Best Mulch To Avoid Termites

termites in dirt

Are termites taking up residence on your property? There are several places where termites can hide outdoors, including in your garden and flower beds. One substance that termites have been known to infest is mulch. Thankfully, there are types of mulch that you can use to help avoid termites.

If you suspect that a termite colony is taking up residence on your property or inside your house, call a professional pest control service to implement an effective treatment.

Choosing the Right Mulch to Avoid Termites

Mulching your flower and garden beds is a great way to keep your yard healthy and beautiful. However, it can become frustrating when you find termites in your mulch. These pests can make their way from your yard to your house and cause severe and costly structural damage.

Homeowners always want to know the best mulch to avoid termites, but the truth is that mulch does not inherently attract … Read Full Post »

Identifying a Paper Wasp Versus a Yellowjacket

A paper wasp

When the weather starts to get warmer, that means it’s time for homeowners to be diligent about wasp activity around their home. However, it’s common for homeowners to confuse wasp species, such as paper wasps and yellowjackets.

This guide will go over paper wasps versus yellowjackets regarding their appearance, behavior, diet and nesting habits.

Next, it’s helpful to understand that several types of paper wasps are common in the United States. Thankfully, there are simple ways that homeowners can learn to tell them apart.

Finally, every homeowner who has experienced a paper wasp problem wants to know how to control them. While there are some methods homeowners can try on their own, the best way to get rid of paper wasps is to contact a professional. These pests are quick to sting when they feel threatened.

Once the paper wasps are gone, there are several preventative actions that homeowners can take to keep them … Read Full Post »

How Long for Mosquito Eggs To Hatch?

mosquito eggs

Are mosquitoes causing problems for you and your family? These pesky insects can quickly become troubling because some species can lay hundreds of eggs in the span of a few weeks.

It’s important for homeowners to understand the life cycle of mosquitoes so that they can treat them at each stage. The best way to reduce populations of mosquitoes is to control mosquito eggs along with treating for adults.

Mosquito eggs typically hatch into larvae within a few days of being laid; however, some will remain in their eggs to wait out cold weather. Mosquitoes hatch in water and go through the stages of larvae and pupae before becoming adults. Once adults, they fly and mate.

They are thousands of mosquito species, and one problematic species are the Aedes mosquito. Aedes mosquitoes are known as “ankle biters” because they prefer to bite human ankles. They can also live and mate indoors, which makes … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Mice Outdoors

brown mouse outside on wooden garden border

Most homeowners stress over an indoor mouse infestation; however, an outdoor infestation can become just as much of an annoyance. Outdoor mice can wreck havoc on your lawn and garden. They also leave droppings that can spread disease, and their urine has an unpleasant smell. 

It’s important for homeowners to understand why mice are drawn to their lawns so that they can take the necessary steps to get rid of them. An outdoor mouse problem can also quickly lead to an indoor infestation, so it’s important to be able to recognize the signs.

If you suspect that there are mice taking up residence on your property or inside your home, contact a pest control expert.

Why Do Pests Like My Lawn?

The first step in getting rid of outdoor mice or any type of outdoor pest is to make your lawn inhospitable to them. There are several reasons why mice may be attracted to … Read Full Post »

What Are the Signs of a Rat Infestation?

a rat in a garden

A potential rat infestation is an unpleasant reality of being a homeowner. However, when you know the signs of rats, you can catch an infestation in its early stages.

For example, it’s important to know what rat droppings look like and how they differ from the droppings of other rodents. You should also know about their nests and the materials they use to form them. Understanding their habits and hiding spots will also help you identify the source of your rat infestation.

Next, it’s important to know about the diet of a rat so that you can take measures to keep them out of your kitchen and lawn. Additionally, there are simple ways to make your home inhospitable to rats that all homeowners should remember.

Finally, it’s valuable to know about the sleeping patterns of rats. Rats are hard to catch because they are active at night. This guide will tell you everything … Read Full Post »

How To Identify Cicada Killer Wasps in Texas

a cicada killer wasp in texas

Cicada killer wasps rarely harm humans, but they can still make people worried due to their large size. They can also cause annoyances to Texas homeowners when they burrow into the ground to build their underground tunnels, leaving a wake of dirt behind them.

Gardens, lawns and even patios are at risk of damage when cicada killer wasps are around. Their tunnels also draw larger pests, like skunks, to your property.

Even though female cicada killers largely ignore humans and males do not have stingers, there is still the possibility of getting stung if the female wasp feels threatened. While their stings are mild, they can hurt your pets.

The first step to getting rid of these pests is to know how to detect them by their appearance and behaviors. It’s also important to be able to tell them apart from more harmful stinging bugs like hornets.

A few cicada killer wasps on your … Read Full Post »

How To Repel Mosquitoes

a mosquito biting someone

As the weather warms up in spring and early summer, most people want to start spending more time outdoors. But if there’s one thing that can chase even the biggest nature lover right back inside, it’s mosquitoes. These annoying, biting pests can make yard work, patio time and outdoor adventures downright miserable. If you’re wondering how to repel mosquitoes, you need to know the most effective ways to keep these pests at bay.

The thing about mosquitoes is that they aren’t just annoying. They can actually be dangerous for both people and pets. Mosquitoes are known to carry diseases that they can transfer to humans when they bite us. Some of these diseases can make us very ill, including viruses like malaria, Zika and dengue.

And, mosquitoes bite dogs too! Dogs can contract heartworm from a bite from an infected mosquito. Excessive mosquito bites can also cause allergic reactions and hives in … Read Full Post »

I Found Termite Droppings but No Termites

termite droppings on a baseboard

Termite droppings are called frass. They look a lot like piles of sawdust or tiny wood pellets, but they are actually termite feces. They look like wood shavings because they contain a lot of wood. Termites feed on wood and consume the cellulose within it. Unfortunately, when you see termite droppings but no termites, it’s still a likely sign that these pests are wreaking havoc in a hidden spot nearby.

The reason why most homeowners fear termites is that these tiny pests can cause a lot of damage. As they eat through wood, they create tunnels and chambers that weaken the wood over time.

If you’ve ever seen wood that had termite damage, you’ve seen the way it simply crumbles away. When this kind of damage is done to a house, garage, deck or fence, it is dangerous and needs repairing.

Termite Frass: A Common Sign of Termite Activity

Termite frass is one of … Read Full Post »

What Do Moles Eat? Your Questions Answered

a mole in its tunnel looking for food

It is incredibly frustrating to look out at your yard and see damage like loose dirt and uprooted grass. This is a sign that moles have tunneled beneath the ground of your property and made your lawn their home. These creatures spend half the day looking for insects to devour and they eat nearly their entire body weight in food each day. Their constant hunt for something to eat can result in significant damage to your landscaping.

These pesky predators can be harmful to the appearance and health of your lawn. You spend too much time making your home and property appear beautiful to allow moles to destroy your hard work. But, why do these creatures decide to take up residence in your yard anyway?

Moles are attracted to your yard because it is a perfect place to find all their favorite foods. So, by better understanding the diet of moles and … Read Full Post »

DIY Cockroach Prevention

a dead cockroach on a kitchen floor

If you’ve had a roach problem, you may be looking for DIY cockroach prevention techniques that really work. Fortunately, there are several effective steps people can take to keep cockroaches away from their homes. These include things you can do inside your house along with things you should do in your yard. Together, these steps should help in the ongoing battle against roaches.

Just be aware that making your home less accessible and attractive to cockroaches is easier than eliminating roaches on your own. An established cockroach infestation is best dealt with by a pest control professional. Once your home is free of cockroaches, you can keep them away by following a few common-sense steps.

How to Make Your Home Less Accessible to Roaches

The first step in DIY cockroach prevention involves making your home less accessible to roaches. This means figuring out how they might get inside and then blocking them out.

To … Read Full Post »