ABC Blog

My Dog Has Fleas. Now What?

Have you noticed your dog scratching and biting at itself intensely? If so, you may want to check your pet for fleas. Since fleas love warm, humid climates, they can be a year-round problem in Houston. To make the situation worse, for every flea you see on your pet, there are likely hundreds more living on your carpet and furniture.

The Many Dangers of Fleas

Fleas can pose many dangers to your pet. First, fleas survive off your dog’s blood and can consume more than 12 times their body weight. This, in turn, can cause your pet to become anemic over time. In severe cases, parasitic anemia can even be life-threatening for your dog.

If your pet is susceptible to flea bites, just one bite from a flea can cause a severe reaction known as flea bite allergy. Pets with flea bite allergies experience intense itching, hair loss, inflamed skin, hot spots, and … Read Full Post »

It’s Only a Swimming Pool. What Could Go Wrong?

Summer’s over, and for many Houston homeowners, that means one thing: It’s time to close down the old swimming hole. Off-season pool maintenance is an annual chore; doing it right can be trickier than you think. Don’t make these common mistakes with your pool.

Failing to Clean It One Last Time

We know, we know: Those summer cleanings were terrible enough. What would it hurt to leave a few sticks and dirt clods over the winter?

You’d be surprised. Organic matter can quickly decay and foul the water. Worse, any algae remaining behind on warmer winter days will multiply exponentially. It’s up to you to prevent this, so get outside and:

• Turn on the filtration system
• Scoop out the bugs and fallen leaves
• Vacuum the bottom and brush down the sides to remove stubborn algae. Stop often to clean out the skimmer basket
• Backwash the filter to get rid of any acceptable debris … Read Full Post »

Tips to Prevent Pests from Entering Your Home

An infestation can be prevented with a bit of elbow grease.

Is your home or office becoming a welcome haven for pests such as roaches, ants, bed bugs, spiders, termites, or mice? While the sight of little ants crawling or spiders weaving webs can be fascinating, these insects certainly do not belong inside your home. Mice scurrying around the house and roaches raiding your pantry for food might not paint a pretty picture either. So, how do you keep your home free of these unwanted intruders? What are the most effective pest control methods that work?

Keep Your Food Supplies Sealed

Most pests eat almost anything that they can find. Free food is an excellent reason for roaches, rodents, and ants to find your home attractive. Seal your snack and cereal bags, pack away food items, and never leave dirty dishes in the sink. Ensure your trashcan has a tight lid, and immediately … Read Full Post »

How to Avoid Common Landscaping Mistakes

A beautiful landscape invites people to linger, enjoy the sights and savor the fragrances for a few moments. The only problem is that creating this kind of landscape isn’t as simple as it appears. After all, if it were easy, everyone would have one. Add to this the intense Houston climate, and a pretty landscape can seem like an impossible dream. Yet it doesn’t have to be.

All you need for a fabulous landscape is a bit of knowledge. To help you get started, websites like HGTV are an excellent resource for landscaping ideas and suggestions. Then, to ensure that you don’t make the most common landscaping mistakes, here are five tips on what to avoid:

Planting Without a Plan

Creating an attractive look requires some thought. A garden is no exception. If you’ve ever seen a landscape with plants of every color and size virtually thrown together, you have a fair idea … Read Full Post »

Flower or Fungus: How Can You Tell?

You might have trouble remembering critical differences between plants and fungi unless you’re a botanist. Don’t let this get you down. While their cell structures and metabolic processes are very different, many types of plants and fungi appear to grow and reproduce in similar ways. Consult this handy guide if you see a strange organism popping up through your lawn’s grass.

Are All Fungi Bad?

First, it’s important to note that not all fungi harm your lawn. Many species break down organic matter that can harbor grass-eating pests or give rise to weeds that choke the life out of your lawn. Indeed, many homeowners use fungi in walled-off areas to break down organic waste like sawdust, wood chips, mulch, tree droppings, and food byproducts.

Critical Types of Flower-Mimicking Fungi

Here’s some helpful science: Mushrooms are the “fruiting bodies” of the underground fungal structure known as mycelium. In other words, they’re the “flowers” of the … Read Full Post »

Plants That Attract Outdoor Pests

Are you growing a rodent’s dream buffet in your backyard?

Although it’s common knowledge that to beat your enemy in battle, you must first learn to think like them; this principle is often forgotten in the gardening world. The most common problem for gardeners is that in the excitement of planting everything they want, they forget to think of which plants their outdoor companions are silently waiting to devour once they turn their back. You may be unknowingly planting a feast outside that consists of all of your neighborhood rodents’ favorite foods, and they’ll be all too happy to invite the rest of their four-legged family over to finish off your flowers and vegetables before you ever get a chance to enjoy them.

Let’s look at the preferred snacks of rodents, such as rats, mice, voles, squirrels, and groundhogs. This is the first step in long-lasting rodent control.

Rodent Appetites

Rats have perhaps the … Read Full Post »

Pro Tips: 10 Reasons Texas Business Owners Swear by Composting and Aeration

Houston business owners who care about the environment have a lot of options when it comes to going green. Those looking to take the next step while creating beautiful outdoor areas at their places of business should consider aeration and composting. If you’re not convinced your company can benefit, check out these ten reasons why many business owners love to choose aeration and composting.

1. Aeration helps to improve fertilization and nutrient intake. When your lawn is aerated, its root system allows more room to breathe and collect nutrients. This means you can use less fertilizer and still get excellent results.

2. Aeration improves water absorption. Because lawns can get water and nutrients more quickly when they are aerated, this simple action can help reduce watering costs while allowing you to create a beautiful lawn.

3. Aeration reduces water runoff. Less water runoff means lower bills and a better environmental track record for … Read Full Post »

Hello, Sunshine! Five Perks of Going Solar

If you’re a homeowner who harnesses our warm Houston sunshine, you can revel in solar power’s five perks (six if you include the bragging rights).

1. Less Dependence on Utility Companies

When you harness solar power, you use less energy from utility companies. Solar panels may not provide all the energy you require. Still, they offer a significant amount and lessen the likelihood that you’ll suffer a complete loss of power during blackouts or brownouts.

Common sense tells you that reduced fossil fuel use reduces your utility bills; however, it could also put spare cash into your pocket. If solar power produces more energy than you use, Houston utility companies could buy the extra power from you. You win twice over.

2. Cash Incentive

Who doesn’t like tax credits? The government at federal and state levels wants you to reduce your use of fossil fuels, so they offer incentives in the form of tax credits … Read Full Post »

Bed Bugs Want Your Home for the Winter

Here comes the cold weather. It ends outdoor activities and begins an indoor migration of pests looking for somewhere to hide from the inclement weather. Bed bugs think your house would make a great winter home, and they have ways to get inside it. Once they breach your castle walls, they’re extremely hard to remove without the help of a professional pest control company.

ABC Home and Commercial Services of Houston employs the latest technology and some old-school tricks. We use a dog to check your home for bed bugs. Dogs can take one sniff and know if your home has an infestation of bloodsuckers. You might have suspicions, but our dog knows if and where bed bugs are hiding in your home.

Once we find the bed bugs, we don’t use pesticides to kill them because bed bugs hide in tiny crevices and cracks in the walls and furniture. Pesticides can’t … Read Full Post »

Signs of Infestation That Most Homeowners Miss

can termites eat concrete

If you’re like most people, you prefer to live in an environment that’s sheltered from the elements and has an adequate food supply. Unfortunately, many pests share your desire for a cozy home. Because they are small and often difficult to spot, you can have quite an infestation before you notice that pests have invaded. However, knowing what to look for, you can better defend yourself against unwanted intruders.

Is it an infestation or a minor problem?

Termites come in two varieties: subterranean and dry wood. The subterranean species make their home in the soil, leaving it to feed. The dry wood species prefers to invade wood floors, furniture, and house frames, living out their lives within the invaded structure. Many homeowners never know they have an infestation unless they see them swarming. Other signs are less obvious but may allow you to detect a problem sooner. One such sign is the … Read Full Post »