Best Mulch To Avoid Termites

Are termites taking up residence on your property? There are several places where termites can hide outdoors, including in your garden and flower beds. One substance that termites have been known to infest is mulch. Thankfully, there are types of mulch that you can use to help avoid termites.
If you suspect that a termite colony is taking up residence on your property or inside your house, call a professional pest control service to implement an effective treatment.
Choosing the Right Mulch to Avoid Termites
Mulching your flower and garden beds is a great way to keep your yard healthy and beautiful. However, it can become frustrating when you find termites in your mulch. These pests can make their way from your yard to your house and cause severe and costly structural damage.
Homeowners always want to know the best mulch to avoid termites, but the truth is that mulch does not inherently attract … Read Full Post »