ABC Blog

How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?

a handful of grass seed

Do you dream of having a luscious green lawn? A healthy lawn starts with grass seeds, and it’s crucial to plant the seeds properly to achieve the lawn of your dreams.

How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?

Wondering how much grass seed you need for your lawn? You aren’t alone. Many homeowners worry about applying too much or too little grass seed, especially when starting a new lawn from scratch.

Lawn care professionals recommended using four to seven pounds of grass seed per 1,000 square feet of lawn space. This amount will provide healthy lawn coverage and allow your lawn to properly establish itself.

With a few calculations and considerations, you can determine the right amount of seed to use on your lawn.

First, measure the length and width of your lawn in feet. If your lawn is an odd shape that is difficult to measure, break it up into smaller sections. After you … Read Full Post »

Are Mice Blind?

a mouse

Ever heard of the nursery rhyme “Three Blind Mice”? Well, there’s a bit of truth in it. While house mice aren’t entirely blind, they don’t have the best eyesight in the animal kingdom. They can only focus on objects that are a couple of feet away. On top of that, they’re colorblind.

But these hardy pests make up for their poor vision with incredible motion detection. That’s why they can navigate their way around your home and find food and shelter without trouble. If mice are invading your space, it helps to familiarize yourself with their traits and habits. That way, they can’t outsmart you.

If all else fails, seek professional help. Pest control specialists have the expertise and equipment to control these pests and restore peace in your home.

Are Mice Blind? How Do They Get Around?

Many animals depend on their impeccable vision to survive. But mice aren’t one of them. You … Read Full Post »

Where To See the Best Holiday Lights in Houston

holiday lights in houston

Wondering where to see the best holiday lights in Houston this year? Houston has a ton of sights and experiences to offer both locals and visitors year-round, and the holiday season is no exception. Whether you love spectacular winter wonderlands that twinkle with millions of lights, or your tastes run toward smaller, more intimate neighborhood displays, we’ve got you covered.

It’s always a good idea to start planning early. This is doubly true if you’ll be venturing out to one of the bigger, ticketed lights displays. As any Houstonian knows, parking and traffic can get hectic, especially around the holidays. Fortunately, a bit of advance planning will reduce some of the stress, so you and your loved ones can enjoy a purely festive time.

Here are some of the best options for taking in some holiday magic around Houston this Christmas:

  • Lightscape at the Houston Botanic Garden: This unique holiday lights and music … Read Full Post »

Outdoor Tree Lighting Ideas

landscape lighting

Looking for an easy way to enhance your home’s curb appeal? Adding outdoor lights around your trees is a great solution to liven up your home’s exterior.

Outdoor landscape tree lighting can create a magical ambiance and transform your outdoor space. Plus, the extra lighting can make your lawn more enjoyable and usable at nighttime.

Where do you start with designing landscape lighting? The first thing to remember is that you need to balance aesthetics with functionality. Mapping out your design ideas will help you bring your vision to life.

The best way to achieve the outdoor space of your dreams is to work with a landscaping specialist. A professional will utilize their skills and expertise to create a seamless outdoor lighting plan for you. Along with designing your lighting plan, they can also save you time by installing the light fixtures.

Your Guide to Outdoor Tree Lighting Ideas

Illuminating your lawn with tree lighting … Read Full Post »

What To Do About Rats in Backyard

a rat in a backyard

For many homeowners, the backyard is their favorite part of their home. Many memorable activities happen there, including playtime with kids, family gatherings and weddings. Unfortunately, rats can ruin all of that.

These pests thrive in backyards and can cause significant damage to your property fast. If rats are taking over your backyard, here’s how to deal with the infestation. But, the best solution is to contact the pros. Pest control specialists have the expertise to efficiently control rats.

Rats in the Backyard: What Should Homeowners Do?

Rats can destroy your garden, plants and vegetables and eventually enter your home. Once inside, they’ll chew on practically anything, including drywall, wires, wood and plastic. They are not picky at all. They can also contaminate your food and spread disease.

Fortunately, there are some things homeowners can do to keep rats out of their garden and backyard. Here are some preventative tips you can apply.

Proper Backyard … Read Full Post »

Bed Bug Size: How To Identify These Pests

a bed bug

We all need quality sleep to function our best. But something as small as a bed bug can ruin a good night’s sleep. These tiny pests can leave itchy bite marks during the night, causing skin irritation.

If you think you have a bed bug infestation at home, identification is the first step in treating the problem. Here’s a guide to help you recognize bed bugs and confirm their presence in your home. After identification, the next step is to contact pest control professionals. They know how to control bed bugs so you can enjoy your sleep again.

Bed Bug Size, Color and Habits

Bed bugs can be hard to recognize because they may be confused with other insects. But, there are ways to set these pests apart from other household pests.

You can identify adult bed bugs by their wingless, reddish-brown bodies. They’re around a quarter of an inch long and are flat … Read Full Post »

What Are the Benefits of a Sprinkler System Backflow Preventer?

a sprinkler head

When you turn on your showers and faucets, clean water is typically there. But many don’t know that clean water can come into contact with contaminants on its journey to our homes. If you have a sprinkler system, something called “backflow” can happen, causing hazardous materials to enter your home’s water supply line.

That’s why it’s crucial to install a sprinkler system backflow preventer. Contact an irrigation professional to help you choose the best kind for your home.

What Is a Sprinkler System Backflow Preventer?

Before discussing what are the benefits of a sprinkler system backflow preventer, it’s helpful to know what a backflow is. The water inside the supply system usually flows in one direction. But when the water travels the opposite way back through your sprinkler system, it’s called backflow.

The water that comes into your home from the municipality travels at a specific pressure level. But certain factors can cause the … Read Full Post »

Identifying Flying Fire Ants Versus Termites

flying fire ants

Have you noticed small insects with wings around your property and wondered whether they are termites or fire ants?

Although distinguishing the two can be tricky, knowing which pest you are dealing with can help you better control them. If you’re dealing with any pest problems, contact a pest control professional. These experts have the knowledge and experience to tell the difference between flying fire ants, pictured above, and termites and can help you control both of these pests.

Flying Fire Ants

Flying fire ants are often known as reproductives, and they are the members of the colonies that reproduce and create new colonies. Unlike worker fire ants, who don’t have wings, reproductive flying ants’ wings allow them to move independently and take flight.

Flying fire ants’ wings can extend twice the length of their bodies. Their body color is usually reddish-brown or dark brown. These insects possess segmented bodies with distinct head, thorax … Read Full Post »

Are Wasps Active at Night?

a wasp

Wasps are unwelcome and aggressive pests that many homeowners find challenging. However, it is helpful for homeowners to learn about wasp behavior to control and deter infestations. One of the main questions homeowners have about wasps is whether or not they are active at night.

While wasps are most active during the day and are known to sleep at night, it is still possible to encounter wasps after dark. Homeowners should know where they might see wasps at night to avoid them.

Luckily, you can avoid being stung by a wasp at any time of the day. While wasps can sting through thin clothing, wearing thicker fabrics and covering exposed skin is one way to avoid an unfriendly encounter.

If you have a wasp infestation on your property, leave it to the experts. Contact a wasp and bee control service if you have any issues with wasps.

Are Wasps Active at Night?

Homeowners need to … Read Full Post »

Can Ants Smell Food?

two ants on a rope

Homeowners who have experienced an ant infestation often want to know how ants got into their home, and one way is through scent. Ants can smell food and use their sense of smell to guide them to a food source.

Along with their sense of smell, ants also use their sight and taste to locate a food source. They even use their antennas to find food and communicate with their colony. Once ants discover an abundant food source in your home, it doesn’t take long for the rest of the territory to arrive.

Another unique thing about ants is that they do not sleep for long periods. Instead, they take short naps throughout the day, lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes. This allows them to recharge and continue the task of finding food. Homeowners should understand that they can encounter ant activity all day and night because of this … Read Full Post »