ABC Blog

Cluster Flies vs House Flies

Cluster flies in house all of a sudden

In Orlando, Florida, flies are as common as freshly squeezed orange juice – especially during the hot summer months.

They’re present at every backyard BBQ, and residents have grown accustomed to shooing them away from the potato and fruit salads. But, many residents fail to realize that they often deal with more than one type of fly.

Contrary to popular belief, there are many species of flies. There are more than 20,000 species in North America alone. And while we’d love to discuss the differences between all fly species, we wanted to focus on the housefly and the cluster fly, as the cluster fly is most present in the year’s late summer and early autumn months.

Let’s take a closer look at the differences together.

Cluster Flies

Though commonly known as cluster flies, many often refer to these flying insects as attic flies.

Cluster flies emerge in the summer – but become more prevalent in and … Read Full Post »

Where Do House Flies Come From?

where do house flies come from

In warm, humid climates like we have in Houston, flies can be a real nuisance. You want them gone as fast as possible when they invade your home. This article discusses four types of flies common to our area, where they come from, and how to deal with them.

Types of houseflies

House flies are perhaps the most common flying pest in our homes. These are a half to a third of an inch in length, black or gray in color, and have translucent wings. They are attracted to garbage cans, animal feces, and fresh food.

Blowflies, also known as bottle flies, are much less common indoors but far more annoying when they appear. Similar in appearance to house flies, these are a bit larger and slower moving. Blow flies are usually associated with dead animals.

Drain flies are small brownish-black flies with dark wings and a furry, almost moth-like appearance. They tend to … Read Full Post »

The Importance of Eliminating Stagnant Water

We knew it was coming.

Pesky summer mosquitoes have Houston and Harris County homeowners running for cover this summer. The late spring floods didn’t help the already growing problems we face every summer.

It’s easy to understand why it’s so important to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds. In addition to their itchy bites, these tiny winged vampires can cause serious diseases such as West Nile virus, Dengue fever, and now Zika. As of July 21, 2016, Texas has seen 69 reported cases of Zika. Sadly, one of those cases was an infant who contracted the virus before birth. ABC has spent the first half of 2016 keeping our customers, friends, and the community updated on Zika Virus. You can rest assured we will continue to do so until this problem has been contained.

Mosquitoes are a year-round consideration.

When the weather gets colder, many people breathe a sigh of relief and forget all about these … Read Full Post »

Keeping Pests Away from Your Outdoor Parties

Zika is spread by tiger mosquitoes

Orlando residents reluctantly face an annual event: The Battle of the Backyard.

The battle pits people against mosquitoes, wasps, bees and other outdoor creepy-crawlies in an epic confrontation for land usage. Despite exhaustive research, we have found nary a trace of evidence suggesting pests recognize white flags of truce; additionally, peaceful negotiation attempts with mosquitoes over backyard rights have never reached a satisfactory conclusion. Pest control measures keep the critters out of your house, but what can you do when you invade the bugs’ turf?

Mosquito Dangers

For years Florida residents have known the dangers of West Nile virus and Dengue. Other diseases, like malaria, are not so much of a threat but are still well-known to be spread by mosquitoes. Now, we have a new danger: Zika Virus.

As of July 13, 2016, there have been 293 reported cases of Zika in the whole state. Boward, Miami-dade, and Orange counties have the highest … Read Full Post »

How to Attract Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden

butterfly garden

For many, the idea of attracting bugs is appalling. However, the reality is that many bugs are beneficial for your garden. If you have an aphid problem, a well-placed mantis or a host of ladybugs can clean that right up for you. Butterflies add attractive whimsy to the garden. Spiders may give you creepy crawlies, but they can seek out and destroy other dirtier bugs mucking up the place. Better yet, these bugs don’t nibble away at your hard-earned work — they leave you with a lush and beautiful garden to enjoy at the cost of a few tiny friends.

Know Your Friends

What makes a bug beneficial in the first place? Beneficial bugs are defined by their capacity to wreak havoc on other invasive bugs. Some, like spiders or parasitic cutworms, are predators of nasty insects. Your little army might be a one-time D-Day or hang around occupying your borders for … Read Full Post »

The Mysterious Cow Killer Ant

cow killer ant

Cow killer ants suffer from an identity crisis.

They aren’t ants and generally don’t kill anything, although their sting is painful enough to tip a cow. These are velvet ants. But their sting packs a punch, hence the “cow killer” stage name.

These insects aren’t ants at all, despite their nickname. They are a wingless species of wasp. Like other wasps, they pack a powerful sting when threatened. Orlando exterminators often get a call after area residents have found this out the hard way.

Fortunately, these insects are solitary and don’t form colonies like ants or paper wasps. Although their fearsome name suggests they regularly take on whole herds of cattle, the wasps are generally placid, living on nectar and water. However, they won’t hesitate to sting if disturbed. Because of their beautiful color and fuzzy, cuddly appearance, they often attract the attention of young would-be entomologists who want to trap the striking … Read Full Post »

Photos from ABC’s Recent Visit to A Child’s Hope in Haiti.

ABC Home and Commercial Services Charity Work

Raleigh and Dylan Jenkins in Haiti visiting the site for A Child’s Hope

ABC Home and Commercial Services is dedicated to charitable work in our community.

Charitable work in the Houston area is a fundamental value for our family business. But did you know that ABC also sponsors humanitarian work done in communities abroad? ABC Home & Commercial Services Owner, Raleigh Jenkins, is a founder and member of the Board of Directors for A Child’s Hope. The goal of this non-profit organization is to provide a safe, loving, spiritual environment for Haitian orphans who were impacted by the devastating earthquake in 2010.

The Earthquake

In mid-January of 2010, a massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti near the capital, Port-au-Prince. Port-au-Prince is home to over 900,000 people. After the initial earthquake had subsided, it was followed by two weeks of aftershocks that further-wounded an already vulnerable region.

Due to the sheer magnitude of destruction, no one … Read Full Post »

How To Sting-Proof Your Outdoor Activities This Summer

Memorial Day usually signifies the semi-official kickoff of the Summer outdoor season — it’s time to let the fun begin with picnics, backyard Bar-B-Qs and pool parties. However, nothing can derail a good time faster than a painful sting from one of the Houston area’s line up of common stinging insects.

Below are the most likely suspects, some info on where they are likely to nest and the best ways to ensure they don’t ruin your good time. It should be noted that many of the below bad bugs are very unlikely to sting you unless they perceive you as a threat to their nests or colonies.

Here we go:

Bald-faced Hornets

Aggressiveness: Bald-faced hornets are the most aggressive wasps in Georgia. Getting within 10 feet of their nests can earn you a pretty nice multi-sting welt or worse.

Where they live: Bald-faced hornets’ football-shaped nests are built of paper and usually are suspended from … Read Full Post »

Open Your Pool: The 10-step Checklist

Sit back. Relax. It’s summertime!

Every May, thousands of Houston families open their backyard swimming pools for the summer season. Opening a pool isn’t as simple as pulling off the cover and jumping in.

We have put together a checklist for our ABC family insiders.


Are they operable?
Are any of them making a loud noise?
Are they priming ok?
Are there any leaks?
Are the pump baskets intact?


Is it operable?
Is it making a loud noise?
Are there any leaks?


Check filter pressure. Your filter may need to be back washed or have the internal assemblies cleaned or replaced.
If your filter has a push/pull valve or multiport valve, do they operate smoothly?
Are there any leaks?


Is it operable?
Inspect tires, wheel bearings, debris bags, etc.


Are skimmer baskets and skimmer covers intact?
Are there any cracks … Read Full Post »

Mosquito Control in Orlando: Summer is Coming

mosquito control

Mosquito control must be a community effort.

Summer is upon us, and for many people, especially in the South, this not only means pools and relaxing days but something more: mosquito season. With the spread of the Zika virus, this mosquito season could be highly impactful in Florida, where officials have reported the most significant number of Zika Virus cases (96), 6 of which were reported in the Orange County area, and where the Aedes aegypti mosquito (Zika carrier) is abundant.

The fact that Florida has the most significant number of recorded cases of Zika in the U.S. means that the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which are prevalent here, are more likely to bite infected people and spread the virus to someone else.

How to tackle mosquito control at the local level.

Local mosquito control districts manage mosquito control. The areas that most need these districts are the ones that tend to lack funding for … Read Full Post »