ABC Blog

Strange But True: Our Craziest Pest Control Calls

strange but true

As a company that’s been helping Austinites take care of pests for over 60 years, ABC Home & Commercial Services has made thousands of house calls. In most cases, our skilled and knowledgeable technicians quickly put homeowners’ minds at ease with a thorough inspection and a suggested course of action to get rid of pests. In a few cases, however, our pest control experts have run across some bothersome critters which necessitate a more creative approach. Over the years, we have collected a number of strange but true pest stories.

Strange But True: Our Craziest Pest Control Calls

As Texas’ largest independently owned pest control company, we’ve had our share of memorable pest control calls. We’d like to share a few of these strange but true stories with you.

Jake The Racoon Causes Trouble

One of our most memorable experiences in the pest control business involved a wily raccoon our technicians affectionately called Jake. … Read Full Post »

What You Need To Know About Crazy Ants

Paratrechina longicornis

A new ant species has been discovered in the southern parts of the United States: the crazy ant. What’s important to know about these ants, which are also referred to by their scientific names, Nylanderia fulva (Rasberry crazy ant) and Paratrechina longicornis (the Longhorn crazy ant)? For starters, both of these ant species are not native to the United States, and both are considered pests.

Read on to learn what crazy ants are, how they got their name, what attracts them, and what impact they are having on humans.

What Are Crazy Ants?

Crazy ants were first discovered in 2002 in an industrial park outside of Houston. Exterminator Tom Rasberry noticed ants which were moving erratically and which caused significant damage to electrical equipment. “When you see fast-moving ants that are not following a path, they are probably crazy ants,” explained Randy McCarty, ABC’s Director of Training and resident entomologist, who has … Read Full Post »

What Is The Best Room Temperature For Puppies?

Room temperature for puppies

Many of us consider our pets a part of our family. With countless “dogs-welcomed” restaurants, trails, large dog parks and training and boarding facilities, it’s no wonder that so many cities are seeing an increase in puppy adoptions.

Welcoming a dog into your home involves research and planning, particularly if you have decided you’d prefer to adopt a puppy. From proper nutrition to adequate amounts of exercise to an endless amount of love and care, it’s your duty to ensure your pet is cared for. Thinking about the best room temperature for puppies and older pets is one way to make sure your furry friends stay happy and healthy.

What’s the Best Room Temperature for Puppies?

It might sound silly, but even the smallest factors, like your home’s temperature, are important aspects in maintaining your dog’s overall health, particularly if you have a puppy. Let’s discuss what new dog owners need to know … Read Full Post »

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Light?

does light attract mosquitoes

We all love to spend relaxing evenings out on the patio. That said, outdoor lighting can attract unwelcome visitors. Don’t let flying insects, especially mosquitoes, ruin your night.

One question we often hear from frustrated homeowners: what are mosquitoes attracted to? Our pest control experts reviewed several recent scientific studies to help determine what changes homeowners can make to outdoor lighting to make your porch less attractive to flying creatures.

What Attracts Mosquitoes?

  • Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Light?
  • How Do I Keep Mosquitoes Away From My Lights?
  • Do Insects Avoid LED Lights?
  • What’s the Ideal Bulb for Outdoor Lighting?
  • Are Flying Insects Bugging You?

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Light?

The short answer is yes – but why, exactly, are bugs attracted to light? Many flying insects, including moths, mosquitoes, and many flies, find the glow of artificial lights irresistible. The scientific term for the attraction bugs have to light is phototaxis.

Positive phototaxis describes the behavior of … Read Full Post »

How To Scare Rats Away From Home

How To Scare Rats Away From Home

There are few things in life that are certain, but one thing’s for sure: no one wants to come home to a rat. To prevent these creatures from taking over our homes, it’s worth looking at why they might find our houses more attractive than other nesting places.

Read our tips below to learn effective techniques to keep rats away from your home, garden and yard so that you don’t have to worry about an unexpected encounter with one of these unwelcome guests.

How To Keep Rats Away From Your Home

In the southern United States, many homeowners have to deal with the roof rat (Rattus rattus). These are brown or black rats that are smaller than the Norway rats that live throughout most of the rest of the United States.

The roof rat is better suited for these warm climates than the Norway rat. These rats set up their nests in … Read Full Post »

5 Reasons Your Lawn Benefits From The Best Organic Fertilizer

best organic fertilizer

When homeowners are trying to approve their curb appeal, an obvious place to start is with your property’s lawn.

Here in Texas, however, plants face an uphill battle to get established and to stay healthy. Although soil types and quality vary across the state, our warm climate and lack of rainfall present many challenges for homeowners who want to keep their lawns looking green.

One way to provide the nutrients plants need to survive and thrive is to apply fertilizer.

ABC Home & Commercial Services, our lawn care experts know a lot about lawn care. We also care about the impact of our products on the environment. That’s why we only use the best natural and organic lawn fertilizers currently on the market.

In this article, we would like to educate homeowners about the best types of organic fertilizer by exploring the following topics:

  • The importance of fertilizer

How to Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard

how to keep mosquitoes out of your yard

Mosquitoes thrive in warm weather.  When it cools down in Austin, we all get excited at the prospect of going outside without getting bitten. Unfortunately, the temperature hasn’t dropped enough to completely get rid of mosquitoes, but we still want to enjoy the cooler weather.  What’s a homeowner to do to keep mosquitoes out of his or her yard?

How to Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard

Your most important first step to is to recognize mosquito breeding grounds in your yard and get rid of them as quickly as possible.  Mosquitoes breed in standing water.  Make your yard as inhospitable as possible by getting rid of standing water.  Remember that even tiny amounts of water – like a thimbleful – can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes.  Scan your yard on a daily basis for standing water sources and dump any that you find. If you see mosquito larvae in the process, … Read Full Post »

Do Rats Eat Acorns? How To Get Rid Of Rats In Your House

do rats eat acorns

There are many reasons that Americans are increasingly moving to the southern states. Our warm sunny days, green spaces, majestic trees and outdoor patio restaurants offer many ways for residents to enjoy spending time exploring these cities.

Guess what? All of the things that make these urban areas so appealing to people also make it an ideal habitat for local rat populations. In this post, we’ll answer the common question: Do rats eat acorns?, as well as discuss what rats we are most likely to see and how to keep these creatures away from your home.

The Ideal Rat Habitat

Rats love greenbelt areas with access to water, lush vegetation, seeds and other food sources. They eat nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit, worms, lizards and various bugs, including spiders and roaches. When desperate, they’ll eat green plants, paper or even candle wax. Rats frequent areas with lots of pecan trees and they also find … Read Full Post »

HVAC Inspection Checklist: Preparing Your Home For Fall

HVAC inspection checklist

By the time the scorching San Antonio summer gives way to a slightly-less-scorching autumn, you’re probably ready for a break from the heat. But is your home prepared?

If you’re like most Texans, your air conditioning unit worked hard in the summer months. As you look forward to the coming cold weather, your entire HVAC system may need servicing to ensure that it continues to work perfectly. Here’s a quick HVAC inspection checklist of things to do to help you get started.

Clean Up Your Unit

Just as your home needs a deep cleaning a few times per year, you need to occasionally clean your HVAC system to keep it running optimally.


Clear leaves and debris away from your outdoor HVAC unit. This prevents any blockages from happening, as well as any reductions in the unit’s ability to provide heat.

Not all of the debris is located inside of the unit, however. Trim any other … Read Full Post »

How Often To Change The Air Filter In A House

how often to change air filter in house

If you own an air conditioning unit, you know that changing the air filter is a common air conditioner maintenance task that must be performed so your heating and cooling system can run clean and pure air throughout your home.

Have you ever really thought about why is it so important to change your AC’s air filter? Or how often should you clean it? Keep reading to learn more tips about keeping your air conditioner running efficiently.

Five Reasons To Change Your AC Air Filter Frequently

There are quite a few benefits of changing your filter frequently.

Improved Performance

Imagine trying to drink water through a clogged straw. That’s a lot like how your air conditioning unit feels when it’s trying to draw air through a clogged filter. By switching out your air filter on a regular basis, you make it easier for your system to pull air in and keep things cool. This, in turn, … Read Full Post »