ABC Blog

Open Your Pool: The 10-step Checklist

Sit back. Relax. It’s summertime!

Every May, thousands of Houston families open their backyard swimming pools for the summer season. Opening a pool isn’t as simple as pulling off the cover and jumping in.

We have put together a checklist for our ABC family insiders.


Are they operable?
Are any of them making a loud noise?
Are they priming ok?
Are there any leaks?
Are the pump baskets intact?


Is it operable?
Is it making a loud noise?
Are there any leaks?


Check filter pressure. Your filter may need to be back washed or have the internal assemblies cleaned or replaced.
If your filter has a push/pull valve or multiport valve, do they operate smoothly?
Are there any leaks?


Is it operable?
Inspect tires, wheel bearings, debris bags, etc.


Are skimmer baskets and skimmer covers intact?
Are there any cracks … Read Full Post »

Mosquitoes Are A Post-Flood Problem

houston flooding brings more mosquitoes to residential neighborhoods

Photo Credit: Houston Chronicle

Harris County and the Houston metro area have seen a major increase in flooding over the past couple of years. This past weekend through Monday saw disastrous torrential rainfall, totaling close to 20 inches in some northern parts of the metro area, near Cypress Creek. During these highly troubling weather events, we urge our customers’ and their families to stay off the roads.

The floodwaters may be subsiding, but another problem comes with high volumes of rain: mosquitoes. This year, health dilemmas like Zika Virus and weather patterns like El Niño and La Niña are compounding the mosquito issues Southeast Texas residents face every year. As summer quickly approaches, one bad flood after another may spur earlier than usual mosquito problems for Houston residents.

Why do mosquitoes like these conditions?

Mosquitoes are like all other insects in that they begin life as a larva. The most common types … Read Full Post »

Why Do Termites Swarm In Houston?

termites damage to home

Termites are an ongoing problem for Houston homeowners. Flourishing in the warmth and humidity of East Texas, they establish large colonies and get right to work eating the wood in our homes and landscaping. Springtime marks termite mating season when termites swarm to find new locations where they can establish additional colonies.

What are termites?

Termites are small insects that live in colonies and feed on organic matter, particularly the cellulose found within the wood. In nature, they play an important role in helping decompose fallen trees. In your home, however, they can be destructive creatures that can weaken structures and damage foundations.

There are three main types of termites in the US:

  • Formosan Subterranean Termites
  • Native Subterranean Termites
  • Drywood Termites

Native subterranean termites eat everything from paper to cotton to wood. Because of their biology, they rely on microbes to help digest cellulose, so they are drawn to areas with rotting wood, such as mulch and … Read Full Post »

5 Questions & Answers about Zika in Houston

Zika is spread by tiger mosquitoes

Zika Virus FAQ’s

Zika Virus has been in the news a lot lately. Zika is still rare in the U.S. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stay informed.

The health and safety of our neighbors are what inspired the Jenkins family to get into this business over 30 years ago. Mosquitoes spread diseases like Zika, so it is part of the ABC mission to keep our customers in Harris County and beyond informed. We’ve put together a list of questions and answers about Zika, travel, and mosquito diseases.

Question: Where did Zika Virus originate?

Answer: Most sources indicate that Zika originated in Africa. That is also where the carriers of the disease, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, originated. Mosquitoes and the diseases they carry travel the world like most pests — via human transport. Chances are, a few infected mosquitoes were transported from Africa along trade routes around the world, and those insects reproduced.

The disease is … Read Full Post »

4 Rodent Species Houston Residents Should Know

Every Year NPMA declares one week in November Rodent Awareness Week.

It is important to us that our neighbors stay in the know. Rodent Awareness Week 2015 is a great time to brush up on your rodent knowledge so that you can keep your home free from rats and mice. The more you know, the better you can protect yourself and your family.

Houston has a pretty well-documented roof rat problem and has for a few years now. The wet cool months of November-March are when we get the most calls for help with rodent control in Houston, Texas.

4 Rodent Species To Look Out For In Houston

Deer Mice

These are brown-bodied mice with pointy noses, small ears, and
short brown and white bellies and tails. Deer mice mature at 7 weeks and can rapidly reproduce, which is why even just one mouse could signal an infestation. If you find a deer mouse, a nest, … Read Full Post »

Brown Patch Lawn Fungus on the Rise in Houston

Have you ever noticed beige patches of dead-looking grass interrupting your lush green lawn? The name of this turfgrass disease is a no-brainer: Brown Patch.

Brown Patch is technically classified as a summer lawn disease. However, our Houston Lawn Specialists have noticed an increase in reported cases in the fall due to excessive lawn watering in an effort to battle the overly rough weather conditions Houston experienced during the past few months.

Brown Patch derives from a disease called Rhizoctonia, which is a fungus that thrives in warm, humid climates (sound familiar, Houston?). It lives in plant debris, or thatch, and enters plants through wounds caused during mowing. In most cases, grass can go several months before showing any sign of disease, but trust us, it is growing beneath the surface – and fast.

Brown Patch damage first appears in your lawn as circular areas of brown, dead grass surrounded by … Read Full Post »

5 Great Indoor Activities For Summer Fun in Houston

If you’re a Houston parent, keeping your children cool during the hot summer is likely a huge priority. More extended periods of direct sunlight and high humidity can harm children, who are more susceptible to heat-related illness and dehydration than adults. Not to mention the crankiness factor. Do you really want to hear your child complain about being hot all day?

Fortunately, indoor family activities can allow you and your kids to add a little variety to summer vacation while staying cool. We are lucky to live in a city with a great selection of kid-friendly museums, indoor play places, and arts and crafts centers.

So, when the family needs a break from the pool or the playground, beat the heat with a few of these indoor alternatives.

1. Sky Zone Sports

photo by Clintus McGintus
Sky Zone offers kids the opportunity to release some energy. The indoor trampoline park features one area … Read Full Post »

Mosquitos Drive Your Cat Nuts, Too

We care for our pets as we do our own children. They rely on us for food, shelter, safety, healthcare, and, most importantly, love and companionship (which they share with us in return). Our furry family members have many of the same needs as we do when it comes to keeping them healthy and safe.

Whether you are taking a trip to the dog park or hanging out around the yard, it is important to know what to look out for in terms of insects and parasites that can make your pet ill. Animals have allergies, skin sensitivities, and are susceptible to many of the same preventable illnesses as humans. In the summer, common pests like mosquitos, wasps, bees, and ticks can all cause harm to our cats and dogs.

Mosquitos Put Your Dog at Risk for Heartworms
Mosquitos are not only an annoyance for pets and people. They also carry heartworms, which … Read Full Post »

No More Bed Bugs for One Houston Grandma

Raleigh Jenkins and Houston grandmother Audrey Coffey on the day of bed bug inspection

The opening of the Astrodome and the lunar landing are just a couple of our city’s defining moments that 90-year-old Audrey Coffey has witnessed in her lifetime as a Houston resident. She has raised three children in our city, and those children now have kids of their own. Like the Jenkins of ABC Home & Commercial Services, there are three generations of Coffey’s, which is something both our families can be thankful for. Mrs. Coffey has lived in the fifth ward house where she raised her children since 1946, but for the last year, her home had a problem that caused her both physical and emotional distress – bed bugs.

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How to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Smoothly All Summer

You work hard all day. You come home after sitting in traffic and…your house is a hot, steaming mess! The air conditioner isn’t working. This is one of the worst things that can happen to Houston residents during the summer.

But it can be prevented.

All you need to do is give your air conditioning unit a little Texas love and hospitality.


Houston, We Have a Problem. Don’t Take Your Air Conditioner for Granted.

Texans love air-conditioning in summer, so it’s important to perform regular maintenance. Don’t forget that your AC system has working parts that need attention.

Many people forget about the AC filter. Your AC filter needs to be changed every three months for your unit to work optimally (which saves energy costs!).

It’s just like an oil change for your car. In fact, it’s wise to just do both at the same time. That’ll help you remember.

A lot of people also forget that … Read Full Post »