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How To Get Rid of Fruit Flies

how to get rid of fruit flies

What’s that buzzing around your kitchen? Are little bugs swarming your trash can or congregating on your fresh fruit? If you ever have tiny gnat-like insects hanging out in your kitchen, chances are they’re fruit flies. Once you begin to notice them, fruit flies appear to be everywhere. Not long after you start seeing fruit flies in your house, many homeowners realize they are ready to eliminate these pesky insects.

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

Before we discuss how to get rid of fruit flies in your house, let’s learn more about these animals and how they make it into your home.

What Are Fruit Flies?

These insects are small flies of the Drosophila species, and although tiny, when magnified, they look a lot like houseflies. Entomologists describe adult fruit flies as about 1/8 inch long, and although you can’t see them, they have red eyes. They can lay up to 500 … Read Full Post »

How To Winterize Your Sprinkler System

how to winterize your sprinkler system

When colder temperatures are on the way, homeowners can take simple steps to make sure that outdoor spaces are ready to weather any extreme temperatures. What can you do to avoid costly repairs in the spring when temperatures begin to climb? One place to start is your sprinkler system.

How to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

Wondering how to winterize your sprinkler system yourself? Here’s our first tip: Don’t wait for winter’s first freeze! Sprinkler systems should be clear of water before frigid temperatures set in, to avoid burst pipes, broken valves, and the cost and hassle of repair.

Here’s the good news: With an air compressor and a little homeowner know-how, you can avoid the cost of hiring a professional by winterizing your sprinkler system yourself. Most systems are equipped with built-in drain valves to release water from the system, but these may not be sufficient for eliminating water that has pooled in … Read Full Post »

Will Capybaras Become Orlando’s Next Pest?

capybara facts

For anyone who has seen the cult-classic movie The Princess Bride, capybaras might bring to mind “Rodents of Unusual Size,” the giant, fanged rat creatures inhabiting the film’s Fire Swamp. While adult capybaras aren’t nearly as big or ferocious as the R.O.U.S., they’re certainly an arresting sight, at least for those of us used to smaller rodents like rats, mice, and guinea pigs. But unlike the R.O.U.S., capybaras aren’t a fantasy animal. They’re genuine and make their home in certain parts of the United States and Central and South America regions. Capybaras have recently been spotted in Florida, which has caused some scientists to wonder what impact they will have.

Will Capybaras Become Orlando’s Next Pest?

While not indigenous to the United States, capybaras are sometimes kept as pets in the U.S. Some of them have been sighted in Florida rivers and swamps. Florida’s capybara population is thought to have originated from … Read Full Post »

How To Keep Pipes From Freezing Without Heat

how to keep pipes from freezing without heat

Winter often means bundling up and adding on extra layers. For homeowners, the season can also bring extra responsibilities. When temperatures dip below the freezing mark, pipes can freeze and lead to other, more serious problems.

How To Keep Your Pipes From Freezing This Winter

Since the possibility of freezing pipes only happens once a year, and relatively infrequently in warmer climates, it can be difficult to remember exactly what to do to minimize any potential damage to your home. Here at ABC Home & Commercial Services, we want to help make things easier on homeowners all year long.  Read our list of tips and steps you can take to prevent your pipes from freezing over below.

Inspect Your Home

Homeowners often ask us how to keep pipes from freezing without heat. The answer is that the same tips for keeping your pipes from freezing can also protect your home if you lose … Read Full Post »

Wildlife Rescue Organizations In Orlando

wildlife rescue Orlando

Both humans and wildlife can agree on one thing: Florida is an excellent state in which to live. However, animals can become a nuisance in new neighborhoods. Unfortunately, in these areas, animals can become injured when they are hit by cars. In these cases, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organizations serve an essential role.

Orlando Wildlife Rescue Groups

Rescue groups can help capture animals caught in bad situations, take care of their health issues, and, when possible, release them back into the wild in areas where they can live their lives safely.

Types of Wildlife In Florida

Florida is home to many wildlife because of our temperate climate and plenty of water and food resources. Below is just a handful of the many different animal species that we are fortunate to have in our area:

  • Bald Eagles
  • Florida Panthers
  • Scrub Jays
  • Manatees
  • Key Deer
  • Brown Pelicans

Fire Safety Tips To Keep Your Loved Ones Safe All Year Long

fire safety tips

Cold winter nights call for warm beverages, movie nights, and of course, curling up by the fireplace.

Keep Your Loved Ones Safe With These Fire Safety Tips

Before you light the fire and cuddle up under a few blankets, there are a few things you should consider. Read our fire safety tips below to keep your family and home safe this winter.

Perform Regular Maintenance

Both wood burning and gas fireplaces are designed to keep your family safe. Still, though, it’s important to perform proper maintenance operations before lighting the first fire of the season.

One of the first things you’ll want to do is ensure your fireplace is clear of obstructions and creosote. This can be done by a professional chimney sweep. Do this annually, before you light your first fire. Your chimney sweep will share other fireplace safety tips with you which may be particularly relevant to your home.

Once your fireplace is … Read Full Post »

Liven Up Your Home With Winter Decorations

winter decorations

Want to bring a little taste of winter inside without overwhelming your house with traditional Christmas decorations? Or perhaps you’re searching for some seasonally-appropriate decor once your presents are unwrapped and your tree is put away. Look no further – we have many ideas for winter decorations for you!

Decorate with Nature

Natural accents are the way to go if you are looking for winter decorating ideas. You might consider adding a few of the following elements to your home:

  • Choose boughs of evergreens like pine and fir to decorate your dining room table and fireplace.
  • Pinecones, with or without a dusting of artificial snow, are great around candles or as part of a centerpiece.
  • Try a glass bowl filled with acorns (caps still included).
  • For extra pizazz and staying power, use silver or gold spray paint on large dried leaves, such as those from … Read Full Post »

Hate Mosquitoes? Then You Should Love Bats

benefits of bats

When you think of bats, do you imagine vampires sucking your blood or scary Halloween decorations? If so, you might want to reconsider those preconceived notions. Bats are very misunderstood mammals that don’t hurt humans or our pets. On the contrary, these creatures serve a vital role in our ecosystem.

The Benefits of Bats

Let’s learn more about Florida’s different types of bats and their vital function. Once you know how amazing bats are, you might encourage them to move into your backyard!

Facts About Bats

Bats are small, winged mammals of the order Chiroptera and can be found worldwide. Their forelimbs (arms) have webbed wings and are the only mammals to maintain accurate flight.

The vast majority are insectivores, meaning they eat flying insects. Some species eat fruit and nectar. Only a few rare species eat living creatures other than insects. Out of 1200 species, only three feasts on blood. These bats are … Read Full Post »

It’s Not Just For Kids: Things To Do In Orlando For Adults

Things to do in Orlando for adults

When we think of Orlando, the first thing that usually comes to mind is childhood memories filled with mouse ears, candy shops, and pictures alongside your favorite Disney characters. When it comes to Orlando, the first thing most people think of is often Disney World and Universal Studios.

Our Favorite Things To Do in Orlando For Adults

Despite its association with roller coasters and face paint, Orlando is also a great place for adults. The city has restaurants, events, and outdoor activities just for grown-ups. Here are a few of our favorite things to do in Orlando:

Take In the Views

If you’re from Orlando, chances are you’ve seen every corner of Disney World. But have you ever experienced it from above? See its vast size while soaring overhead in a hot-air balloon. Riders can choose a sunrise flight for unforgettable views of Orlando’s many forests and lakes and the many theme parks throughout … Read Full Post »

Christmas In Orlando: Things To Do During The Holidays

Christmas in Orlando

Here in Orlando, we understand that we may celebrate the holidays differently than in other parts of the country. Instead of getting out our mittens and hats, we can sometimes swim on Christmas Day if the weather cooperates. Rather than snowy skies, we can enjoy the sunshine nearly year-round. Families from across the country flock to Orlando during the holiday season to escape the more wintery weather.

How We Celebrate the Holidays in Orlando

Although the weather outside is rarely frightful, we still find plenty of Christmas things to do in Orlando.

Giving Back During the Holidays

The holidays are a season for giving, and we are thankful there are many opportunities to give back to the Orlando community. Hands-On Orlando is a great organization to find volunteer opportunities for individuals, groups, and families. Children as young as three can participate with a parent, and an easy online calendar allows you to sign … Read Full Post »