How To Identify Different Types of Mice

a house mouse which is a common type of mouse in homes

A mouse is not just a mouse. There are many different kinds of mice throughout the world. In fact, mice are a part of the rodent group. This includes thousands of different types of small and tiny mammals that use their front teeth to gnaw on things. Each kind of rodent has some things in common, but they also have several unique characteristics.

Knowing what kind of rodents you have can help you figure out why they entered your home and how to make them leave. Otherwise, you might waste precious time and money trying pest control treatments that will not work. That is why it is best to contact a qualified pest control professional to handle rodent invaders. These experts have the training and experience to take care of everything effectively and efficiently for you.

House Mice

House mice are one of the most common types of rodents found in and around … Read Full Post »

Does Salt Kill Fleas? How To Control These Pests

a salt shaker that has been knocked over

Fleas can invade your home by hanging onto your pet or another animal in your neighborhood. Once these pests make it into your house, they often spread quickly and can be tough to get rid of. Thankfully, a pest control professional can help you free your house of fleas and reclaim your home from these pests as soon as possible. However, if you prefer to handle the infestation on your own, there are a number of flea control options that you might consider.

A common natural remedy for controlling fleas is to spread table salt or sea salt that you might have in your cabinet. Salt naturally absorbs moisture, so when you sprinkle it on fleas, it dries out their bodies. This is because many pests like fleas take in oxygen through tiny tubes all over their bodies. When they breathe in salt through these tubes, it can kill them

To use … Read Full Post »

Can You Get Lyme Disease From Mosquitoes?

a homeowner getting bitten by a mosquito which makes them wonder if you can get lyme disease from mosquitoes

For most folks, the itchy bites that mosquitoes inflict on us are reason enough to want them gone. But, once you start thinking about the diseases these pests can spread, you may want to know the quickest ways you can get rid of these pests. Unfortunately, the CDC reports that illnesses from mosquito, tick and flea bites have tripled in the United States. From 2004 to 2016, there were more than 640,000 reported cases of illnesses transmitted from these pests.

Recently, it has become pretty well known that mosquitoes can spread the Zika virus. Therefore, it’s natural to wonder if they can also spread Lyme disease or other diseases.

There is good news for those worried about Lyme disease. According to the CDC, Lyme disease cannot be spread by mosquitoes. It can only be spread through the bite of infected ticks. Adult ticks are about the size of a sesame seed, and … Read Full Post »

Where Do Mosquitoes Come From?

a group of mosquitoes flying in a homeowners yard which makes them wonder where mosquitoes come from

There are over 3,500 kinds of mosquitoes, and they can be found in almost every country in the world. In the U.S. alone, there are nearly 200 different types of mosquitoes, many of which came to the country aboard ships over the past several hundred years.

For example, it’s believed that the disease-carrying Aedes aegypti mosquito came to the U.S. on trading ships in the late 1400s and early 1500s. More recently, some types of mosquitoes have traveled to the U.S. on ships coming from the Caribbean. Another species—the Aedes albopictus—came to the country from Asia in the 1980s through a ship carrying tires.

This can be of particular concern due to the diseases mosquitoes transmit. Some of these pests carry diseases like the Zika virus, the West Nile virus, malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever that can make humans sick or even fatally ill.

Of the nearly 200 types of mosquitoes in … Read Full Post »

How Do Termites Get in Your Home?

a home with tree branches touching the roof which is how termites could have gotten in the home

If you’re dealing with a termite infestation or if you think you may be dealing with a termite infestation, you may be overwhelmed and confused. How did termites find your home? How did they make their way inside? What can you do next?

To answer these questions, it’s important to know the different types of termites that are likely to infest your home. In the U.S., the two most common types of termites are subterranean termites and drywood termites. Knowing the differences between these two types is important because the way they enter homes and the treatment methods for each are different.

Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites travel around by crawling through a network of underground tunnels. This species of termite needs a moist environment to survive. Once they get beneath or to the edge of a house, they build mud tubes, which they use to get into the structure. These tubes are about … Read Full Post »

Silverfish Infestations: What A Homeowner Should Know

Have you noticed a small wingless, silver-colored bug in your home with a flat, oval-shaped body, long antennae and six legs? If so, you may have the beginning of a silverfish infestation.

Silverfish are medically harmless to humans and mostly a nuisance for homeowners. These creatures can stain clothing, contaminate food and damage paper goods. Silverfish are more common in humid environments, so you are more likely to find them in bathrooms, attics and crawl spaces. Silverfish are very quick, so if discovered, these creatures often dart away, making them difficult to catch or identify.

Silverfish problems can be difficult for homeowners to control on their own. Usually, the quickest and easiest way to get rid of a silverfish problem is by calling in a pest control professional. We’ll now go into more detail about these pests so you have the information you need to make an informed decision about how to … Read Full Post »

Spotting Lyme Disease from Ticks

In recent years, the population of ticks has increased on a worldwide scale. This means that you are more likely than ever to find an unwanted passenger attached to your skin after spending time outdoors. Aside from being gross, ticks feeding on your blood can also be dangerous. These parasites are carriers of numerous types of disease, and the most common culprit is Lyme disease.

If you spent time outside or noticed tick bites on your skin recently, it is important to be on the look out for any signs or symptoms of disease. The earlier Lyme disease is caught, the better. Here are some tips for spotting Lyme disease from ticks from our team at ABC Home & Commercial Services.

What do ticks look like?

The first step to determining whether or not you might have contracted a disease from a tick is affirming that a tick definitely did bite you. There … Read Full Post »

Summer Mosquito Control


With warmer weather comes exposed skin, and mosquitoes just can’t seem to resist the feast. Nobody likes the itch red bumps mosquitoes leave behind, but did you know those bites can also be extremely dangerous?

Mosquitoes are carriers of deadly parasites that claim thousands of lives each year. At ABC Home & Commercial Services, we want to help our customers better understand mosquitoes and learn how to protect themselves. Here are some facts about mosquitoes and tips for summer mosquito control.

Mosquito Facts

• There are about 200 different species of mosquitoes in the United States.
• Mosquitoes can transmit all of the following diseases: Malaria, Dengue Fever, Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis, Chikungunya Virus.
• In addition to viruses that affect humans, mosquitoes can carry diseases that are extremely harmful to dogs and horses.
• Different mosquito species like different types of standing water for their larvae.
• Sites where mosquitoes lay their … Read Full Post »

Fire Ant Prevention

Summer in south is known for many things, and unfortunately one of them is pesky fire ants. These creepy crawlers create nests all over your yard and venture into your home for food. If you encounter them, you might end up with some nasty stings.

If left untreated, fire ants can run rampant in your yard and even start nesting in or underneath your home. At ABC Home & Commercial Services, we are fully equipped to handle even the nastiest fire ant infestations. But we want to help you prevent fire ants from overwhelming your yard before we have to resort to professional treatment.

Here are some things to know about fire ant prevention: how to spot them, and how to kill them.

Facts About Fire Ants

Fire ants range in size from 1.6 mm to 5 mm. They are a dull red color, which can look reddish brown or reddish black depending on … Read Full Post »

5 Common Summer Pests

If you haven’t guessed from the sight of sunburned shoulders and the sounds of kids enjoying temporary freedom from school, summer is officially in full swing. And while that means splashing in the pool, grilling in the back yard, and celebrating with fireworks, it also often means it is time for common summer pests to pay a visit to your home.

Being vigilant with preventative pest control and observing any potentially harmful insect populations in and around your home can be essential to reducing the likelihood of full-blown infestation. Are you wondering which creepy crawlies you should be looking for during this summer season?

At ABC Pest Control, we are proud to offer numerous solutions for getting rid of pesky insects year-round. Here is a list of five common summer pests we warn our customers to watch for during the hottest months of the year.

1. Fire Ants

After ants are finished hibernating through … Read Full Post »