Bed Bugs in Your Home, Practical Tips for Uncovering Them

Bed Bugs in your home

Here at ABC Home & Commercial, November is our peak time for bed bug treatment. Every summer vacations are taken, leaving travelers like you at risk of bed bugs in your home with them. Bed bugs become very active in the late summer and fall before it cools down for winter. By the time November rolls around, they have been enjoying the hot humid North Texas summer for a few months.

Bed bugs don’t discriminate. They will live just about anywhere and bite anyone. Anyone who has slept where other people have slept before could get bed bugs. Even the nicest 5-star hotels are susceptible to infestations. The best way to prevent bed bugs is to check for them anytime you travel before you come home.

How Do You Get Bed Bugs in Your Home?

Bed bugs usually travel place to place by latching onto clothing or luggage after you have … Read Full Post »