ABC Blog

Pest Picnic: The Foods You’re Accidentally Feeding Rodents

Hidden ways you feed and attract rodents

Even though you go to great lengths to keep rodents away from your home, you could be inadvertently welcoming them by not being careful enough with leftover food. Here are some common foods that rodents eat and ways to keep these pests away.

Foods That Bring Rats into Your Yard

Open garbage cans are a rodent’s favorite place to snack. These places are filled with all kinds of foods, especially old meat and scraps of cooked goodies. As these items begin to rot, they become extremely appealing to gluttonous rodents. To avoid these problems, it’s important to seal all garbage in a closed plastic container.

Fruits and berries that fall to the ground from trees in the yard will attract mice and rats as well. To stop attracting these vermin, it’s important to rake up and collect any fruit that has fallen. The only way to totally … Read Full Post »

Five Everyday Activities That Could Be Destroying Your Plumbing

Every day, you might be making some simple mistakes that could be destroying your plumbing. As much as you might like to become best friends with the plumbers in Austin, we’d like to offer some helpful tips to avoid major plumbing disasters.

Some plumbing issues are just annoying, while others can actually pose a hazard to your family’s health. Minor issues quickly escalate into expensive ordeals if not dealt with properly. Follow these tips to avoid learning the hard way.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Hair clogs are a common cause of blocked drains in showers, bathtubs and sinks. Avoid brushing your hair right over the sink, and always put the hair from your comb or brush directly in a trashcan. When washing your hair, be mindful of the hair that you lose, and gather it after each shower or bath. Keep a small trashcan nearby so that you can quickly dispose of the … Read Full Post »

Need Some Extra Cash? Take a Look at Your Tank

Don’t let your hot water heater drain you out of house and home

How much hot water do you use each day? You’re probably not running your tap nonstop, so what is your water heater doing the rest of the time?

If it’s the normal, tank-type variety, it’s probably pretty busy. Nobody puts in a requisition for hot water. With no idea of when you’re going to want it, your heater must stand at the ready, keeping the water continually toasty in case you make a request.

It does this by making steady demands on your energy supply. If it didn’t keep working around the clock, the water in the tank would not remain hot for long.

What if you never had to waste energy keeping your water hot? What if you could heat it on demand at the moment you need it?

With a tankless water heater, that’s exactly what you can do.

The Workings … Read Full Post »

Flower Power! The Year’s Most Colorful Landscaping Trends

Whether you add it with foliage, flowers or focal points, your garden needs color in each season. Here are some color trends for this year’s landscaping.

Flower Power!

Deep purples, metallic colors, and lime greens are bold colors in landscaping this year, while bright yellows, deep reds and hot pinks are always welcome.

Wildflowers blossom throughout the year in Central Texas, and the Texas bluebonnets are a popular tourist attraction. They’re a great example of flowers that require little maintenance and bloom spectacularly year after year. Using plants that are adapted to the climate in Central Texas allows you to spend less time watering and more time enjoying.


Flame acanthus flowers are a wonderful red-orange color and make a hot spot in your landscape. They attract hummingbirds almost as readily as they draw our own eyes. They do just fine with no watering, but a little splash now and then causes them to bloom … Read Full Post »

Financing Home Improvements: Making Changes Without Breaking the Bank

Making improvements to your home is a great way to boost its overall value while creating a more comfortable, livable space. For many Austin homeowners, remodeling also provides a great way to control energy costs and cut down on utility bills. Unfortunately, many homeowners feel overwhelmed by the costs associated with a remodeling project. If you’re considering remodels or upgrades but don’t know if you can afford them, take some time to explore your financing and savings options.

Exploring Financing Options for Home Improvements

It’s no secret that many home remodeling projects carry hefty price tags. Whether you want to put in a new air conditioning system or need to have a bathtub replaced, you’ll likely need to work with a professional who can complete the work on your behalf. While you will have to pay for the services of a professional, it’s important to remember that you do have great financing … Read Full Post »

What Do Nocturnal Insects Do During the Day?

What You Need to Know About Nocturnal Pest Control in Austin

Unless you’re a night owl, you might not spot many of the insects that infest your home and damage your garden. That’s because some of Central Texas’s worst insect pests are nocturnal critters that emerge from daytime hiding spaces to feed and cause havoc. Learn more about some nocturnal pests and their day-walking counterparts.

Common Nocturnal Pests and Their Daytime Activities

Several species of cockroach bedevil Central Texas homeowners. At night, they forage through indoor living areas and eat just about any organic matter that they can find. Their favorite foods include starchy foods, meat and sugary substances as well as “inedible” items like leather, wallpaper paste and certain types of glue. During the day, they may hide in natural habitats like garden beds and wood piles or artificial spaces like cracks and crevices within basement foundations. In general, their daytime hiding … Read Full Post »

Battling Bed Bugs: A Pest Built to Reproduce

Until recent years, many homeowners and travelers believed that bed bugs were no longer a threat. Thanks to the use of DDT in the ’40s and ’50s, few bed bugs remained in the U.S. until recent years. Unfortunately, this troublesome pest has made a comeback. With the resurgence of bed bug infestations across the nation, many homeowners wonder what makes these pests so hard to eliminate.

What Makes Bed Bugs So Resilient?

Any homeowner who has dealt with a bed bug infestation knows that it can feel as if it’s impossible to get rid of these pests. If you’re facing bed bug problems, it’s important to understand this pest’s lifecycle. Though the bed bug lives a short life, it’s able to reproduce rapidly. This means that infestations can grow out of hand quickly, leaving so many bed bugs behind that it’s very hard to kill them all.

The bed bug’s life is comprised … Read Full Post »

Replace or Repair Your Appliances: How You Can Decide What’s Best

Every homeowner knows the feeling of trying to coax service out of an appliance that doesn’t quite work. Maybe your air conditioner is kicking out lukewarm air or your stovetop can’t maintain even heat. When it comes time to decide what to do with problem appliances, you may be unsure if you should replace them or have them repaired. Instead of stressing over the decision, use our simple guidelines to determine if it’s time to call in the handyman or make a trip to the appliance store.

Should You Choose Appliance Repair or Replacement?

It’s important to take several factors into consideration when deciding to repair or replace an appliance. First and foremost, you’ll need to look at the service life expectancy for the appliance. For example, most dishwashers are expected to provide about 10 years of service. If you’re at or past that mark, it’s probably a good time to replace … Read Full Post »

Help Save Honey Bees from Colony Collapse Disorder

Rest easy, Austin. Pest control measures and saving bees from impending doom can coexist.

Reports vary, but Colony Collapse Disorder kills between 30% and 90% of our bee population each year. The Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency recognize CCD as a serious concern, yet conflicting information results in public mass confusion. Pest control chemicals can affect bees when applied carelessly, but Austin residents can both live without pests and save the bees.

What is CCD?

Worker bees, those industrious workers that collect nectar, fly off to work and don’t return. They die away from the hive, which leaves the queen and young bees alone. Queens and baby bees can’t maintain the colony and the entire colony collapses. This is CCD, and it’s often mistaken for pesticide poisoning, which has a definitive cause resulting in many dead bees in and around the hive.

USDA and EPA researchers have strong leads regarding the … Read Full Post »

If You Love a Good Kite Festival, Thank the Twidwells

It Wouldn’t Be Springtime Without Them

Early March means kites—hundreds of them soaring high in the Austin skies. This sight is a joy for all, but those who come to this annual springtime tradition may not realize how many times in recent years the popular Zilker Kite Festival, a favorite since its inception in 1929, came close to being discontinued.

The Springtime Place to Be

From its earliest days, the festival has consistently grown in popularity. Today, it ranks among the top five festivals across the nation, drawing over 20,000 visitors every spring. The colorful kites, great food and numerous vendor booths do more than bring joy to the hearts of Austin residents. The festival is also pivotal in raising money for the benefit of local charities across the city. Could something so constructive and well-loved ever have been in danger?

Sadly, the answer is yes.

A Festival at Risk

The festival may be free to … Read Full Post »