Can Carpenter Ants Sting?

Carpenter ants are menacing ants that make bad house guests. It’s natural for homeowners to fear that carpenter ants sting. However, these pests do not sting. Instead, they may bite humans when they feel threatened.
Can Carpenter Ants Sting?
Carpenter ants are large, black ants that are bigger than other common ant species, so it’s normal to wonder if carpenter ants sting. Carpenter ants cannot sting, but they can bite.
However, getting bitten by a carpenter ant is a rare experience. These pests are not aggressive by nature, and they do their best to avoid contact with humans. Carpenter ants only bite in self-defense when they feel threatened, which may occur if you attempt to handle them or disturb their nest.
If you get bitten by a carpenter ant, it’s reassuring to know that their bites are typically not harmful. You may experience mild discomfort and burning, but it typically goes away on its … Read Full Post »