ABC Blog

What We Love About Houston

Things to do in Houston

Everyone knows that Austin has live music, San Antonio has the world-famous Riverwalk, and Dallas is all about luxury shopping. Meanwhile, Houston residents know that while maybe not as flashy as the other cities in Texas, their city has quietly become one of the best cities in which to live in the entire country.

Let’s take a look why we are glad to call Houston home. With a vibrant economy, beautiful open spaces, world-class museums, star-studded sports teams, and a long list of fantastic things to do in Houston, we at ABC Home & Commercial Services are thankful to live and work in such a great city.

Big City, Big Money

As Texas’ largest city, Houston has a thriving economy, with the tech, energy and construction sectors remaining healthy and driving growth. In fact, Houston is second only to New York in headquartering Fortune 500 businesses.

With the healthy economic outlook, as well … Read Full Post »

How To Decorate Your Home For Christmas [INFOGRAPHIC]

How to decorate your home for Christmas

The holidays are a truly magical time of year.

That said, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to make Christmas special. Before the stockings can be hung by the chimney with care, the box with the Christmas ornaments needs to come down from the attic, the Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations need to be put away, and the house needs to be ready for all your holiday gatherings and guests.

We here at ABC Home & Commercial Services want to help you get ready for the holiday season. We’ve compiled a list of Smart Christmas Decorating Tips so you can spend your precious time doing the things that matter most.

If you need a helping hand this holiday season, know that you can count on us.

From all of us here at ABC, we wish you a Christmas full of special memories.


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Your Holiday Playlist

Holiday playlist

Nothing screams holiday cheer like warm chocolate chip cookies, decorative lights, and, of course, festive music. And while the radio constantly plays beloved classics like Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” and one of the many popular renditions of “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree”, we wanted to think outside the box this year. That’s why we put together our first-ever holiday playlist and included a few Texas-themed tunes to set it apart from the rest.

Grab a cup of warm cocoa, pull up a seat by the fire, and listen to our playlist below. This is a holiday treat you won’t want to miss!

ABC Home & Commercial Services Holiday Playlist


Here’s what’s in our holiday playlist:

  • “White Christmas” – Bing Crosby
  • “Big Ole Texas Christmas” – Phil Vassar with Ray Benson
  • “Christmas Day” – Beach Boys
  • “Christmas Time in Texas” – Dale Watson
  • “Blue Christmas” – Elvis
  • “When It’s Christmas Time in Texas” – George … Read Full Post »

How To Throw The Perfect Backyard Party

backyard party ideas

Now that the weather is cooling down, it’s the perfect time of year to host a party in your backyard. You and your guests can relax outside without the sweltering heat or hovering mosquitoes.

Backyard Party Ideas

Though the idea of hosting a party sounds fun, many of us find it overwhelming. All the cooking, decorating, setup and cleanup can seem like a huge chore. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With a little planning, you can host and enjoy the perfect backyard party. Follow these tips to reduce the extra work and amp up the fun.

Think through your party plan

Before sending your invitations out and setting a date, sit down and think about your party plan.

  • Consider choosing a theme for the party and start collecting ideas. Start a Pinterest board (public or secret) to collect backyard party ideas. Don’t get intimidated. This is just one way to get started.
  • What … Read Full Post »

ABC Houston Cares About Its Employees

ABC Houston community

For over 30 years, ABC Home & Commercial Services has helped make life easier for Houston residents.

There’s a reason that ABC is the largest independently-owned and operated pest company in the state. We have built a reputation as a business which cares about the environment and the communities we serve, in addition to providing superior customer service. Most importantly, ABC customers know they can rely on us to get results.

As part of ABC’s commitment to the communities we serve, we believe in providing good, stable jobs. We hire only the best of the best and perform background checks on all our employees. We know that our customers value consistency and that they appreciate seeing the same crews on their property, time after time.

ABC customers can count on our employees to be reliable, but they can also trust that our employees are experienced and highly trained. Having long-term employees means that … Read Full Post »

Best Holiday Lights in Houston

Christmas lights in Houston

School has just started, and Halloween is still around the corner.

Savvy homeowners know that the first signs of autumn mean it’s time to start thinking about holiday light displays. To properly deck your home with lights and festive decorations takes time and planning.

To get you in the proper holiday spirit, let’s look at some of the best Christmas lights in Houston and the surrounding areas.

Public Holiday Light Displays in Houston

First of all, let’s explore a few noteworthy public displays in the area (some of these have an entry fee).

Zoo Lights at the Houston Zoo (Hermann Park, begins in November): Each year the Houston Zoo hosts a dazzling light display with animal sculptures, lights in the trees and colorful projections. Tickets can be purchased online or at the gate.

Dickinson Festival of Lights (Dickinson, from Nov. 26 – 30, 2016): A free holiday light display you can walk through, with free parking … Read Full Post »

Where Do House Flies Come From?

where do house flies come from

In warm, humid climates like we have in Houston, flies can be a real nuisance. You want them gone as fast as possible when they invade your home. This article discusses four types of flies common to our area, where they come from, and how to deal with them.

Types of houseflies

House flies are perhaps the most common flying pest in our homes. These are a half to a third of an inch in length, black or gray in color, and have translucent wings. They are attracted to garbage cans, animal feces, and fresh food.

Blowflies, also known as bottle flies, are much less common indoors but far more annoying when they appear. Similar in appearance to house flies, these are a bit larger and slower moving. Blow flies are usually associated with dead animals.

Drain flies are small brownish-black flies with dark wings and a furry, almost moth-like appearance. They tend to … Read Full Post »

The Importance of Eliminating Stagnant Water

We knew it was coming.

Pesky summer mosquitoes have Houston and Harris County homeowners running for cover this summer. The late spring floods didn’t help the already growing problems we face every summer.

It’s easy to understand why it’s so important to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds. In addition to their itchy bites, these tiny winged vampires can cause serious diseases such as West Nile virus, Dengue fever, and now Zika. As of July 21, 2016, Texas has seen 69 reported cases of Zika. Sadly, one of those cases was an infant who contracted the virus before birth. ABC has spent the first half of 2016 keeping our customers, friends, and the community updated on Zika Virus. You can rest assured we will continue to do so until this problem has been contained.

Mosquitoes are a year-round consideration.

When the weather gets colder, many people breathe a sigh of relief and forget all about these … Read Full Post »

Photos from ABC’s Recent Visit to A Child’s Hope in Haiti.

ABC Home and Commercial Services Charity Work

Raleigh and Dylan Jenkins in Haiti visiting the site for A Child’s Hope

ABC Home and Commercial Services is dedicated to charitable work in our community.

Charitable work in the Houston area is a fundamental value for our family business. But did you know that ABC also sponsors humanitarian work done in communities abroad? ABC Home & Commercial Services Owner, Raleigh Jenkins, is a founder and member of the Board of Directors for A Child’s Hope. The goal of this non-profit organization is to provide a safe, loving, spiritual environment for Haitian orphans who were impacted by the devastating earthquake in 2010.

The Earthquake

In mid-January of 2010, a massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti near the capital, Port-au-Prince. Port-au-Prince is home to over 900,000 people. After the initial earthquake had subsided, it was followed by two weeks of aftershocks that further-wounded an already vulnerable region.

Due to the sheer magnitude of destruction, no one … Read Full Post »

How To Sting-Proof Your Outdoor Activities This Summer

Memorial Day usually signifies the semi-official kickoff of the Summer outdoor season — it’s time to let the fun begin with picnics, backyard Bar-B-Qs and pool parties. However, nothing can derail a good time faster than a painful sting from one of the Houston area’s line up of common stinging insects.

Below are the most likely suspects, some info on where they are likely to nest and the best ways to ensure they don’t ruin your good time. It should be noted that many of the below bad bugs are very unlikely to sting you unless they perceive you as a threat to their nests or colonies.

Here we go:

Bald-faced Hornets

Aggressiveness: Bald-faced hornets are the most aggressive wasps in Georgia. Getting within 10 feet of their nests can earn you a pretty nice multi-sting welt or worse.

Where they live: Bald-faced hornets’ football-shaped nests are built of paper and usually are suspended from … Read Full Post »