ABC Blog

How To Know if You Have Bed Bugs

a bed bug crawling on a finger

So you’ve woken up covered in itchy, red bites. Or maybe you simply have suspicious-looking red spots on your skin that aren’t itchy—yet. Could you have a bed bug problem? Most people live in fear of bed bugs, which is understandable. Once they infest an area, these pests are notoriously hard to eliminate. Learning how to know if you have bed bugs will help you determine what’s going on. Then, if you do have a bed bug problem, you can decide on the best way to get rid of them.

The first sign of bed bugs that most people notice is small, red, itchy bites on the skin. These bites typically show up in the morning, since bed bugs are nocturnal. This means they are most active at night, under the cover of darkness. Bed bugs feed on the blood of humans and other animals. They take advantage of our nighttime … Read Full Post »

I Have Tiny Black Mosquitoes in My House

a tiny black mosquito biting someone

If you spend any amount of time at all outside, you are going to encounter mosquitoes. That is just a fact of life. However you might be wondering why you are suddenly seeing a smaller version flying around inside your house. These tiny bugs are mosquitoes, but not necessarily the types that you might recognize.

Typically, you will find Southern house mosquitoes, which are light brown. Smaller varieties are not native to the United States and have distinctive differences from their native cousins. And be warned: These types of mosquitoes, collectively known as Aedes mosquitoes, love to snack on humans.

And these bugs can bring more problems that a little sting on the skin. The Aedes varieties also carry viruses such as Zika, dengue, chikungunya and more.

This grouping of mosquitoes lays its eggs in any water source, which is why they are called “container breeders.” Even a quarter-inch of water is enough … Read Full Post »

Why Do I Have Mustard Algae in My Pool?

a pool with mustard algae growth

Summer is almost here, which means it is time to enjoy some sun in your backyard. However, if your pool water is cloudy, you may need to think twice before jumping in. The yellow-brown substance covering your pool may not be dirt or sand but mustard algae.

While it may not seem like a big deal, mustard algae in your pool can create a major headache for homeowners. It is particularly challenging for homeowners living in the warmest areas of the United States. Yet this menace can show up anywhere.

Yellow algae, another name for mustard algae, is bad for the water quality in your pool. Too much algae can lead to unhealthy levels of deadly bacteria like E. coli in your pool.

Spotting yellow algae does not need to spoil your summer, but you need to act fast to deal with this issue. If you have questions like how to clean algae … Read Full Post »

Common Signs of a Roach Infestation

A roach crawling on the ground

The sight of a roach inside your house is a feeling of dread many homeowners across the United States know well. Roaches are a common pest control challenge for homeowners, regardless of how clean their homes are.

These pests may sneak into your home and hide out for a long time before you ever find evidence of their presence. Roaches like American cockroaches or German cockroaches are known to spread disease. These pests are a threat to the comfort and health of your family.

Any homeowner who has dealt with a roach problem knows how difficult it is to get rid of these pests once and for all. You may also be wondering, “Why are roaches so hard to kill?” or “Does vinegar kill roaches?” Learning more about the common signs of a roach infestation can help you spot these infuriating insects before you find a roach in your home.

What Are the … Read Full Post »

How Do Mosquitoes Survive Winter?

a group of mosquitoes flying around in the spring

Sometimes, it seems like mosquitoes can live forever and are indestructible. It’s easy to think that way when they are buzzing about in the spring, summer and early fall, snacking on people and pets at will. However, the pesky pests actually do have a finite life and don’t thrive in certain conditions.

Mosquitoes are insects, and insects are cold-blooded, meaning they cannot regulate their body temperature. That means they take their warmth from their surroundings, and they do not do well as the mercury drops.

They live their best life when air temperatures are around 80 degrees, so they are active all year in tropical climates. In areas where there is more of a change in temperatures throughout the year, mosquitoes struggle. At 60 degrees, the insects start to become lethargic, and at 50 degrees, they can’t function. However, mosquitoes don’t just die when the air turns bitter cold.

Mosquito Survival Tactics

When low … Read Full Post »

Types of Bees in Texas

bees on a piece of wood

Springtime in Texas is an enjoyable season to get outside and relax in your yard. But as a homeowner, you may be concerned by the presence of bees around your house. Most homeowners are surprised to learn that most bees are not dangerous for humans and play an important role in our ecosystem.

By understanding more about the different types of bees that live in Texas, you will be better prepared to keep your family safe from bee stings.

The Most Common Types of Bees in Texas

Across Texas, there are many different types of bees, including some that are native and others that migrated here. All bees may appear the same from a distance, but up close, there is huge diversity in the bee population.

Some of the most common types of bees in Texas are honey bees, bumblebees, mason bees and carpenter bees. Some of these bees prefer their time alone while … Read Full Post »

How To Identify Bed Bug Eggs

two bed bugs next to an egg

If you wake up in the morning with red bites on your body, your home may have bed bugs. Bed bugs can be a major hassle to homeowners, and this is a much more common issue than you might expect.

But how would you know if your home has bed bugs or other pest problems, like mosquitoes? By better understanding the appearance of bed bug eggs, the life cycle of bed bugs and the habits of adult bed bugs, you will be empowered to address this problem.

It’s best to get professional bed bug control help as soon as you suspect bed bugs. Experts can put a stop to bed bugs so that you and your family can sleep in peace again.

If you are asking yourself questions like, “Do bed bugs fly?” or “How do bed bugs get in my house?” keep reading.

Learning the Life Cycle of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are unique … Read Full Post »

Your Guide to Popular Pool Resurfacing Options

a backyard pool

If you have lived in the area for long, you know that summer and even late spring can range from warm to scorching hot. When the mercury rises, it can be difficult to even imagine spending time outdoors unless it involves a way to cool off. That is where a backyard pool can be a lifesaver. The idea of jumping into the cooling water of your very own pool is a dream come true.

Of course, pools are not only essential in such a warm climate, they also serve as a beautiful focal point for your yard. Additionally, they can increase your home’s value should you ever be in the market to sell. But like everything else related to a home, pools come with their fair share—or more—of work. Not only keeping leaves out of the water and maintaining the proper chemical balance. The surface of your pool likely will eventually … Read Full Post »

How to Pressure Wash Your Fence

a fence that has been pressure washed

Is your fence looking a little worse for wear? Because it is exposed to the elements all day, every day, it will eventually start to look worn and dirty. If you live in an area with extreme heat or cold, cleaning the fence might be needed more often, maybe as often as twice a year. Cleaning off the grime is essential especially if you plan to paint or stain the fence to freshen it up.

The idea of scrubbing each plank by hand probably doesn’t sound very appealing. Maybe you have considered using a pressure washer to get the fence looking its best again. Before you pick up a machine and start spraying, there are several things to consider.

First, remember that the first word in the phrase is “pressure.” And your fence isn’t contained to just your space. You have a neighbor or a road or a forest or something on … Read Full Post »

What Does a Termite Mud Nest Look Like?

Termites crawling in dirt

Termites. Even the word can make a homeowner shudder and feel anxious. This idea of this pest taking up residence brings up thoughts of extensive damage—and cost. Termites generally feed on wood, but they also snack on insulation, pool liners, books and paper. Knowing what to look for and how termites operate will help you make smart decisions if you come across them.

How To Tell You Have Termites

You might see what looks like flying ants around your home, but don’t be so sure. They could be termite swarmers. You may also find dead swarmers on a windowsill. If you aren’t sure whether the insects you are seeing are termites, contact a pest control professional to get the answers. Learning how to spot signs of termites in your home is actually pretty easy.

Subterranean termites live below ground, so you wouldn’t be able to find a termite mud nest. Instead, what you … Read Full Post »