ABC Blog

How Does a Dimmer Switch Work?

a dimmer switch

Homeowners can be hands-on about many things around the house, but electrical work should be handled by a professional. The dimmer switch is one electrical component that could give you problems at home. You might find that it’s not dimming all the way or won’t work with some lights. If your dimmer switch is stressing you out, we’ll explain how this device works and how to troubleshoot common issues.

Let electricians come to the rescue if you can’t figure it out. These licensed professionals have the tools and expertise to solve the electrical mysteries that could be bugging you at home.

What Is a Dimmer Switch and How Does It Work?

It wasn’t until the 1930s that incandescent dimmers entered the picture, used in theaters to set the mood for different scenes. They had massive panels that required manual operation, a far cry from the modern dimmers.

Fast forward 30 years, dimming technology has … Read Full Post »

What Are PFAS in Water?

a glass of water

Most of us don’t think much about our water. However, everyone should be more mindful of their drinking water supply at home because of synthetic chemicals called PFAS. These chemicals can find their way into the drinking water.

What are PFAS in water? Here’s a closer look into these “forever chemicals” and their harmful effects. If you want peace of mind, contact the professionals for help. Water quality experts can put measures in place to keep it PFAS-free. They can also help you understand why water quality is important.

What Are PFAS in Water? Here’s Everything You Should Know

PFAS, or per and polyfluoroalkyl substances, comprise a large group of human-made chemicals that have been in production in the U.S. since the 1940s. Manufacturers use them for household and commercial products to make them resistant to chemical reactions and heat. They also repel water, oil, grease and stains. You can find PFAS in … Read Full Post »

Does Reverse Osmosis Remove PFAS?

a water filtration system

These days, chemicals are everywhere, making health a top concern. It can be hard to know what is okay to consume. Even drinking water carries risks because of synthetic chemicals like PFAS. But before you get too worried, know there are ways to ensure your water at home is chemical-free.

If you want peace of mind, let a professional assess your water quality at home. They can then install a water softener or water filtration system and provide regular maintenance to ensure the unit functions effectively. They can also help you understand why water quality is important.

Does Reverse Osmosis Remove PFAS? Everything You Need to Know

PFAS or per- and polyfluorinated substances are man-made chemicals that have been around since the 1940s. They are typically used to make water-resistant or non-stick consumer products. They are also present in firefighting foams and used in various industrial operations.

Here are some common products that can … Read Full Post »

How to Make a Garbage Disposal Smell Better

a garbage disposal

Garbage disposals are powerful tools in the kitchen, making it easier for homeowners to clean up after meals. But for all their usefulness, they have one major drawback—they can get smelly. Even if you’re diligent in cleaning your garbage disposal, food particles can still build up and cause an unpleasant odor in your kitchen.

Fortunately, you don’t have to put up with any nasty smells. There are several ways to freshen up your garbage disposal and have it smell squeaky clean. In addition, keeping certain foods away from your unit will prevent clogging and unwanted odors. If you’re dealing with a stubborn clog, a plumbing professional can help get things moving.

Dealing With a Smelly Sink? Here Is How to Make a Garbage Disposal Smell Better

Anything that handles waste is bound to get smelly. Garbage disposal odors usually start with a slight sour smell in the sink. If left unaddressed, the offensive … Read Full Post »

GFCI Outlet Not Resetting: What’s Wrong?

a GFCI outlet

Ground-fault circuit interrupters, or GFCIs, are essential in preventing electrical accidents at home.

What is a GFCI outlet? It is a device used to replace a standard electrical outlet. It monitors the amount of power going into plugged appliances. GFCIs trip whenever they sense irregularities in the electrical current, needing as little as 1/40th of a second to react.

While GFCIs keep us safe from electrical shocks and electrocution, they can malfunction like any other device. Sometimes, they won’t reset, which can be frustrating and potentially dangerous.

If your GFCI outlet is not working as it should, here are some possible reasons behind the issue and how to troubleshoot them. It’s best to call in a licensed professional to handle electrical components in your home.

GFCI Outlet Not Resetting? Here’s What to Do

Homeowners should investigate if a GFCI outlet won’t reset. There are various possible causes for a GFCI outlet that won’t reset. Here … Read Full Post »

Why Does My Furnace Smell Like Burning?

a technician fixing a furnace

Your furnace is your best friend in the winter, keeping you warm and comfortable inside your home. But if you hate turning it on because your furnace smells like burning, there’s an underlying problem to look into. While some odors are nothing to worry about, your furnace should never produce lingering smells of burning plastic or electrical components. These are signs of an issue with your HVAC system.

If your furnace smells like burning, here are some possible reasons for this frustrating issue. The best way to handle the situation is to get professional help. HVAC specialists will pinpoint the root cause and perform the necessary repairs or replacements. They can also come in for regular tune-ups to keep your furnace in tip-top shape and prevent bigger issues.

Reasons Your Furnace Smells Like Burning

During the months it’s not in use, your furnace might accumulate dust on its ducts, heat exchanger and ignition … Read Full Post »

Signs You Need a New Furnace

a technician working on a furnace

Winter is for bundling up and getting comfy with a mug of hot chocolate and your favorite book. But, cozy winters are only possible if your furnace is working well. If it isn’t working properly, you and your family will be cold and uncomfortable at home. Before the chilly season, ensure your furnace is ready to keep you warm and toasty.

If you’re doubtful that your unit can make it through the winter, here are some signs you need a new furnace. You can also let HVAC professionals check your system. They will tell you if a replacement is necessary and install the new furnace. They can also perform regular tune-ups to prevent costly problems down the line.

Some Signs You Need a New Furnace

Furnaces are durable systems with an average life expectancy of 15 to 20 years. But just like any appliance, they’re not indestructible and will eventually stop working. Unfortunately, … Read Full Post »

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

a plant and an air purifier

Homeowners spend a lot of time ensuring their houses are clean and tidy. But many forget to clean the most essential thing in their homes–the air. Many of us don’t realize that we breathe in millions of particles, including dust, allergens and irritants, every day.

Having clean air at home is important, especially if someone in your home has asthma or allergies. If you’re wondering how to improve indoor air quality, we have some tips and tricks that can help. But the best thing you can do is to call an HVAC specialist to ensure you have clean and fresh air at home.

Tips on How to Improve Indoor Air Quality at Home

If you find yourself breathing easier when you’re away from your home or experiencing headaches at home, your home’s air may not be as healthy as it should be.

So, what causes poor indoor air quality? While many think pollution only … Read Full Post »

Why Is Water Quality Important?

a water softener

Why is water quality important? We all know our health depends on it, but we don’t realize that it’s also important for maintaining our homes. Poor water quality is the culprit behind various home issues, affecting sinks, tubs, wall tiles and other fixtures. If you want to avoid unnecessary stress and expenses, it pays to check and improve the water quality in your home.

If you don’t know the first thing about water quality, we’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll learn about the impact of poor water quality on our health and houses. We’ll also share tips on measuring water quality.

Effects of Poor Water Quality and How to Address Them

While hard water doesn’t pose health risks, its high levels of magnesium and calcium can significantly add to your mineral intake. It also has unwanted effects on your hair, skin, appliances and plumbing system. If you have hard water at home, here … Read Full Post »

Why Is My Water Heater Tripping the Breaker?

an electric water heater

It can be incredibly frustrating when your water heater keeps tripping the breaker, especially when you need to prepare for the day. If you’re dealing with this problem, here are the most probable causes and how to troubleshoot them.

It’s always best to let a professional take over to fix issues with your water heater. A plumbing professional has the tools and expertise to solve any water heater issue and will have your unit running properly again.

What To Do When Your Water Heater Keeps Tripping the Breaker

If your water heater keeps tripping the breaker, constantly resetting it will not solve the problem. Instead, consider it a sign that it needs fixing or replacing.

Here are the most common reasons behind this issue and how homeowners can address them. Even if you’re confident in your DIY plumbing skills, you’ll need the help of a professional for most of these situations.

Burnt-Out Heating Element

A burnt-out … Read Full Post »