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Toilet Flapper Is Not Sealing: What’s Wrong?

a white bathroom

If you notice that your toilet is making sounds like gurgling and whining, it can be annoying as well as wasteful. If your toilet makes all kinds of gurgling and whining noises, you probably have the flapper to blame for that. It’s a small piece of rubber or plastic hiding in the murky depths of the toilet tank. If it’s not sealing well, it can cause problems for your toilet.

Fortunately for homeowners, flapper issues are usually easy to fix. Here are some troubleshooting methods you can try. But if none work, you can let a professional plumber come to the rescue. They’ll get to the bottom of things and provide the best solution.

What to Do If Your Toilet Flapper Is Not Sealing

The toilet flapper might not be visible, but it plays a crucial role in the toilet system. It seals off the opening below the toilet tank, preventing water from … Read Full Post »

How Long Do Tankless Water Heaters Last?

Tankless water heaters are gaining in popularity. Tankless water heaters heat water on demand instead of pulling hot water from a storage tank. That means you can enjoy a nice hot shower even if you wake up late and everyone has had their turn. But, that’s not the only advantage of tankless units.

Another benefit of investing in a tankless water heater is its durability. Tankless models can be a better value for your money because they can easily outlast tanked units. You might have to pay more upfront, but its longevity makes up for that.

How Long Do Tankless Water Heaters Last? How Can You Maximize Their Lifespan?

They’re not cheap, so many homeowners want to know how long tankless water heaters last before taking the plunge. You’ll be happy to know they can work efficiently for 15 to 20 years. That’s a significant improvement from standard models, which tend to max … Read Full Post »

My Water Heater Is Leaking From the Relief Valve

Water heaters are nothing short of essential for a comforting hot shower. In the colder months, it’s great to reward yourself with a long, hot soak in the tub. No doubt, water heaters make washing and bathing much more comfortable, But they can also be stress-inducing when they leak. A water heater leaking from the relief valve is a problem you don’t want to have, especially during winter.

If you do find yourself in this situation, there’s no need to get too frustrated. Licensed plumbers can assess your problem accurately and provide the best fix.

How to Troubleshoot a Water Heater Leaking From the Relief Valve

Water heaters have a temperature and pressure valve (TPV) that works like a relief valve. This valve prevents your heater from overheating. It also keeps your unit from undue pressure, which can lead to heater damage.

When pressure builds up inside the tank, the valve opens up. When … Read Full Post »

Low Water in Toilet Bowl: What’s Wrong?

a white bathroom

There’s nothing more frustrating than using the toilet and realizing there’s barely any water in the bowl for flushing. That means there’s something wrong with it, and you have yet another thing to add to your to-do list.

Fortunately, troubleshooting this issue can be straightforward. And if things don’t work out, you can always count on a professional plumber to solve the problem.

How to Troubleshoot Low Water in the Toilet Bowl

Low water in the toilet bowl? Before assuming your toilet has a problem, check that the water supply is on. Also, see if someone had accidentally turned off the toilet’s shut-off valve. If these two things are fine, you can move on to these troubleshooting methods.

Broken Fill Valve or Flapper

The toilet fill valve is the most common culprit behind low water in the toilet bowl. This component controls how much water enters the tank. If it’s damaged or malfunctioning, the tank … Read Full Post »

How to Unclog a Clogged Sink Drain

a kitchen sink

Homeowners don’t realize how much they depend on their sink until it’s clogged. When this plumbing fixture isn’t working, you can’t wash your hands, fruit, vegetables and dishes. Unfortunately, all households will deal with a clogged sink at some point. It happens when food particles, hair, soap scum, grease and other debris get stuck in the drain.

Getting out of this sticky situation doesn’t have to be complicated. Some DIY methods can help free up your sink and let the water drain again. If none of them work, it’s time to contact a professional plumber to come to your rescue. A licensed plumber has the tools and expertise to address any plumbing concern.

DIY Methods to Deal With a Clogged Sink Drain

The first step is to identify what type of clog you are dealing with. A kitchen sink clog is different from a bathroom sink clog. Kitchen sinks usually have a garbage … Read Full Post »

My Toilet Is Leaking Into the Bowl: What’s Wrong?

a bathroom

Many homeowners take their toilets for granted, but just like any plumbing fixture, they need proper maintenance. Toilets can cause major indoor leaks, wasting as much as five gallons a minute. You can save a lot of water when you pay attention and catch problems early.

If you suspect your toilet is leaking into the bowl, here’s how to confirm your suspicions and troubleshoot the issue. But as with most plumbing issues, contacting the pros is the best solution. Professional plumbers have the tools and expertise to determine the cause and provide an effective solution.

How To Know If Your Toilet Leaks Into the Bowl

If you think your toilet leaks into the bowl, the first telltale sign is a massive spike in your water bill. Here are other ways to determine if you have a leaking toilet.

Use Food Coloring

Pour a bit of food coloring into the toilet tank and mark the water … Read Full Post »

How To Find a Water Leak in Your House

water dripping off a pipe

Your home may seem like a serene haven, but there might be sneaky leaks ready to wreak havoc. Leaks can cause massive spikes in your water bill and damage your beloved house. The key to preserving the peace in your home is early detection.

The sooner you sniff out a water leak, the less trouble it can cause. To help you, here are the common signs of a water leak you should look out for. Contact the professional plumbers immediately if you notice anything suspicious. They have the tools and expertise to perform the necessary repairs.

How To Find Water Leaks in the House

All homeowners will face a leak at some point. It’s a common problem even in new homes. Unfortunately, leaks aren’t always obvious, so you have to be extra attentive to find a water leak. Here are the most common signs of a leak.

Changing Water Meter

If you think there’s a … Read Full Post »

How To Flush a Water Heater

a water heater

Hot water at home is a luxury. There’s no better feeling than having a steaming hot shower after a long day. But, did you know you have to take care of your water heater to keep enjoying the comfort and relaxation that hot water brings?

Water heaters are one of the most overlooked appliances for many homeowners. Homeowners often tend to forget to clean them. If you haven’t given yours any TLC in a while, here’s a guide on how to flush a water heater. With regular upkeep, you can keep it running smoothly for years.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Flushing Your Water Heater

If you haven’t flushed your water heater in a long time, or have never done it, expect a lot of sediment buildup. To prevent any long-term damage and keep your water heater running efficiently, experts recommend cleaning it or getting it cleaned by a professional at least once a … Read Full Post »

Toilet Making Noise: What’s Wrong?

a toilet that is making noise

Is your toilet making weird noises by itself? Maybe you hear a loud banging sound after you flush or notice spooky “ghost flushing.” There are several reasons why your toilet is speaking for itself, and they usually indicate a problem with your plumbing.

Some toilet noises are quick fixes, while others require a deeper investigation into your home’s pipes and plumbing. The first step to solving the problem is identifying your toilet’s noise: a bang, gurgle, flush, hiss or vibration.

One of the most common types of toilet noises is a loud groan from your pipes after you flush. This sound is usually a sign of constriction in your waterline. To solve the problem, you must identify the location of the clog. Contacting a professional plumber is the best way to handle this situation because they are more educated on piping problems.

Finally, another common toilet issue that confuses homeowners is when the … Read Full Post »

My Hot Water Heater Is Not Working

a water heater that is not working

Have you ever been in the middle of a nice warm shower or finishing a load of dishes and had the water turn cold? The first thing that probably comes to mind at such a time is “Uh oh! The water heater!” What isn’t as immediately obvious is why the heater isn’t doing its job.

You don’t realize how important a water heater is until it stops working. So, it makes sense that you want to get it functioning again as soon as possible. As with many appliance issues, there isn’t just one reason your water heater would stop warming up the water.


This part isn’t usually a big problem, but you should consider it when you have no hot water in the house. An issue with the thermostat in a single-element unit will mean that your home isn’t getting any hot water. In a double-element unit, the upper thermostat will shut … Read Full Post »