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At-Home Pest Control: What You Need to Know

Although the vast majority of the population will generally agree that having pests in the home is completely unacceptable, the ways that people deal with these issues vary greatly. By learning a bit more about various pest control options, however, you can get a better idea of how to keep these creatures out of your home.

Store-Bought Pesticides

The first instinct that many people have after seeing an insect, rodent or other household pest is to invest in a store-bought spray or other chemical treatment. If you purchase the right product and use it as directed, you might see some difference in the number of pests that are in your home. These products can be dangerous if they are not used correctly, however, and many of them don’t work as well as advertised. Although store-bought products might work well for minor pest-related issues, they aren’t usually sufficient for handling infestations.


From small traps for insects to larger ones for mice and rats, there are quite a few different types of pest traps available on the market. Unfortunately, these traps aren’t usually successful at handling infestations. In most cases, they generally only capture a small percentage of the pests in the home and leave the rest to multiply.

Professional Pest Control Services

In the vast majority of cases, professional pest control services are the best ways of getting rid of insects, rodents and other household pests. Professional exterminators know how to identity pests and where they are coming from, and they usually have superior products and equipment to handle these infestations.

Tips for Keeping Pests at Bay

Here are a few tips that you can follow if you want to keep pests out of your home:

• Take care of the problem as soon as possible. Most household pests are known for multiplying quickly, so the problem will only get worse. If possible, hire a professional to come and help; he or she can determine the source of the problem and the type of infestation that you have and treat your home accordingly.
• Keep your home as clean as possible. Just because a household has a pest control issue doesn’t mean that the home is dirty or unsanitary, but keeping things clean can help make a home less appealing to insects and rodents.
• Do something about the source of the problem. Your exterminator can help you determine where the pests are coming from so that you can do something about it. For example, you will want to seal up any cracks that could serve as entryways for insects.
• Consider regular treatment. Once your infestation has been resolved, you won’t have to pay much to have an exterminator come out every month or two. Doing so will help you stay on top of these issues before they get serious.

If you’re interested in professional pest control services in San Antonio, contact ABC Home & Commercial Services today for a free estimate. You can always count on us to provide you with professional extermination services and help you tackle your pest-related issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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