ABC Blog

Landscaping Tips To Help Lower Your AC Bills This Summer

It’s summertime in Houston, so the list of survival essentials looks something like this: 1.) water, 2.) food, 3.) air conditioning … and after that, not much else matters. So, how do you keep your AC running efficiently and minimize the chance that it breaks during the hottest day of the year?

Starting outside with the AC condenser
There are several things homeowners can do to maintain their central ac system, but one of the easiest is to start outside. The condenser unit is the big box (some are round) outside that is loud and can be obtrusive, so a lot of people like to landscape around it to hide it from view and cut down on the noise it produces.

The condenser’’s job is to cool down the refrigerant in the system and turn it from a hot vapor back into a cool liquid. The more quickly and completely your … Read Full Post »

5 Ways That You’re Attracting Pests (Even If You Don’t Know It)

Although you probably already know that leaving food lying around is a good way to attract pests, you might be surprised by all of the things that can encourage insects and rodents to establish residence in your home. Take a look at these five common things that attract pests; by following these tips, you can help eliminate critters from your home.

1. There’s Moisture in Your Home

Insects love moisture, so check all of your plumbing to make sure you don’t have any leaks. Any water in your home should be dealt with as soon as possible to discourage pests and prevent property damage.

2. You Have Damaged Screens

Small imperfections in your window and door screens might not seem like a big deal, but many insects can crawl their way through surprisingly tiny holes, so don’t give them that chance. If your screens have holes, you should replace them right away.

3. You Have … Read Full Post »

Protect Your Pets from These Pests

Everyone that owns a dog or a cat knows the importance of treating them for fleas and keeping a close watch for ticks in the area. These are the two prime pests to be vigilant about when you’re a responsible pet owner, but they aren’t the only ones. Pets are resilient, but they are at much greater risk of harm from insects and other critters than people. If you want to make sure your pets are protected, here are some other pests you should know about.


These blood suckers are also disease-carrying machines. Everyone is aware of the West Nile Virus dangers that mosquitoes can pose to humans, however, they also carry multiple disease that can harm your pets. The West Nile Virus can also impact your pets with the same flu-like symptoms and potential damage to the nervous systems that humans exhibit. Add to that potential threats such as heartworms … Read Full Post »

Winter Lawn Care Don’ts

As the warm weather begins to fade, your lawn’s need for seasonal maintenance doesn’t. Not quite. Although winter is a kind of lawn dormancy, neglecting winter care means your lawn is much less likely to flourish in the spring. With that in mind, here are some winter lawn care don’ts:

Don’t Let Debris Accumulate

Winter yard work can be unpleasant, but debris can ruin your lawn. Leaves, toys, and other items can damage your lawn by smothering the grass. Additionally, some debris will provide cover for troubling pests, including burrowing insects and rodents. Once the problems find a home in your lawn, severe damage to your property can occur.

Don’t Damage Your Turf

A healthy lawn is highly resilient during the active growing season, but dormant grass is easily damaged. According to Louisiana State University’s College of Agriculture, filling and aeration can disrupt your lawn during the winter.

Don’t Forget to Mow

Mowing during the late … Read Full Post »

Why Commercially Available Pesticides Might Be a Bad Idea

If you’re like many people, your first reaction to a pest control situation might be to head to your favorite mass-market retail store, searching for pesticides to help eliminate the infestation. Although these products can work in some cases, it’s generally a better idea to seek the help of a professional. These are just a few reasons commercially available pesticides can be bad.

They’re Costly

Even though it might seem like store-bought pesticides make pest control more affordable than hiring a professional, these products’ costs can add up. Few people see accurate results the first time they purchase sprays and traps; most buy bottle after bottle in hopes of getting rid of their pest-related issues.

They Often Don’t Work

Unfortunately, commercially available pesticides generally don’t work as well as pest control companies products. Many don’t treat certain species of insects or don’t work well in general. This can be frustrating and leave you with … Read Full Post »

Year-Round Efficiency with ABC’s Preferred Service Plan

It may surprise you that most people don’t have anyone inspect their HVAC system until something goes wrong. Maybe it doesn’t surprise you because this is exactly how most homeowners treat their heating and cooling. Unfortunately, this maintenance-free approach to central heat and air often leads to inefficiency, costly repairs, and more expensive energy bills. If you’re ready to get the most out of your HVAC system, ABC’s Preferred System Plan can help.

Catch Problems Before They Occur

Can you imagine only performing car maintenance when the check engine light comes on? Most people understand the importance of regular inspections and oil changes. However, they fail to see that their home’s heating and cooling system needs the same attention. Changing the filters regularly is essential, but it isn’t the whole ball of wax. By getting regular inspections, you can catch problems before they occur, meaning you won’t have to wait frantically for … Read Full Post »

Compost Piles: Do They Attract Insects?

One of the easiest ways to get rid of kitchen scraps and other organic waste from around our homes is to compost. Maintaining a healthy compost pile doesn’t take much space or attention. The benefit is nutrient-rich soil that develops in just a few months and can be used to improve soil in gardens and around the yard.

Composting reduces the amount of solid waste that would otherwise go to landfills. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that 20% to 30% of what we throw away is organic material that can be composted. By composting, we get good soil and cut down on what goes to landfills.

A compost pile doesn’t need fancy equipment, just a space in your yard or garden that isn’t too wet or too sunny so that the organic materials will get the right amount of air and water to decompose quickly. The climate in the Houston area … Read Full Post »

Businesses and Biometric Security

Houston businesses must be vigilant when it comes to their security protocols. At ABC Home & Commercial Services, we have developed several access control systems that can be used to keep a business protected from intrusion. One of the most essential modern-day aspects of security lies in biometric systems. The use of biometrics for identification purposes has existed in one form since at least the late 19th century. We’ve used the technology behind biometrics to introduce practical, flexible, identity-based solutions that work. Here are some of the ways biometric security can benefit a business.

Increased Protection

If you employ only a lock-and-key system to protect your business, what happens when you run afoul of an expert lockpick? One of the most essential advantages of biometric security systems is that they provide another level of protection. The more you can do to keep your data, assets, and secure information safe from intrusion, the … Read Full Post »

Is That Spider a Troublemaker?

No one likes to see spiders in their home, but it’s essential to understand which of these eight-legged pests is dangerous for you and your family. After all, making this distinction will make it easier for you to determine whether or not it’s appropriate to scream when a tiny arachnid unexpectedly appears in your living room.

The Most Dangerous Spiders in Texas

There have been several news stories about venomous spiders finding their way to unexpected regions by hitching a ride in produce. However, for the most part, Houston residents only need to worry about two dangerous arachnid family members. Unfortunately, both terrifying pests have a habit of being found indoors and outdoors. Because of this, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with the brown recluse and the black widow.

Black Widow: The venom that the black widow injects into its intended prey is a highly dangerous neurotoxin that has led … Read Full Post »

Caught Between a Web and a Hard Place

If you have long been afraid of spiders, you will likely look for signs of infestations during all seasons of the year. Arachnids, however, are savvy creatures and can often begin building nests in out-of-the-way locations. Before you’ve had time to respond, you’ll be dealing with an infestation that can be very tough to eradicate. By checking for spiders in hidden areas, you can ensure that your house remains free of pests (and keep your anxiety from exploding into full-blown arachnophobia).

Furniture Items

Though spiders most commonly spin webs in the rafters, a rarely moved piece of furniture may also make a lovely home. Couches or chairs that have remained in one place for several weeks should be closely examined. In nearly all instances, the critters will be found on the underside of the upholstery.


Sinks are perfect havens for spiders that are looking to breed. The cabinet areas underneath sinks usually feature … Read Full Post »