direction of his father, Owner Dennis Jenkins, and has since held several leadership roles at ABC. Russell holds a degree in Agricultural Leadership from Texas A&M University, and is a Food Safety Specialist. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family and two children, playing tennis, and gaming.

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