Tips to Allergy-Proof Your Home

It’s that time of year again when everything is sprouting. Just step outside your door and tree pollen will be in your face – it’s all over your lawn, your patio, your car, you name it! And just when you wanted to start spending time outside, your plans are halted by the onslaught of pollen and the pesky allergies that accompany it. Your watery eyes and running nose can have you locked up in your house for the next month or two. Try these tips – for both you and your home – to help keep the suffering to a minimum.
Note: Before getting started, it’s important to know what your allergies are. A trip to the allergist will help solve that mystery. Once you know what ails you, you’ll have a number of options regarding how to treat your allergies – allergy shots, medications, and home remedies. Here are a … Read Full Post »