Post-Flood Pest Control | How to Prevent Pest Problems After a Flood
March, April and May are Texas’s wettest months. But, this ain’t our first rodeo. We’re no strangers to flash floods, heavy storms and sustained rains. Floods are our most regular and costly natural disaster.
When returning home to begin the rebuilding process, some of the main problems you are likely to encounter are mold, deteriorating materials, insect infestations and pest problems.
During a flooding situation, animals, just like humans, will be forced to flee from their homes. Searching for drier, higher ground, animals often find refuge in dry areas of homes and other buildings.
After a devastating storm, such as Hurricane Harvey, the threats don’t end when the water recedes. Severe pest problems can develop both during floods and after flood water has retreated. Snakes, fire ants, rats, and other dangers can come with the flooding or arrive afterwards. More often than not, pests make their way into homes and other structures after … Read Full Post »