ABC Blog

Air Conditioner Maintenance Checklist: Tips From The Experts

Air conditioner maintenance checklist

If you’re like most people, your home’s air conditioner plays a vital role in keeping you and your loved ones cool in the summer and warm in the winter, regardless of the temperature or humidity outdoors. Despite the importance of their ACs in their daily lives, however, many homeowners rarely think about their HVAC systems until they break down—but this can become a costly mistake.

Repairs to your air conditioner can run into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars, while annual air conditioner maintenance is quite affordable and more than worth the cost. Keeping your air conditioner running at peak performance will save you money on your monthly electricity bills. This is not, however, the only benefit. Regular AC maintenance can also catch problems early and prevent, or at least mitigate, the need for many types of repairs.

But what should you be doing to maintain your air conditioner on a … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid Of Springtails: Handling A Springtail Infestation

how to get rid of springtails

When hearing the word springtail for the first time, some people might be surprised to learn that this is considered a pest. Those who live in dry climates are even less likely to have heard of one before, as these small pests typically inhabit moist environments. If you have heard of these pests, however, you may already know that in the spring and summer months, when the weather is humid and moist, springtails can become quite the nuisance. Despite their incredibly small size—most species that make their way into homes range between one and two millimeters—their presence alone leaves homeowners searching for information on how to get rid of springtails.

Although entomologists and agricultural extension agents agree that springtails do not bite, many people have this misconception. One of the primary reasons that this myth has been perpetuated is that springtails and fleas are often mistaken for one another, and fleas … Read Full Post »

How To Keep Wasps Away

What attracts wasps

If you’ve ever heard a loud buzzing noise circling around your head, chances are, you’ve seen or encountered a wasp. Chances are, you’ve also wondered about wasp deterrent shortly afterward. While our initial instinct is to swat and shoo them away, thinking the insect is planning to sting us, the first thing you should know is that most wasps are solitary, non-stinging varieties. Here’s another fact about this insect that might surprise you: there are around 30,000 identified species.

Often mistaken for a bee, a wasp is actually quite different. Their coloring can range from yellow to brown, metallic blue and bright red, with the brighter colored wasps generally belonging to the Vespidae family, or stinging wasps. Another distinct feature is the insect’s body. Wasps have a pointed lower abdomen and a narrow waist called a petiole, which separates the abdomen and thorax. Whereas bees live in colonies in the beehive, wasps … Read Full Post »

How To Fix Water Pooling In Yard And Other Drainage Issues

How to fix water pooling in yard

Maybe you traded in your old home for a new one and didn’t notice the issue until after the first hard rain. Perhaps you took up gardening now that you have more time and the extra water you’re using seems to have led to a problem.

Whatever the reason, there are parts of your yard where water just seems to sit. You’re not quite sure why. You definitely don’t like the way it looks and also don’t like the idea of wasting water. You want to avoid having mud tracked into the house by pets or kids. Most importantly, you really don’t want your yard to become a mosquito magnet.

No one wants random, unsightly pools of water marring their yard. Here in the south, it’s an even bigger deal because our warm weather means longer mosquito seasons. Plus, when water won’t drain out of pockets in your yard, you are at a … Read Full Post »

What Is Fiesta San Antonio? All About This City Celebration

what is Fiesta San Antonio

What is Fiesta San Antonio? Fiesta is the city’s biggest annual festival to celebrate the rich culture and history of the Alamo City. More than one-fifth of Fiesta attendees come from outside of San Antonio and around three and a half million people take part in this popular celebration each year. Keep reading to learn more about Fiesta, the history behind the festival, the parades, Rey Feo and more.

History of Fiesta San Antonio

The history of Fiesta San Antonio dates back to 1891. Previously known and referred to as Fiesta San Jacinto, Fiesta San Antonio began as a flower parade. The initial idea and concept, like most parades and festivals, was meant to be a celebration. According to the Texas State Historical Association, the festival was meant to salute the heroes of the battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto; it was the brainchild of Ellen Maury Slyden, the wife of then … Read Full Post »

Common Types Of Air Filters For Your Home

types of air filters

Is it time to change your central air conditioning filter again? Although it may sound intimidating, this routine task doesn’t have to be very difficult. As long as you know about the different types of air filters and what is required for their upkeep, you should be fine. The important things to look for in an air conditioning filter is how efficient they are and how much dust they can stop, because the last thing you need is excessive dust in your home.

If you suffer from asthma or allergies, or if you just want the air inside your home to be clean, your first instinct may be to investigate buying an air purifier. Since many air purifiers require replacement filters multiple times a year, thinking about how this appliance might fit into the equation should also be a part of your decision about how to clean the air circulating inside of your home. Although you may find it most cost-effective, especially in … Read Full Post »

Ways To Save On Heating Costs This Winter

Ways To Save On Heating Costs

With energy costs taking up a significant portion of your utility bill, it pays to find ways to reduce your home heating bills. In this post, we’ve put together some tips describing different ways to save on heating costs that are easy and will all add up to reduce your home heating bills by a significant amount. Many of you will be relieved to hear that you don’t need to have much background on heating and cooling systems to act upon this advice, either. Some of this advice just takes a minute or two. Even small changes will add up to big savings over the course of a cold winter.

Check For Leaks

Check your air ducts for gaps, leaks or disconnects. If you have any disconnects or leaks in your ductwork, your heating bills could be 25% higher than they would be if these gaps were sealed. Most homeowners choose to hire a professional to properly diagnose and fix … Read Full Post »

Composting Oak Leaves: A Complete Guide

Composting oak leaves

Newcomers to Texas and other parts of the country where oaks are prevalent are surprised to learn that these stately trees lose their leaves in the spring rather than during the fall. While oaks give us wonderful shade from the intense sun, they do give us lots of other things during the year: leaves.

No matter how long you’ve had oak trees, if you’re like a lot of people, you’re probably not a huge fan of having dead leaves cover that beautiful lawn you’ve spent so much time on. Moreover, you might have heard that oak leaves are acidic and worry they will damage your grass or soil if you don’t get rid of them quickly.

In the past, you may have simply raked up the leaves and put them in bags. Is there a better solution?

In fact, there is not only a better solution, but several options. Most of them come down … Read Full Post »

Preparing House For Extended Vacation: What About Your AC?

Preparing House For Extended Vacation

You’ve boarded the pets, asked the neighbors to get the mail and turned off all your appliances and lights. You’ve taken care of everything, and now you can enjoy a few weeks of well-earned vacation away from the hassles and tasks at home—but not quite. Before you hit the road, there are a few things you need to do to prepare your HVAC system for vacation.

Preparing a house for an extended vacation will keep your air conditioner in good shape and ready to resume service when you return. At the end of your vacation, the last thing you want to do is return to a hot, sweltering home and a big heating contractor bill because you failed to take a few simple precautions before leaving on your trip.

Your HVAC unit is one of the most complex pieces of machinery in your home. It’s also one of the biggest consumers of energy. Properly … Read Full Post »

HVAC Trends & Home Renovations To Save Money

HVAC trends

Keeping up with heating and cooling trends can be time-consuming. There are a few trends that are here to stay, however, some of which can also help reduce your energy bills year after year. Our team at ABC Home & Commercial Services has compiled the following suggestions to help you save money now and for years to come.

Heating & Cooling Trends

Today’s air conditioners and heat pumps can be up to 40 percent more energy efficient than older models. The money homeowners can save in reduced energy bills by purchasing a new, high-efficiency system is often worth the investment.

A good air cleaner can help trap many of the pollutants that may be traveling through your home. As part of your heating and cooling system, these devices filter indoor air to help improve indoor air quality. To ensure the continue to serve in that role, indoor air quality products are often backed by a five-year parts limited warranty.

Another important aspect of your indoor … Read Full Post »