How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?

Do you dream of having a luscious green lawn? A healthy lawn starts with grass seeds, and it’s crucial to plant the seeds properly to achieve the lawn of your dreams.
How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?
Wondering how much grass seed you need for your lawn? You aren’t alone. Many homeowners worry about applying too much or too little grass seed, especially when starting a new lawn from scratch.
Lawn care professionals recommended using four to seven pounds of grass seed per 1,000 square feet of lawn space. This amount will provide healthy lawn coverage and allow your lawn to properly establish itself.
With a few calculations and considerations, you can determine the right amount of seed to use on your lawn.
First, measure the length and width of your lawn in feet. If your lawn is an odd shape that is difficult to measure, break it up into smaller sections. After you … Read Full Post »