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Signs of Bad Electrical Panels

Open breaker box with switches

Much like our brains function by sending electrical impulses to control the various parts of our bodies, your home’s electrical panel sends electricity to various parts of your house.

The electrical panel (often referred to as the “breaker box”) is a vital part of keeping the electricity flowing properly through your home. Unfortunately, problems can arise and these issues can be especially dangerous and expensive. In addition to the fire danger, electrical panel issues can lead to damage or even destruction of any plugged-in appliances or electronic devices.

Due to the hazards that come with dealing with electricity, you should always contact a licensed electrician when facing power issues in your home.

Common Issues in Bad Electrical Panels

There are several subtle (and not-so-subtle) hints that your electrical panel might have a problem.

Here are four of the most common signs of an electrical panel issue.

What Size Tankless Water Heater Do I Need?

A home with a tankless water heater

Tankless water heaters have become popular as more homeowners look for energy savings and more sustainable appliances. Compared to traditional tank water heaters, tankless units save homeowners about 30 percent or more on their energy usage for such a unit.

Traditional tank water heaters use energy–whether fueled by electricity or gas–in standby mode. They hold the hot water in reserve, waiting for someone to need it. How does a tankless water heater work? Tankless models heat the water as needed. You will have a momentary delay while the hot water runs through your pipes, but generally, no more heating, depleting and waiting. But, how do you know what size water heater you need if you go tankless?

If you have a tankless unit that is too small for your needs, you will run out of hot water when you might need it the most. If you purchase a unit that is too … Read Full Post »

How Does a Furnace Work?

a home with a working furnace

A furnace is one of the most important elements of any home, providing heat and comfort throughout the colder months. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the appliances in a home that homeowners don’t understand all that well.

Understanding at least the operational basics helps you understand how your heating system, and even your larger HVAC system, works. This gives you an educated head start if and when a heating situation arises.

Understanding your heating system can also help you evaluate the need for professional HVAC assistance.

How A Furnace Works 

There are many different components of a heating system that work together to heat your home. Here are the steps involved in how a furnace heats your home.

  1. Air is collected from the return register and passes through an air filter to remove particles.
  2. The furnace starts when the thermostat signals that the home has dropped below the desired temperature.
  3. The ignition starts the burner and flames … Read Full Post »

Why Do I Have Low Hot Water Pressure?

a bathroom with low hot water pressure

You go to wash dishes or take a nice, hot shower—only to realize when you turn on the water that the pressure is low. Having low hot water pressure is annoying, but it can also be a sign of a real problem that needs attention. It’s often best to resolve the issue as soon as you can. Otherwise, it could become an even bigger problem that is harder and more expensive to fix.

Before you start troubleshooting the cause of your low hot water pressure, it’s a good idea to check in with your neighbors. Is your house only affected, or are your neighbors experiencing the same thing? If the low pressure seems like a sudden problem, instead of something that has developed gradually over time, it could be something affecting the whole neighborhood.

Sometimes there is a larger-scale issue like a break in a nearby water main. Other times, the city … Read Full Post »

Why Won’t My Heat Turn On?

A home where the heat won't turn on

When it’s cold out, the last thing you want is to deal with a malfunctioning heater. Unfortunately, there are several reasons why your heater won’t turn on or won’t stay on.

The good news is that homeowners can try easy at-home solutions before contacting professional help. Sometimes the problem is as simple as replacing air filters.

However, the problem can become more serious and require repairs or replacement parts. If that’s the case, don’t hesitate to contact a licensed heating professional to look at your system. Scheduling a yearly maintenance check is the best way to ensure your heater will keep you warm all winter.

Why Won’t My Heat Turn On?

There are several reasons why your heat won’t turn on. Luckily, most of them are easy to identify and fix, so you don’t have to stay cold for long.

Regular Maintenance Issues

The leading reason heaters won’t turn on is that they weren’t properly maintained, … Read Full Post »

Furnace Fan Won’t Turn Off: What’s Wrong?

a house where the furnace fan won't turn off

Is the blower fan on your furnace running continuously? When the furnace fan won’t turn off, several different things could be causing it to keep running. It’s a good idea to address this or contact professional help quickly. A constantly running blower fan is not just a waste of electricity. It’s also a signal of a potential problem with your heating and cooling system.

Check Out the Problem

The first and simplest check is to make sure your thermostat is set to AUTO rather than ON. If it’s set to ON, change it to AUTO. This should allow the blower fan to shut off within just a few minutes.

If that doesn’t do the trick, the next possibility is that the thermostat is set to an overly high temperature. This can cause the blower fan to run continuously as the system tries hard to bring your home to the desired temperature. To rule … Read Full Post »

Why Does My Garbage Disposal Smell?

A garbage disposal that smells

Your garbage disposal is one of the most important appliances in your kitchen. It helps send any leftover bits of food left on plates or in containers down the drain smoothly. However, your garbage disposal can sometimes smell pretty bad.

So, what causes these smells, and how can you make them go away?

Common Reasons Garbage Disposals Smell Bad

When a garbage disposal is turned on, its blades spin and grind down food waste. This process produces small pieces of refuse and water that are pushed down a pipe to the drain. Over time, these small particles can accumulate and create an unpleasant smell in the garbage disposal.

The most common cause of this smell is grease or food particles gathered around the drain opening. If the disposal is not properly cleaned, this residue can also cause corrosion to the metal parts inside the unit.

There are a few other common causes of garbage disposal … Read Full Post »

What Is a Water Softener Salt Bridge?

a water softener

Hard water contains high levels of dissolved minerals in the form of ions, most often magnesium and calcium. These hard water minerals seep into our water supplies from the ground, and that water leaves behind mineral deposits known as scaling.

If you find a stubborn, whitish build-up on your faucets, drains or other areas that come in contact with your water supply, like shower doors or toilets, it’s likely to be mineral scaling left behind by hard water.

To help prevent issues from these mineral deposits, many homeowners install water softeners or water conditioners to treat the incoming water and reduce the impact.

What is a Water Softener Salt Bridge?

A salt bridge is a hard, crusty layer of salt that forms in your brine tank. What makes this problematic is that it gives the appearance that the tank is still full when, in fact, you may be low or even completely out of … Read Full Post »

Why Is My Washing Machine Leaking Water?

a washing machine with clothes in it

It’s never a good thing to find water on the floor around your washing machine. Whether it’s a puddle or a rushing flood of water, you’re facing the risk of expensive water damage. Plus you know that something is broken in one of the most necessary appliances in your home.

The average American household washes up to 400 loads of laundry every year. That’s more than a load a day! With this heavy usage, it’s no surprise that the occasional mechanical problem arises. The loss of a washing machine, even for a few days, can be a huge inconvenience.

A washing machine houses an intricate system of valves, hoses and belts that allow it to fill and drain the water necessary for the washing process that cleans our clothes. When one or more parts of that system stop functioning correctly, gravity takes over. Then all that pressurized water, up to 500 gallons … Read Full Post »

What Size Furnace Do I Need?

A working furnace is a vital part of any home, even in warmer states like Texas. The last thing you want is to have a malfunctioning furnace in the dead of winter. If your furnace is reaching the end of its life, you’ll want to reach out to a heating specialist. A heating specialist knows all the calculations and factors that must be considered before making a large purchase like this one.

While some homeowners may think the bigger the better, this isn’t always the case. A furnace that is too big will also work too hard, which results in skyrocketing energy bills. On the other hand, a furnace that is too small will not heat your home completely, leaving you cold in the winter. Plus, it will have a shorter lifespan since it is working overtime to produce enough heat.

So, what do heating specialists look at when determining what size … Read Full Post »