ABC Blog

In the News: Tiny Wasps Cultivated Here in Texas for Use as a Citrus-Saving Weapon

While you no doubt love having your citrus trees, you’ve probably noticed that you aren’t the only one in the neighborhood who enjoys easy access to fresh fruit. Insects like the Asian citrus psyllid have been wreaking havoc in Texan citrus fields and home gardens, but pesticides may not be the best answer. Mass spraying tends to have pretty nasty side effects, and some species may even develop tolerance to such chemicals. Fortunately, a local lab is taking clues from nature by cultivating a non-stinging wasp that is a highly effective deterrent.

What’s Wrong with Psyllids?

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, wouldn’t be such a problem if all it did was suck sap out of new shoots on various citrus tree species. Unfortunately, these tiny bugs also create a toxic byproduct that mangles some buds and kills off others, preventing trees from growing out properly. As if this isn’t bad enough, … Read Full Post »

5 Ways to Prepare Your Yard for Autumn

landscaping houston, lawn care houston

Summer is over, but it’s not quite a time to hang up your lawn tools for the year. Here are the final five lawn care tasks you need to complete before winter:

Remove Dead Leaves Immediately

Raking your leaves might sound common sense, but many homeowners put it off until all their trees are completely bare. Trees can drop leaves for more than a month, and they’ll pile up. After a good rain, those leaves will become damp and heavy, and you’ll have difficulty blowing or raking them into a pile.

Try to remove dead leaves at least once a week as soon as they begin dropping, and you’ll split up an enormous task into manageable chunks. Dead leaves will also prevent grass from receiving sunlight, which will decimate your lawn after a few weeks. Fungus and mold will also take their toll.

Eliminate Weeds on Your Lawn

Most plants begin to conserve nutrients in … Read Full Post »

Seasonal Pet Safety: Tips for Keeping Furry Family Members Healthy this Summer

cat dog bees wasp stung mosquito safety

Hot weather can be brutal for humans and pets alike. If your furry family members could speak, they would ask that you keep these suggestions in mind this summer.

1. “Please give me extra water.”

Indoor and outdoor pets need additional fluids during hotter months. An automatic dispenser is ideal for pets that live outside. Indoor pets should have an extra water bowl available in an emergency.

2. “Please do not leave me in the car.”

Temperatures inside vehicles can quickly exceed the century mark. Even leaving a window cracked may not be enough to ensure your pet’s safety once temperatures outside reach 70 degrees. Leave pets at home if you go somewhere. They won’t be welcome.

3. “Protect me from tiny enemies.”

Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes take over the yard in warmer months. Fleas can be difficult to eliminate once indoors, ticks can carry Lyme disease, and mosquitoes can cause life-threatening heartworms. In addition to … Read Full Post »

Cloudy Pool Water Woes

It’s finally summer, so you, your family, and all the kids in the neighborhood want to use your pool. But if you’ve been neglecting it all winter, it might need a little tune-up before anyone will want to jump in. But if you’ve already spent hours with the skimmer and the water’s still cloudy, we’ve got you covered.

Chemical imbalances, algae, or particles generally cause cloudy swimming pool water. The good news is that figuring out the problem is pretty straightforward. The bad news is that you might have to spend a few days mucking around with pool chemicals and cleaning. But first, let’s talk about how to diagnose your problem.

You do have a water testing kit. Go ahead and dust it off. If you’ve never looked at it, figure out what it tests for. Even the most basic tests should tell you your water’s pH, alkalinity, free chlorine, and total … Read Full Post »

Our Favorite Frenemies

wasps cultivated to protect citrus trees from Huanglongbing citrus greening disease pest control

Insects walk the fine line between friend and enemy. As much as we want to put them on trial for their scream-inducing and creepy qualities, pests play an essential role in our ecosystem. Here’s a list of our favorite frenemies, and for a little extra fun, we figured we would let them present their defense.


Although I can deliver an undoubtedly painful punch when you threaten my nest, there is much more to me than just my dreaded stinger. Formally, I’m known as Vespula Pennsylvanica, but you can call me Wasp. As a natural scavenger, I like to snack on other insects, like crop-damaging caterpillars and flies. Some of my distant cousins also play an essential role in pollination. And even though I don’t expect an invite to your next BBQ, I help reduce the number of other pests likely to crash the festivities. Plus, who can rock a yellow jacket … Read Full Post »

How to Create an Epic Pool in Your Own Backyard

If you own a backyard pool, you may have the typical oasis that many neighbors have. Wouldn’t you prefer to flaunt the same spectacular pool that famous hotels and resorts feature? You may not be able to match the extravagance of a five-star accommodation, but you can apply some similar design ideas and create an aquatic masterpiece in your yard.

You can customize your pool by pulling specific qualities from elaborate designs to give it epic appeal. Remodeling a pool may be as simple as adding some landscaping, or it can be a marathon renovation. The initial idea of a pool overhaul may seem overwhelming, but imagine diving into your new luxurious splash zone as a reward for your efforts.

Before you take the sledgehammer or ax to your backyard, consider how to avoid destruction. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference. Landscaping is ideal for making slight alterations that pack … Read Full Post »

Five Ways a Hidden Rodent Infestation Can Impact Your Home—and Your Pocketbook!

damage caused by rats

Pest control is often the most unwelcome of all the unexpected costs that homeowners face. Pests enter your property looking for food and shelter and can usually stay hidden for long periods. Rodents, in particular, are experts in squeezing through small openings, and just one female rat can have up to 15,000 babies in just one year! If you have an infestation, damage caused by rats and mice could cost you thousands of dollars or more to fix, not to mention the time and hassle of caring for the problem.

Damage Caused By Rats and Mice

Rodent dens that go unnoticed are more expensive and dangerous to remove than infestations that are uncovered quickly. Crawl spaces, attics, and voids surrounding water pipes are prime real estate for rodents seeking a new home. Places that homeowners don’t inspect often are more likely to harbor unnoticed residents. Here are a few costly problems that … Read Full Post »

Mosquito Dangers: What You Need to Know

Along with the enjoyment of warm weather comes the annoyance of mosquitoes. Although you may plan on just ignoring these pests, the frequency of mosquito bites may become irritating, and the potential for serious health concerns should keep you cautious. It may be wise this summer to be proactive about the mosquito problem.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Mosquitoes are carriers of an array of viruses. Although not every mosquito is a threat, there is no way to know before a mosquito bites you. The American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) has a thorough list of mosquito-borne diseases. Still, the four diseases most likely to affect any family in the United States are the West Nile virus, malaria, dengue fever, and canine heartworm.

West Nile virus is a potentially fatal disease that causes brain inflammation and flu-like symptoms. Malaria involves a parasite attacking your red blood cells, causing a persistent fever. Dengue is a type of fever … Read Full Post »

Deep Root Feeding: Do Your Trees Need It?

Deep root feeding, also known as deep root fertilization, is a treatment that delivers nutrients directly to the root zone of a tree or shrub. If a tree is not adequately nourished, the tree cannot flourish. In the worst-case scenario, tree removal may be necessary.

Is Deep Root Feeding Necessary?

Deep root feeding is not always necessary, but some trees require it. Trees in the Houston area grow in an environment that can make it difficult to fertilize trees adequately using traditional broadcasting fertilization methods. Here are some circumstances that require treatment:

  • If a tree grows in very compact soil, nutrients are less likely to penetrate the soil and reach the root zone.
  • Trees cannot gather adequate nutrients from the immediate environment in some urban and suburban areas.
  • If the branch and leaf growth of the tree appears to be stunted, this can be a serious sign that the tree is not obtaining adequate water … Read Full Post »

IPM: Protecting Children and Pets While Eliminating Pests

Many parents understand the importance of having a pest-free home. However, they also know that several chemicals used to control various pests are dangerous for pets and children. In some cases, the results have been fatal. ABC Home & Commercial Services understands parents’ concerns and values every family member’s health. This is why they offer an alternative form of pest control, the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) method.

What Is The IPM Method?

The EPA encourages this method because it is less environmentally harmful than standard pest control methods. IPM can be summed up as a holistic approach to pest management. The practice encourages education and awareness for homeowners. It also encourages preventative treatments in addition to control methods if infestations occur.

What Are The Components Of IPM?

The IPM method includes several components. The first part is pest monitoring. Homeowners must be vigilant and know how to look for signs of problematic infestations. The … Read Full Post »