ABC Blog

How To Fix a Clogged Shower Drain

a shower head

Everyone has likely experienced a slightly clogged shower drain at least once in their lifetime. Often, the clog isn’t severe, and you can take care of it yourself with little fuss. Other times, you will need to contact a professional plumber.

Let’s look at the best ways you can clear a clogged drain yourself first. Your clog might be from debris such as hair, grease or soap, or it could be from a buildup of minerals in the drain, depending on how hard your water is. It could even result from little tree roots pushing through the pipes. Start with the easiest method to get things moving again and progress from there if you don’t have success.

Take Off the Drain Cover

The first thing you will want to do is remove your drain cover. Some drains have a pull-up stopper that can be easily removed so you can access the larger opening. … Read Full Post »

I Have a Slow Flushing Toilet: What Should I Do

a bathroom with a slow flushing toilet

Few things are as alarming to a homeowner as a slow flushing toilet. It certainly is not something you want to happen when guests are on the way! A slow-flushing toilet can be unpleasant to see and cause an unpleasant bathroom odor. Several things generally cause a toilet to flush slowly, and they are something you might or might not be able to handle on your own.

Lower Water Level in Tank

Your toilet’s tank needs to have just the right amount of water in the tank for it to flush correctly. Too little water in the tank means the toilet doesn’t have enough power to empty the bowl completely. If your toilet is only emptying part way or you notice that your toilet won’t flush at all, look in the tank. The water level inside should be about a half-inch below the toilet’s overflow pipe. It’s a quick and relatively simple … Read Full Post »

My Toilet Won’t Flush: What’s Going On?

a toilet that won't flush

Panic can quickly set in when your toilet won’t flush. What could have gone wrong and is there anything you can do to fix it?

Fortunately, there are some easy fixes for this problem. Unfortunately, others will require the help of a licensed plumber.

Let’s dive into these common issues and their fixes.

The Water Shut-off Valve Is Turned Off

In order for the toilet to flush, the water shut-off valve that feeds water into the tank of a toilet has to be on. Occasionally, something can hit the shut-off valve or it can get adjusted while cleaning. When this happens, the toilet only has one or two flushes before it runs out of water.

To check if this is your issue, look behind the base of the toilet. Your shut-off valve should be a few inches off the floor. Make sure the valve is turned all the way to the left. If it’s not, … Read Full Post »

Why Is My Toilet Overflowing at the Tank?

A toilet with an overflowing tank in a light gray bathroom

When it comes to home repair emergencies, there is nothing quite like an overflowing toilet. The consequences can be quite serious and can include water damage, mold growth and more. Before addressing the problem, you’ll want to stop the water from flowing. Turn off the water supply to your toilet by tightening the valve that is behind the toilet on the wall. If that doesn’t help, remove the lid off your tank and lift the float that’s at the water’s surface up high enough to stop the flow of water.

Then, shut off your main water supply by closing the main valve outside near the street or by your water heater. If water continues to come out of your toilet, you are most likely dealing with a sewage backup, which is a real plumbing emergency requiring the help of a licensed professional.

If you are able to stop the flow of water, … Read Full Post »

Garbage Disposal Water Comes Back Up: What Should I Do?

Garbage disposal water comes back up

You’re relieved that you finally finished the dishes and then it happens—your garbage disposal water comes back up. To your dismay, water mixed with bits of food is now flowing into your sink, despite just having turned on your disposal, and you’re left wondering how and why this occurred.

If you notice water backing up in your kitchen sink, one of three things has probably happened:

  • There is a blockage.
  • You have been overusing your disposal.
  • Your garbage disposal was not installed correctly.

The most likely of these three scenarios is that you have some sort of obstruction. A blockage in your drain is made up of food and other debris that have been slowly building up over time. Before this happened, you may have noticed that your sink had been draining slower than usual. In most cases, homeowners decide to ignore these early signs of a bigger problem because water is still draining.

In some … Read Full Post »

Why Is Water Backing Up Into My Bathtub?

Water Backing Up Into Bathtub

Perhaps it happened when you decided to hop into the shower one evening after a long day. Just as your stress began to recede, you noticed you were standing in water up to your ankles, and it was still rising—and suddenly, what was supposed to be a relaxing way to unwind became a new stressor in your life as you wondered why you might have water backing up into the bathtub.

Since kitchens and bathrooms are high-traffic areas in most houses, most people depend on their plumbing to function properly, day in and day out. When any part of the bathroom is suddenly out of commission, it causes a big disruption in the daily routine.

It’s a relief when there is an easy fix to the problem, but unfortunately, this is often not the case when it comes to water backing up into a bathtub. The most likely culprit for this particular … Read Full Post »