ABC Blog

Plants That Attract Outdoor Pests

Are you growing a rodent’s dream buffet in your backyard?

Although it’s common knowledge that to beat your enemy in battle, you must first learn to think like them; this principle is often forgotten in the gardening world. The most common problem for gardeners is that in the excitement of planting everything they want, they forget to think of which plants their outdoor companions are silently waiting to devour once they turn their back. You may be unknowingly planting a feast outside that consists of all of your neighborhood rodents’ favorite foods, and they’ll be all too happy to invite the rest of their four-legged family over to finish off your flowers and vegetables before you ever get a chance to enjoy them.

Let’s look at the preferred snacks of rodents, such as rats, mice, voles, squirrels, and groundhogs. This is the first step in long-lasting rodent control.

Rodent Appetites

Rats have perhaps the … Read Full Post »

Pro Tips: 10 Reasons Texas Business Owners Swear by Composting and Aeration

Houston business owners who care about the environment have a lot of options when it comes to going green. Those looking to take the next step while creating beautiful outdoor areas at their places of business should consider aeration and composting. If you’re not convinced your company can benefit, check out these ten reasons why many business owners love to choose aeration and composting.

1. Aeration helps to improve fertilization and nutrient intake. When your lawn is aerated, its root system allows more room to breathe and collect nutrients. This means you can use less fertilizer and still get excellent results.

2. Aeration improves water absorption. Because lawns can get water and nutrients more quickly when they are aerated, this simple action can help reduce watering costs while allowing you to create a beautiful lawn.

3. Aeration reduces water runoff. Less water runoff means lower bills and a better environmental track record for … Read Full Post »

Hello, Sunshine! Five Perks of Going Solar

If you’re a homeowner who harnesses our warm Houston sunshine, you can revel in solar power’s five perks (six if you include the bragging rights).

1. Less Dependence on Utility Companies

When you harness solar power, you use less energy from utility companies. Solar panels may not provide all the energy you require. Still, they offer a significant amount and lessen the likelihood that you’ll suffer a complete loss of power during blackouts or brownouts.

Common sense tells you that reduced fossil fuel use reduces your utility bills; however, it could also put spare cash into your pocket. If solar power produces more energy than you use, Houston utility companies could buy the extra power from you. You win twice over.

2. Cash Incentive

Who doesn’t like tax credits? The government at federal and state levels wants you to reduce your use of fossil fuels, so they offer incentives in the form of tax credits … Read Full Post »

Bed Bugs Want Your Home for the Winter

Here comes the cold weather. It ends outdoor activities and begins an indoor migration of pests looking for somewhere to hide from the inclement weather. Bed bugs think your house would make a great winter home, and they have ways to get inside it. Once they breach your castle walls, they’re extremely hard to remove without the help of a professional pest control company.

ABC Home and Commercial Services of Houston employs the latest technology and some old-school tricks. We use a dog to check your home for bed bugs. Dogs can take one sniff and know if your home has an infestation of bloodsuckers. You might have suspicions, but our dog knows if and where bed bugs are hiding in your home.

Once we find the bed bugs, we don’t use pesticides to kill them because bed bugs hide in tiny crevices and cracks in the walls and furniture. Pesticides can’t … Read Full Post »

Signs of Infestation That Most Homeowners Miss

can termites eat concrete

If you’re like most people, you prefer to live in an environment that’s sheltered from the elements and has an adequate food supply. Unfortunately, many pests share your desire for a cozy home. Because they are small and often difficult to spot, you can have quite an infestation before you notice that pests have invaded. However, knowing what to look for, you can better defend yourself against unwanted intruders.

Is it an infestation or a minor problem?

Termites come in two varieties: subterranean and dry wood. The subterranean species make their home in the soil, leaving it to feed. The dry wood species prefers to invade wood floors, furniture, and house frames, living out their lives within the invaded structure. Many homeowners never know they have an infestation unless they see them swarming. Other signs are less obvious but may allow you to detect a problem sooner. One such sign is the … Read Full Post »

The Worst Rodent Infestations in History

roof rats

Rodents have lived alongside humans since the earliest days of civilization, and they continue to be a significant pest. Rats and mice eat human food and contaminate the house with their droppings. They are also very destructive and can chew through nearly anything, including a house’s walls and foundation. Although rodents are found anywhere humans live, a few places have had historically awful infestations. Here are some of the worst rodent infestations in history:

Medieval Europe

During the Crusades, Asian black rats began migrating into Europe in ever-increasing numbers. They brought along the fleas that carried the bubonic plague, which devastated Europe. Their numbers became so overwhelming that the profession of rat-catching had to be invented to deal with them.


When explorers began traveling to Australia, they inadvertently brought mice on their ships. The mice, facing few natural predators and plenty of easy food, began to reproduce rapidly, and to this day, they … Read Full Post »

Winter Prep Tips for Your HVAC System

At ABC Houston, we understand that our friends and neighbors depend on their furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps to get through the winter months. The more prepared your system is, the more comfortable you’ll be. Here are eight steps to prepare your HVAC system for the heating season.

1. Get Reversible Ceiling Fans

During the cooling season, fans help your air conditioners run efficiently by circulating the air that collects near the ceiling. During the heating season, a fan with a reverse setting can do the same for your furnace. For best results, invest in an Energy Star-rated fan.

2. Use a Humidifier

If your home has a forced-air heating system, you’ll find that your indoor air may become uncomfortably dry. A humidifier will help you breathe easier by replacing that lost moisture.

3. New Filters

A dirty filter reduces the efficiency of your furnace by blocking air flow and may lead to other maintenance problems. … Read Full Post »

The Stink on Stinkbugs

stink bug problems orlando

Seeing a stinkbug can cause undue panic and stress in any homeowner.

These pesky visitors are the ones that you would never want to see anywhere close to you. What makes them so icky and frightening? With years of evolution, these pesky insects have developed the remarkable ability to ward off intruders with the most ghastly-smelling liquid. Developed as a defense mechanism against predators, stinkbugs or shield bugs can mistake you for one and spray you with a nasty liquid from their tiny glands. Apart from the dreadful odor, there are many other reasons why a stinkbug infestation warrants immediate pest control. Not only are they highly resilient, but these insects can make themselves very comfortable in your property’s dark and deep crevices.

Are Stinkbugs Harmful?

They don’t bite you, nor do they have venom. But they can stink to the point of leaving you in extreme discomfort. The next time you face … Read Full Post »

Best on the Block: Top 10 Design Ideas to Light Up Your Home for the Holidays

Aren’t you sure what to do with your home for the holidays? Check out our top 10 ideas for transforming your Houston home into a stunning seasonal success.

1. Emphasize existing landscape features and the graceful branches of deciduous trees by illuminating them with ground-level flood lights. Use existing landscape lighting or modular spotlights to highlight wreaths and green decorations. Fill fountains, urns, and birdbaths with gazing balls or evergreen boughs to maximize their seasonal appeal.

2. Think about your landscaping before you decorate. Watch for decorative plants that will complement your holiday display. Treat landscape shrubs in late fall to protect them and keep them looking healthy all season. Evergreens, hollies, and berry-producing shrubs are ideal for incorporating into your holiday display.

3. Place greenery, topiaries, garlands, and evergreen wreaths on entryways, windows, mailboxes, columns, and porches. These items will look beautiful during the day before the timer activates your lights.

4. Add … Read Full Post »

Top 5 Ways to Keep Raccoons Away

Though they are often admired for their ability to pilfer food from garbage cans in the dead of night, raccoons can be quite dangerous. They are known to spread disease, injure family pets and inflict property damage that can be expensive. However, these ingenious critters can be kept far away from family residences with the following five tips.

1. Secure All Trash Receptacles

Raccoons are widely known for their talent. For example, sliding aside a partially open garbage can lid is quite easily accomplished. For this reason, property owners will want to secure all trash receptacles fully. Kitchen garbage cans and other interior food sources should also be sealed—plenty of verified stories of raccoons entering homes through pet doors and gobbling up unsecured food waste.

2. Reduce Nesting Areas

Because raccoons do not build their dens, they search for places to raise a family. Attics, basements, crawlspaces, and any other nooks and crannies that … Read Full Post »