ABC Blog

Are Rats Smart?


Do you have a rat problem in your home? The first thing you’ll likely want to know is how to control these annoying pests. However, it’s important to recognize that rats are smart creatures with savvy survivalist instincts.

Rats use their intellect to adapt to their surroundings, communicate with each other, avoid threats, solve problems and more. Homeowners need to understand that rats are smart and that controlling a rat population is not simple. It’s best to leave the job to a professional pest control service.

Are Rats Smart?

Did you know that rats are considered very smart animals? Their intellect is part of why controlling rats can be challenging. The rodents are excellent at using their wits to stay out of sight and avoid traps.

Rats also use their intelligence to adapt and find ways to survive in rough and changing circumstances. They have great survival instincts and practice extreme caution in unfamiliar … Read Full Post »

How to Fertilize a Tree

a tree in a yard

Trees are worthwhile investments, bringing your property to life and boosting curb appeal. But if you want them to thrive and keep looking their best, you have to give them the TLC they deserve. That includes fertilizing them. Fertilizing trees requires technical know-how because different trees have unique requirements. It helps to know what fertilizer to use, how much to apply and how often.

If you’re unsure of how to fertilize a tree, here’s an in-depth guide to help you. However, it’s better to get tree care specialists to assist you with tree maintenance for the best results. They will identify the trees on your property and fertilize them according to their needs.

How to Fertilize a Tree: Fertilizer Types, Correct Amount and Application

There’s no need to worry if the soil on your property is short on nutrients. Fertilizers can compensate for that, providing the necessary nutrients for trees to flourish, flower … Read Full Post »

Best Time of Day to Fertilize Lawn

fertilizing a lawn

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lawn, watering is only one part of the equation. It’s also important to routinely fertilize your lawn to provide it with the nutrients it needs to grow. Proper fertilization techniques can keep your lawn looking green and lush all year long.

If you need help properly fertilizing your lawn, contact a local lawn care specialist. They can do the job for you, so you have one less thing to consider.

Best Time of Day to Fertilize Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn is crucial for maintaining lush, green grass. However, it’s important to fertilize your lawn correctly to avoid burning it. Fertilizer burn, which happens when your lawn has been over-fertilized, kills grass and damages your soil,.

One of the best ways to avoid fertilizer burn is to apply fertilizer at the right time of day. The best time of day to fertilize your lawn is in the morning.

When … Read Full Post »

Tree Pruning Versus Trimming

a pro trimming a tree

As a homeowner, you know that proper tree maintenance is important to having a beautiful and healthy property. However, do you know the different techniques required to maintain your trees?

Many homeowners confuse or interchange the concepts of tree pruning and trimming. However, they are two different things with different purposes and outcomes.

Working with an arborist is the best way to maintain your trees’ beauty and vitality. They have the right tools and knowledge to trim or prune your trees without damaging them.

Tree Pruning Versus Trimming

Do you know the difference between tree pruning and trimming your trees? While both tree maintenance methods are similar, they have different purposes.

Trimming primarily refers to an immediate need to be addressed and is usually only in reference to one specific or a few branches. Examples of trimming include removing a broken branch, trimming low hanging branches over a sidewalk and trimming back the end of … Read Full Post »

When Is Mosquito Season in Texas?

a group of mosquito

Mosquitoes can be a nuisance when you are trying to enjoy time outside. Not to mention, these pests can spread diseases. Many types of mosquitoes carry diseases like the Zika virus, yellow fever and the West Nile virus.

Mosquitoes are usually the most active during the warmer months of the year. They thrive when it is consistently at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside and in areas with standing water or moist climates. Unfortunately, Texas has one of the longest mosquito seasons in the country. Several factors can affect mosquito activity from year to year. For one, mosquito populations rise when there are warm temperatures early in the year and when it stays warm at night. Mosquito activity can also increase in years with lots of rainfall, since there is more of an opportunity for females to lay eggs.

In Texas, temperatures can stay warm far into fall and even winter months. This … Read Full Post »

My Toilet Won’t Flush and It’s Not Clogged

a toilet

Toilets serve an important role in our households. We usually take them for granted, only realizing how convenient they make our lives when they stop working. It’s troublesome if you notice your toilet that won’t flush.

If your toilet won’t flush and it’s not clogged, there’s probably something wrong with one of its components. If you can’t get it working, it’s time to seek professional help. A licensed plumber has the tools and expertise to tackle your toilet troubles.

What To Do When the Toilet Won’t Flush and It’s Not Clogged

The most common reason a toilet won’t flush is a clog. Finding wads of toilet paper or a missing toy is not unusual. But if you’ve checked and there are no obstructions, it’s time to examine your toilet’s internal parts. Something might be broken or have come loose, causing the flushing system to malfunction.

You can follow these troubleshooting steps to find the … Read Full Post »

I Have Rusty Hot Water: What’s Wrong?

a water heater

Imagine coming home after a long day and hopping in the shower. You turn on the water, expecting a comforting warmth to envelope you. But instead, rusty hot water splashes down and covers you from head to toe. No, your house probably isn’t haunted. But, you most likely have a plumbing issue that needs immediate attention.

Before you worry too much, it’s a common problem that many other homeowners experience. You can troubleshoot it yourself if you’re confident in your DIY skills. But it’s best to let a professional plumber take over if you want to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

What to Do When You Have Rusty Hot Water at Home

It’s concerning when rusty hot water gushes out of your shower or faucet. It looks and smells terrible. The good news is it’s likely not health-threatening. The worst it can do is stain your dishes and laundry. But, that … Read Full Post »

Low Maintenance Modern Front Yard Landscaping Ideas

a front yard

While homeownership has its perks, it’s no walk in the park. It can feel like there are a million things to manage inside and outside the home. When times get busy, yard maintenance is often the first to fall through the cracks. If yours is starting to look unruly, maybe it’s time to update it with a low-maintenance look.

With low-maintenance landscaping, you can save yourself hours of yard work. Not only is it practical, but you will have a beautiful yard you can show off to your neighbors and guests. If you need extra help, contact a landscaping specialist.

Too Busy to Maintain a Yard? These Low-Maintenance Modern Front Yard Landscaping Ideas Can Help

As life gets busier, more homeowners turn to low-maintenance modern front yard landscaping. If you want to do the same, the ideas below can help transform your yard into a hassle-free oasis.

But before you get started, think about … Read Full Post »

How Do Generators Work?

Can you name one activity you do at home that doesn’t need electricity? Even hobbies like reading require turning on the light. That’s how dependent we are on power.

When the electricity at home goes out, everything comes to a halt. We feel unproductive, bored and helpless. That’s why many homeowners choose to have a standby generator installed. With a generator, your home will have electricity during a power outage, allowing your family to continue their daily routine.

If you’re interested in getting a generator for your home, here’s everything you need to know about this equipment. If you are ready to invest in a generator, contact a licensed electrician to install it.

How Do Generators Provide Your Home With Electricity?

Generators are complex appliances, but we’ll break them down so you’ll know how generators work. Standby generators wait until the electrical power supply to a home is disrupted. The generator system has an … Read Full Post »

How To Identify a Vole Versus a Mouse

a mouse

Do you know how to identify a vole, pictured above, versus a mouse? Both rodents are common pests that homeowners may deal with on their property, so it’s important to understand the key differences between the two species. While voles and mice look similar, there are also several differences in their appearance, lifestyle and behaviors that homeowners can use to tell them apart.

How To Identify a Vole Versus a Mouse

As a homeowner, being in the dark about the pests invading your property is frustrating. The best way to control unwelcome house guests is to educate yourself about what type of pest you are dealing with and how to treat them.

Common rodent species that are easy for homeowners to mix up are voles and mice. The good news is that learning how to identify a vole versus a mouse is pretty easy. Understanding a few key differences in their appearances, lifestyle … Read Full Post »