ABC Blog

Help Save Honey Bees from Colony Collapse Disorder

Rest easy, Austin. Pest control measures and saving bees from impending doom can coexist.

Reports vary, but Colony Collapse Disorder kills between 30% and 90% of our bee population each year. The Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency recognize CCD as a serious concern, yet conflicting information results in public mass confusion. Pest control chemicals can affect bees when applied carelessly, but Austin residents can both live without pests and save the bees.

What is CCD?

Worker bees, those industrious workers that collect nectar, fly off to work and don’t return. They die away from the hive, which leaves the queen and young bees alone. Queens and baby bees can’t maintain the colony and the entire colony collapses. This is CCD, and it’s often mistaken for pesticide poisoning, which has a definitive cause resulting in many dead bees in and around the hive.

USDA and EPA researchers have strong leads regarding the … Read Full Post »

If You Love a Good Kite Festival, Thank the Twidwells

It Wouldn’t Be Springtime Without Them

Early March means kites—hundreds of them soaring high in the Austin skies. This sight is a joy for all, but those who come to this annual springtime tradition may not realize how many times in recent years the popular Zilker Kite Festival, a favorite since its inception in 1929, came close to being discontinued.

The Springtime Place to Be

From its earliest days, the festival has consistently grown in popularity. Today, it ranks among the top five festivals across the nation, drawing over 20,000 visitors every spring. The colorful kites, great food and numerous vendor booths do more than bring joy to the hearts of Austin residents. The festival is also pivotal in raising money for the benefit of local charities across the city. Could something so constructive and well-loved ever have been in danger?

Sadly, the answer is yes.

A Festival at Risk

The festival may be free to … Read Full Post »

Art from an Anthill?

New viral videos spring up all the time, but one involving fire ants has really managed to capture people’s imaginations. Instead of showing the pests swarming around a field or invading someone’s home, the video shows an artist pouring molten aluminum into an anthill to create an incredible sculpture of sorts. It’s called anthill art, and it’s creating a lot of buzz. Some folks are enthralled by the gorgeous sculptures, which look a lot like metal Christmas trees, while others are upset that entire fire ant colonies are destroyed in the process (even though fire ants are technically an invasive species). No matter how you feel about the subject, there’s no denying the awesome artistic results.

What’s Under There?

Have you ever seen an anthill and wondered what lies below the surface? There are obviously tunnels and chambers where the ants carry on their day-to-day business, but what do they really look … Read Full Post »

Lower Your Heating Costs with These Fail-Safe Tips

Winter expenses like home heating and holiday gifts tend to pile up quickly, and so there’s a chance that, like most people, you’re running a little low on cash this time of year. By following these tips, you can lower your heating costs immediately and with little effort.

Have Your Furnace Inspected

For safety reasons and to save money, it’s important to have your system carefully inspected before using it. A qualified technician will clean and inspect your motor, blower, fan and other components of your system to ensure that it works correctly and efficiently.

Hire Someone to Inspect and Clean Your Ducts

There’s a good chance that your ducts have leaks and holes in them, which result in wasted heat and higher bills. Ducts also get dirty and clogged, which can cause them to operate less efficiently. Arrange to have your ducts inspected and cleaned by an HVAC expert to lower your bills, … Read Full Post »

Interior Paint Finishes: Do They Matter?

If you’re planning on painting the walls inside your home, you’ve probably put a lot of thought into choosing the perfect paint color. Although the color is important, you should also take your time in choosing a paint finish. The finish that you choose will have a major impact on the final result, so consider the best uses for different paint finishes to make your home look exactly the way you want.


Flat paint is one of the more common choices for interior painting. It has a matte finish, so it doesn’t have any shine to it at all. Flat paint is great for walls that have a lot of imperfections, but it can be almost impossible to clean and isn’t suggested for high-traffic areas or households with children.


As one of the best options for many homes, an eggshell finish has a slight sheen to it but isn’t as glossy as … Read Full Post »

When Should Your DIY Warrior Surrender?

If you love doing your own work around the house, you might not like the idea of hiring a professional handyman to help you with an upcoming project. To save money and keep yourself safe, however, it’s important to ask yourself these essential questions before tackling a big job on your own.

Do You Have the Necessary Skills?

If you don’t have the necessary skills to complete a job well, you might be unhappy with the results, and you could have to spend a lot more money and time redoing the job or hiring a professional to redo it for you.

Does the Project Require Costly Equipment?

Although it’s certainly possible to save a lot of money by doing some of your own work, this isn’t always the case. If an upcoming project requires costly tools and equipment that you don’t have, you’re probably better off hiring a pro instead of spending hundreds or … Read Full Post »

Take That Remodeling Job Outside in Time for Spring

Living in the gorgeous city of Austin can present many wonderful opportunities for exciting backyard parties, family nights, events and more. Why not indulge in your very own backyard? After all, nothing can be more spontaneous and refreshing than being outside, close to the nature and its beautiful elements.

Making practical additions to the exterior of your home and adding just a few backyard touches can both work wonders for the aesthetic appeal and real estate value of your property. When it comes to creating the perfect outdoor sanctuary, the sky is the limit.

A Screened Deck Can Be a Welcoming Idea

Imagine spending lazy afternoons reading on your gorgeous deck while your children are playing their favorite board games. Rain or shine, you’ll be able to enjoy your home and garden without ever being confined indoors. Having a deck, complete with an outdoor mini-kitchen, can be ideal for entertaining family and friends. … Read Full Post »

How to Properly Remove a Tick

Ticks are tiny, spider-like parasites that fasten themselves to your pet’s skin to feed on its blood. Although these creepy little critters prefer to feed on the blood of animals, they’ll attach themselves to people if necessary. Typically, they can be found in areas where there are a lot of trees or underbrush.

Tick Prevention

Since ticks can carry diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, you’ll want to do your best to prevent them from hopping on you or your pet. Products such as Frontline and Advantix can help to prevent ticks from collecting on your dog or cat. Additionally, the following tips can help keep ticks at bay as well.

• Stay away from heavily wooded areas.
• Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors.
• Tuck your pants into your socks.
• Wear light-colored clothing.
• Spray insect repellent on yourself and your pet when outdoors.
• Keep your pet away from … Read Full Post »

Help Your Landscape Spring into Warm Weather

Like many people, you probably feel the urge to freshen up your home when spring rolls around again. Spring cleaning is well and good, but it shouldn’t be reserved strictly for inside the home. By taking a little time to prepare your landscape for the summer, you’ll have an easier time maintaining it throughout the long, hot season.

Have you ever noticed how some people’s yards seem to instantly look terrific after warm weather returns? They tend to be the ones who get out there right away to prepare their landscapes for the summer. Even if you’re conscientious about raking and otherwise getting your yard ready for the winter, there are things that should be done to help everything spring back to life more easily.

Clean Up the Yard

It’s amazing how much debris and litter can end up in a yard over the winter. This is the time to be fastidious about … Read Full Post »

Why Is That Mouse in My House?

Having pests in your home is always a troublesome experience, and you probably aren’t pleased by the idea that there are mice and rats living in the house alongside your family. Understanding a bit more about what causes these infestations and how to get rid of them, however, can help you handle your own pest control problem.

What Causes Rodent Infestations?

There are actually quite a few reasons why rodents enter homes. Many of them look for warm homes to find shelter from the cold, and some simply look for places that offer food, water and other necessities. Having a dirty and unsanitary home can cause rodents as well, although even clean, clutter-free houses are susceptible to infestations.

How Can You Tell If You Have Mice or Rats in Your Home?

There are several things that you can look for if you think that you might have a rodent infestation:

• Mouse or rat droppings … Read Full Post »