ABC Blog

Using Compost to Maximize Your Soil’s Potential

compost tips san antonio

Gardens and lawns need a variety of nutrients, but it’s not just a question of adding fertilizer. To maintain healthy plants, you also need to make sure there’s enough organic matter in the soil. This organic matter breaks down into a substance called humus which helps to maintain soil moisture and feed the tiny organisms that plants need to grow.

Adding compost to your soil is just what the doctor ordered for your landscape.

Below we’ll look at what compost is, why it’s important, and how you can use it to increase organic matter in the soil for the happiest plants on the block.

What is compost?

Compost is made up of decomposed materials such as leaves, grass clippings, and kitchen scraps. Insects and tiny microorganisms help to break it down, and the resulting mixture is chock full of the nutrients plants need to survive.

When added to the garden or lawn, compost restores life … Read Full Post »

Household Flea Treatments for Pets, Yards, and Homes

Prevent Fleas on Pets

All pet owners know that fleas are a never-ending problem in warm climates. As soon as warm weather returns to San Antonio, fleas reappear with a vengeance, turning your cute pets into scratching machines.

As common as they are, there’s no simple solution to fleas. To successfully eliminate them in your home, you must simultaneously treat your house, your pets, and your yard. With effective treatment, you can kill adult fleas and remove their eggs, disrupting the flea reproductive cycle.

Below we’ll take a look at the problem and offer some solutions that will help you deal with flea infestations in your home.

Why are fleas a problem?

Fleas feed on blood. Their bites cause pets (and when populations are high, their human family) to suffer significant itchiness. In some cases, pets become allergic to the flea bites, causing dermatitis, scaly skin, hot spots, and skin infections.

When cats lick themselves to wash, they can … Read Full Post »

Looking For A Better Night’s Rest? Adjust Your Thermostat.

recommended thermostat settings

It seems that being tired these days is a common challenge for many people. With smartphones and other smart devices, working around the clock is the new norm – and it has become even harder to disconnect from our technological leashes.

While work stressors and a constantly connected environment may be interrupting our sleep schedules, there are multiple other factors to consider – like light, mattress quality, and diet. Surprisingly, something you may not have considered is that temperature can make or break a good night’s sleep.

But before you dial down your thermostat to nearly freezing, let’s learn a bit more about how your thermostat affects your body, and how, as a new homeowner, you can maintain an energy efficient home.

The Mirroring Effect

The temperature of your room or sleeping area has a significant effect on your quality of sleep. Despite your comfort levels during an evening at home, scientists suggest setting … Read Full Post »

When to Fertilize Your Lawn for the Greenest Grass

buying a new home in Texas

Imagine yourself as a newly-minted homeowner. You’ve recently purchased and moved into a beautiful home with a well-established lawn.

As part of your home maintenance schedule, you start to think about how to maintain this lovely lawn – mowing, watering, weeding and fertilizing all come to mind. Each of these tasks seems pretty straightforward, especially mowing and watering which happen on an as-needed basis.

But what about fertilization? When is that supposed to happen for best results?

How do you know when to fertilize your lawn?

Fertilizing seems like an easy task in and of itself. You may remember watching a parent or neighbor spreading those little white fertilizer pellets on lawns in your neighborhood.

What you may not remember about that process is when it happens and why. There are several factors you should consider before deciding when to fertilize your lawn. Here are a handful of factors you might want to consider.

Learn about … Read Full Post »

Sneaky Ways to Prevent Mosquito Attacks

ways to prevent mosquito bites

Every summer in San Antonio, two things seem to be constant: our oppressive heat and swarms of mosquitoes that follow us everywhere we go. While there’s not much we can do about the heat; mosquitoes are another matter.

Find out why these annoying insects are such a problem and discover some ways you can outsmart mosquitoes before they can ruin your summer fun.

Why are mosquitoes such a problem?

In recent years doctors and scientists have grown increasingly concerned about mosquito-borne diseases. In particular, officials are worried about the Zika virus, which first appeared in the United States this year. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, as of August 12, 2016, there have been 106 cases of Zika virus disease in the state of Texas.

For those who contract Zika, it usually is a mild illness with common flu-like symptoms, and generally, lasts about a week. More troubling is the potential … Read Full Post »

AC Leaking Water? Why This Happens And What To Do

AC Leaking

In San Antonio, air conditioners are a necessity. With harsh summers bringing scorching temperatures to the region, a problem in your air conditioner could lead to a day of repair while your family waits patiently near a fan.

One common problem that causes homeowners anxiety is a leaking AC unit. While a leaky cooling system is usually an easy-to-repair problem, you could be faced with a more serious issue down the line that causes your AC to break, including flooding that could cause some serious damage your home.

By knowing air conditioner parts and functions, it can be easier to properly identify the source of a leaking AC. Learn more below about why your AC is leaking water and what you can do to fix the problem.

A Leaking AC Is No Time To Test Your DIY Skills

Even if you are a formidable handyman, it is best to let an HVAC professional troubleshoot and … Read Full Post »

Bed Bugs Be Gone! Checklist to Prepare for Treatment Success.

how to kill bed bugs

As a new homeowner, the last thing you want to think about is a bed bug infestation. And hopefully, you won’t need to. But in a big city like San Antonio where bed bugs (and pests in general) are prevalent, it’s best to be prepared for any situation.

Bed bugs spread easily and most commonly found in spaces where people sleep or spend the majority of their time, like homes, hospitals, schools, and hotels. Their small size allows them to go unnoticed; it’s the red, itchy bites they leave behind that reveal their camouflage. But despite their tiny size, bed bugs can cause a big headache—and an even bigger problem if left untreated.

Here at ABC San Antonio, we take great strides to ensure your home is bed bug-free after just one of our Heat Remediation treatments. And while our experts can take on any challenge, you’ll have to do your part … Read Full Post »

Check The HVAC Unit Before You Buy The Home

buying a new home in Texas

Are you buying a new home? When you’re shopping around for a new house, be sure to consider a home’s HVAC system.

Because heating and air conditioning make up half of your energy costs, and faulty equipment can lead to expensive repairs, it’s a great idea to spend a little time checking the unit before making an offer on your dream home.

HVAC New Home Checklist:

Below we offer a basic checklist for potential home buyers. By reviewing these items, you can get a better sense for whether or not the previous owner properly maintained the unit.


  • Does it turn on and off, and if it’s digital, can you adjust the settings?
  • Turn the unit on and test the temperature against the thermostat settings.

Outside compressor unit

  • There should be no shrubs, vines, or other plants within two feet of the HVAC unit.
  • Check that the unit is level, as a tilt will hurt … Read Full Post »

Mosquitoes: Facts vs. Fiction [INFOGRAPHIC]

tiger mosquitoes carry zika virus in south america

5 Facts and Myths About Mosquitoes

Did you know that only the female mosquito bites and sucks human blood? The male mosquito feeds off of nectar, while the female is the culprit of many an itchy summer evening in hot San Antonio. She feeds off your blood to nourish her maturing eggs prior to laying them.

There are a lot of myths about mosquitoes. Some myths are harmless, while other misconceptions are truly unhelpful and sometimes counterproductive. The biggest myths are those revolving around whether or not diseases are spread by mosquitoes in the US. A hint: wear repellent. One fact we know for sure is that prevention with professional mosquito abatement is the best protection against these pesky summertime pests.

How well do you know mosquitoes?

Test your mosquito wisdom against these 5 common facts and myths.

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Mosquito Bite FAQ’s: Resisting the urge to scratch

Let’s face it: nobody likes mosquitoes. Or their bites.

But when you live in a city like San Antonio, mosquitos are a part of life. And it doesn’t look like they’re going anywhere anytime soon.

That’s why we compiled a list answering a few popular questions people have about those unwanted pests. From the whys and what’s, to the do’s and dont’s of what to do if a mosquito lands on you.

Top Moquito Bite FAQ’s

Q1: Why do mosquitoes bite people?

Mosquitoes are nearly impossible to eliminate. They can adapt to changing environments and grow steadily in the summer months when temperatures are both hot and humid, or what we like to call mid-July San Antonio weather.

You may not know this, but only a small percentage of mosquitoes bite humans. And while that may come as a surprise to some, it’s because mosquitoes bite to reproduce, not to live.

Female mosquitoes bite people to gather protein … Read Full Post »