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Can Carpenter Ants Sting?

a carpenter ant

Carpenter ants are menacing ants that make bad house guests. It’s natural for homeowners to fear that carpenter ants sting. However, these pests do not sting. Instead, they may bite humans when they feel threatened.

Can Carpenter Ants Sting?

Carpenter ants are large, black ants that are bigger than other common ant species, so it’s normal to wonder if carpenter ants sting. Carpenter ants cannot sting, but they can bite.

However, getting bitten by a carpenter ant is a rare experience. These pests are not aggressive by nature, and they do their best to avoid contact with humans. Carpenter ants only bite in self-defense when they feel threatened, which may occur if you attempt to handle them or disturb their nest.

If you get bitten by a carpenter ant, it’s reassuring to know that their bites are typically not harmful. You may experience mild discomfort and burning, but it typically goes away on its … Read Full Post »

What Do Red Fire Ants Eat?

a group of red fire ants on a rock

With their bites and destructive behaviors, red fire ants are a headache for homeowners. Red fire ants can take over lawns, gardens and sidewalks, building unsightly mounds to grow their colonies.

From their underground fortresses, they march into flower beds, snack on cat food and raid your pantry for anything sweet like honey, syrup or soda. And if you don’t deal with them, their colonies can multiply like crazy.

These insects hate the cold, so they mostly live in warmer climates, where the temperature is just right for nesting. If you’ve seen reddish-brown ants marching in long, determined lines, chances are, red fire ants are making themselves at home. When this happens, it’s time to contact pest control professionals for help controlling red fire ants.

What Do Red Fire Ants Eat?

For starters, red fire ants aren’t picky eaters. Just like the tawny crazy ant, red fire ants will devour almost anything. Their ability … Read Full Post »

Why Are There So Many Mosquitoes in Dallas?

Dallas, Texas skyline

As homeowners in Dallas, Texas, know we have large mosquito populations. Unfortunately, our city offers the conditions that mosquitoes love: warm, humid weather, plenty of rain and mild winters.

Contact a pest control service if you’re dealing with a mosquito problem on your property.

Why Are There So Many Mosquitoes in Dallas?

Mosquitoes thrive in hot and humid climates, so Dallas is an ideal home for these pests.

Dallas has so many mosquitoes because the city has warm weather nearly year-long, with summertime temperatures consistently over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Dallas also enjoys fairly mild winters, which allows mosquitoes to have an extra-long breeding season.

Cold weather can significantly reduce mosquito populations, which is why they like to reside in warmer places like Dallas.

Another factor is humidity. Mosquitoes require moisture to breed, and humid air creates the perfect damp environment. In Dallas, humidity remains high in the spring, summer and fall seasons. Mosquitoes can reproduce and … Read Full Post »

How to Fix Squeaky Stairs

stairs in a home

Squeaky stairs are a nuisance. Besides disrupting the peace during quiet moments at home, they indicate that your stairs need maintenance. Thankfully, fixing them typically isn’t hard. It may be as simple as a loose tread, worn wedges or protruding nails. Understanding the cause of the noise is the first step to a quiet staircase.

Identify the Source of the Squeak

Before you can fix the noise in your stairs, you need to know what’s causing it. Start by enlisting the help of a friend or family member and follow these steps.

Pinpoint the Problem Area

Have someone walk up and down the stairs while you listen for creaks. Focus on the exact steps or joints making noise. Stand at the center of the stairs and gently rock side to side, followed by front to back.

If the squeak comes from the front of the stairs, the tread has come loose from the riser. If … Read Full Post »

What is Crown Molding?

crown molding

Whether you’re looking to add something special to a room or upgrading an entire house, crown molding is a simple way of adding elegance. It is especially useful for making small rooms feel larger. With crown molding, the ceiling can look higher and the windows can look taller. Installing it on your own can be difficult, so it’s best to call in a professional handyman for help.

What is Crown Molding?

Crown moldings, or cornices, are decorative elements used where walls meet ceilings. They typically feature a gentle curve with attractive designs to create a smooth transition between vertical walls and horizontal ceilings. Crown moldings are made from various materials, including plaster, wood and composite materials (polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene, vinyl or PVC).

Additionally, crown moldings help hide building imperfections, including drywall joints, poor painting or wall cracks. They also make rooms feel bigger by making ceilings appear higher and windows larger.

That said, … Read Full Post »

Are Termites Attracted to Light?


Termites are elusive pests that are hard to spot, which is why it’s important for homeowners to learn as much as possible about their behavior. Whether or not termites are attracted to light is a common question because homeowners often spot flying termites around light sources.

Some termites are attracted to light, but turning your lights off is not an effective way to deal with a termite problem.

Are Termites Attracted to Light?

Are termites attracted to light? The answer is yes, termites are attracted to light when they are swarming.

Swarming can occur during the spring and summer when swarmer termites leave their colonies to mate and start new colonies. Unlike soldier and worker termites, swarmer termites have wings and will find a mate in the air.

If there is an active termite colony on your property during swarm season, you may see a termite swarm or notice the aftermath of a termite swarm. … Read Full Post »

What Bird Builds Nests on the Side of the House?

a house sparrow

Ever woken up to chirping right outside your window, only to find a messy nest tucked under your eaves? While birds bring charm to the outdoors, their nesting habits can wreak havoc on your home. You might worry about damage to your home, health risks or the mess they leave behind. Knowing what birds build nests on the side of the house and how to handle them makes it easier to protect your property.

What Birds Build Nests on the Side of the House?

Several bird species are known for their tendency to build nests on or around houses. Identifying the culprit can help you tailor your deterrent strategies.

House Sparrows

These non-native birds, pictured above, are highly adaptable to urban environments. They favor building messy, globular nests made of grass, string, paper and twigs in any available opening, including vents, gutters and eaves.

European Starlings

Like house sparrows, starlings, pictured above, are non-native birds that … Read Full Post »

Are Raccoons Nocturnal?

a raccoon

Some people find raccoons adorable, while others think they are terrifying. Whatever you think, most of us can agree that we don’t want raccoons taking over our property. These intelligent and curious creatures can quickly become nuisances, raiding garbage bins and creating messes in our yards. They can also damage our homes and gardens, and carry rabies and leptospirosis.

Even if you find these masked, bushy-tailed creatures cute, keeping them off your property is important. Contact wildlife control specialists if you have raccoons loitering in your yard. These professionals have the tools and expertise to manage their population and determine them from your property. They can also answer other pest-related questions like, “ How many times can a skunk spray?”

Here’s What You Should Know About Raccoons

If you suspect raccoons are wreaking havoc in your yard but you can’t catch them in the act, that might be because of their sleeping habits. … Read Full Post »

Can Weevils Fly?

a weevil on a leaf

Weevils are tiny beetles known for infesting dried foods such as grains and flour. But can weevils fly? The answer depends on the species.

Weevil infestations spread rapidly, so it’s important to act quickly if you spot weevils in your food. Throw the infested food away immediately, clean out your pantry and call in a pest control specialist to control the weevil population.

Can Weevils Fly?

Can weevils fly? The answer is not cut and dry, as some weevil species can fly and some cannot. However, the two weevil species that commonly infest pantry items, the rice weevil and the maize weevil, do fly.

One way that weevils can reach your panty items is by flying. They can also enter a home if you have purchased a package at the grocery store that they have infested. They enter your home by flying through your vents, windows or doors and then find their way to … Read Full Post »

Do Birds Eat Cicadas?

a bird

Are you seeing an uptick of cicadas around your yard? These noisy pests come out in droves during the warmer months.

Many bird species enjoy eating cicadas because they are abundant during the summertime. Their size makes them easy to trap and provides nutritional value to birds.

It’s also important to know that having too many birds on your property has downsides. Birds are noisy, can cause property damage, and may become aggressive when they feel threatened.

Do Birds Eat Cicadas?

Many bird species do eat cicadas, including chickadees, bluebirds, cardinals, sparrows, woodpeckers, crows, hawks and more. Birds are carnivores that seek high-protein meals, which cicadas can provide. Cicadas are also easy for birds to catch, especially in the summer months when they’re everywhere.

If you’ve noticed an influx of pesky cicadas on your property, birds may help keep the population in check. However, even though birds may help reduce the number of cicadas on … Read Full Post »