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Are Rats Nocturnal?

a rat

Rats are among the most hated pests, and no homeowner wants to run into one inside their house. Not only do rats carry diseases, but they also have destructive habits that can damage properties.

So, how likely is it that one of these rodents will give you a jump scare during the daytime? Here’s what you should know about their active hours and sleeping habits.

Don’t let a rat problem steal your peace. Contact rodent control professionals to handle the infestation. They have the tools and expertise to manage the rat population on your property.

Here’s Everything You Should Know About Rat Behavior

Are rats nocturnal? They are, meaning they do their rodent business at night. They are the most active at night, dawn and dusk, particularly 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise. These resourceful pests will travel 100 to 300 feet away from their nests each night to locate food. What do rats like to eat? While they have a penchant for fruits, vegetables and meat, they are not picky in desperate times.

Unless you’re a night owl, you likely won’t encounter these nocturnal rodents during the day. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to spot one roaming around in broad daylight. Certain situations can cause them to emerge from hiding while you’re still up and about.

Rats live close to humans and have adjusted their habits for their needs and safety. They come out when it’s least risky for them, which is usually after dark. However, they might explore and forage during the day if they think it’s safe. If there’s a lot of human activity at night, rats will prefer to sneak out during the day to look for food and water.

Other factors can cause rats to come out while the sun’s up. If you see rats scampering around your home during the day, that could mean food is scarce, and they are acting out of survival. It could also signal a large infestation and overcrowding, leaving them nowhere to go. The dominant rats will cut off food access to the lower-ranking ones, explaining why some rats don’t have a choice but to be out of their nest during the daytime. Weather changes, construction and other disturbances are other reasons for daytime rat sightings.

Here are some signs of rats to watch out for.


You’ll usually see rat fecal pellets around nesting sites, feeding areas and runways. They’re about the size of a rice grain and have a distinct musky odor. Protect yourself with a face mask and gloves when cleaning rat droppings.


Rat nests are a collection of various materials woven coarsely to form a ball. You might find food or even babies inside, depending on the season.


Rats gnaw on various things to grind down their teeth, including plastic, wires, wood, cloth and paper. Look for teeth marks on objects around your home.

Grease Marks

Rats leave dirt and oils from their fur along walls and pipes as they navigate around your home. Grease marks are a sign of a highly trafficked rat runway. You might also find rat hairs along these paths.


Rats like to burrow in yards, especially if you have a vegetable or fruit garden. Their burrows usually have a primary hole with two exits.

Because rats are nocturnal, spotting them out while it’s bright and early is unusual. If you’re seeing these dirty rodents during the day, that’s your sign to contact pest control professionals. It could mean the infestation in your home is getting out of hand. The experts know how to keep pesky rats in check and prevent them from wreaking havoc in your home. They can also answer questions like “Can rats see in the dark?”

a rat

Is It Normal to See a Rat During the Day?

Rats are nocturnal, so they are generally more active at night. However, you might see them out and about in the daytime for several reasons. If resources are scarce in their environment, they might come out during the day to look for food and water.

Another reason you might see them while the sun is up is if they feel it’s safer in the daytime. If your home is noisy or busy at night, rats might prefer to forage during the day when it’s quiet. Lastly, a severe infestation could push rats out of their nests, exposing them during the day.

If you don’t want to see rats in your home day or night, here are some preventative measures that will make them feel unwelcome in your space.

Practice Proper Sanitation Methods

Rats invade our homes in search of food and water. The most effective way to deter them is to cut off resources through proper sanitation. Store your food in airtight containers, and sweep, mop and wipe all eating and food preparation areas. It also helps to clean and secure your trash bins to keep rats from breaking in and stealing leftovers.

In addition, fix any leaks at home to limit their water access. If you have pets, only put out food they can finish and clean up immediately after they eat.

Do bird feeders attract rats? Unfortunately, that’s a yes, so it’s better to empty bird feeders if you have a rat problem at home.

Seal off Possible Entryways

If you don’t want rats as roommates, ensure they can’t enter your home. Inspect your home’s exterior and seal off openings and gaps that rats can use as entry points. You can use concrete, steel wool, hard-setting filler or heavy gauge sheet metal to block them off. Rats can’t gnaw their way through these materials. It also helps to cut back unwanted growth on trees near your home to prevent roof access.

Keep Clutter at Bay

Rats are resourceful pests that can use any available items around your space to build their nests. You can prevent nesting by eliminating the clutter in your home. Regularly clean out the attic, garage, shed and storage areas of unwanted items. In addition, keep stored materials like wood and bricks at least 11 inches above ground to eliminate possible hiding and nesting spots.

Contact the Pros

The most effective way to keep pesky rats away from your living space is to get professional help. A pest control specialist knows how to manage the rat population on your property and put measures in place to keep them out of your home.

a rat hiding

Where Do Rats Hide During the Day?

As nocturnal creatures, rats are rarely out during the day. So, where do they usually hide before it gets dark?

During the day, rats are tucked away in their cozy nests, keeping warm with various nesting materials like cardboard, shredded paper and pieces of fabric. These are the usual spots for their nests inside and outside our homes.


  • Inside wall and ceiling insulations
  • Inside crawl spaces
  • In attics, basements, sheds and other storage areas
  • Under or behind shower stalls, bathtubs and cupboards
  • Around furnaces or water heaters


  • In tall grass or weeds
  • Under dense bushes and vines that aren’t cut back
  • Under wood piles that aren’t often used
  • Under garden rocks
  • Inside cars and outdoor furniture
  • Under houses and buildings

The faster you eliminate their hiding spots, the easier it will be to control the rat population on your property. Here are some ways to do so:

  • Stack firewood at least 11 inches from the ground
  • Plant bushes at least three feet away from your home’s exterior
  • Cut your trees back to eliminate roof access
  • Keep your yard and the inside of your home clutter and dirt-free
  • Seal off all possible entryways into your home, including small gaps

Rodent control professionals can help identify rats’ hiding spots inside and outside your home. They will inspect your property and seal off openings and gaps to keep rats from invading your living space and building their nests.

Let Professionals Handle Your Pest Problems

A rat infestation can be one of the most troublesome pest issues a homeowner can face. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with this problem alone. Pest control professionals can handle the situation. They will manage the rat population on your property and take measures to deter them from invading your living space.

ABC Can Help With Any Pest Problems

It can feel frustrating when rats infest your property. Instead of spending your time trying to get rid of rats on your own, contact ABC Home & Commercial Services. Our experts will be able to control the rodents on your property. We will create a custom pest treatment plan, so you don’t have to worry about these creatures.

Holt Myers

Holt joined ABC in 2021 as the Electrical & Appliance Operations Manager before transitioning to Division Manager for Pest Control. Before ABC, Holt worked as a Project Manager and Superintendent in Construction. Holt also served in the US Marine Corps from 2003 to 2007. Holt is a member of NPMA’s PestVets, Stewards of the Wild and Texas Wildlife Association. Holt is an avid outdoorsman, who loves to travel and spend time with his wife and daughter.

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