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Do Mice Make Noise?

a mouse on gravel

Do mice make noise? This is a question pest control professionals get a lot. Mice are relatively small animals, so the noises they make aren’t very loud—but they do make various noises. And, the more mice there are, the easier it becomes to hear them.

If you think you are hearing mice making sounds, it is a possibility that you have a mouse infestation. It’s also possible that you’re hearing something else that isn’t mice. The noise could be from another rodent or other animal, and it should be checked out by a professional without delay. If mice are active in your home or anywhere else on your property, there will probably be other, more obvious signs besides the noises they make.

One of the most common signs of a mouse problem is finding mouse droppings. These are about the size and shape of grains of rice, and are dark brown or black. You might see these scattered in a corner of the garage or under your stove or refrigerator.

You might notice gnaw marks on your baseboards or rafters, or at the bottoms of cabinets. You could also see holes chewed through cardboard boxes or shredded nesting materials like paper or insulation scattered around. If the mice have gotten into your kitchen or pantry, you might find food packaging that’s been chewed through or scattered food on the shelves or counters.

These are some of the more common and noticeable signs of mice. But it is also possible that the sounds you’re hearing are in fact coming from mice. If you think you have a mouse infestation, it’s important to get it checked out as soon as possible by a pest control specialist.

Let’s take a closer look at the noises that mice make.

Squeaking Sounds

Mice make squeaking sounds to communicate with each other, but you may not hear them very easily or very often. Mice are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night, in the darkness. They are also timid animals wary of humans, dogs, cats and other potential predators. For this reason, they typically stick to hidden spaces when building their nests. This might mean inside the walls or ceiling or on top of rarely used cabinets in the garage.

For all of these reasons, many people never hear mice squeaking. You might not hear their noises even if there is an active infestation. Many of these pests’ squeaks and other noises happen at night when most people are sleeping. During the day, mice are less active, which means they are also quieter.

Dogs and cats pick up on mouse noises more often than people do. If you ever notice your pet staring fixedly at a spot on the wall or floor, it may mean they are listening to something you can’t hear. Dogs and cats can even smell mice. You may hear sounds that some people describe as similar to birds chirping. If it’s coming from inside the wall, it’s probably not birds. It’s likely to be rodents.

Scratching and Gnawing Sounds

Squeaks aren’t the only noises that mice make. These pests also make scratching and gnawing sounds as they go about their daily business. Sometimes you can hear these noises inside the walls or wherever these rodents have built their nest. Like squeaking sounds, however, scratching and gnawing sounds may only be audible at night.

As rodents, mice have long front teeth that require daily gnawing to stay filed down. They gnaw on wooden things, like baseboards, cabinets and rafters. They also like to gnaw on drywall, cardboard boxes, PVC pipes and even electrical wiring. This gnawing habit is one of the biggest reasons a mouse infestation is a problem that needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible. These pests can cause a lot of expensive damage if their nests aren’t removed.

Another reason mice are such a big problem is that they pose a real health threat to people and even pets. These rodents carry bacteria and diseases that can make people sick. Salmonella, leptospirosis, hantavirus and plague are just a few examples. Mouse urine and droppings can carry these, and breathing in their fumes can make you sick.

Furthermore, mice breed very quickly. If left alone, a mouse nest can grow exponentially in a short period of time. This is why it’s so important to reach out to a pest control specialist as soon as you notice signs that mice might be active on your property.

a mouse

Do Mice Eat Dog Food?

Do mice eat dog food? This is another question that pest control professionals get from people with pets who are worried about rodent activity in their homes. The answer is yes—mice will eat dog food. They’ll also eat cat food. This is especially true if food is left out overnight in areas that are easy for mice to access, like the kitchen floor.

Mice are opportunistic omnivores. This means they eat whatever they find, including plant and animal matter. Out in the wild, they normally eat various things like fruits, nuts, seeds and grains, as well as small vertebrates and invertebrates.

When they enter people’s homes and garages, they are still opportunistic in their eating habits, meaning they continue to eat whatever they can find. In lots of homes, this includes pet food. If you store your pets’ food in the garage or inside your house in a container that mice can get into, the food is acting as a magnet for pests. Leaving pet food and water bowls out at night is a potential draw for pests ranging from rodents to roaches.

Keeping Mice and Rodents Out

To discourage mice and other pests from feeding on your pets’ food and water, don’t leave them out overnight. Instead, put away pet food in airtight containers that are sturdy enough to keep rodents out.

Store people food either in the refrigerator or in sturdy, airtight containers. Mice are drawn to dropped and discarded food as well, so it’s important to wipe up splatters and spills daily. Wiping down counters and sweeping any crumbs off the floor will also help keep mice away.

If mice are eating your food or your pets’ food, that means they were able to get inside your home in the first place. This is why closing off access points is an important part of keeping your home free of mice. Mice can get into your house by squeezing through tiny openings. It’s important to find any little gaps that mice may be using to get inside and close them off with steel wool, caulk or wire mesh.

For long-term pest relief, it’s best to contact an experienced pest control professional. A specialist will find and close off any access points that mice have been using to get inside. They will make a thorough investigation of your home and property so they can find any signs of mouse activity. If there is a nest, they will develop a rodent control plan.

a mouse trap

Mouse Stealing Peanut Butter From Trap: What to Do

Mouse traps can be an effective part of keeping your home free of rodents. Peanut butter is a common bait many people use in mouse traps because mice are drawn to its smell and taste. But what should you do when the mouse steals peanut butter from the trap without actually setting it off?

If this is happening to you, likely, you haven’t set up the trap correctly in some way. Traps can be hard for homeowners to get set up right. This is because there are a lot of things to consider when you set mouse traps. For example, the trap’s location and position, the type and amount of bait you use, and how much you touch the trap or the bait with your bare hands will all impact the trap’s effectiveness.

How To Set Up a Mouse Trap

Mouse traps should be set out in places where there are signs of mouse activity, like wherever you’ve found mouse droppings or chew marks. Be sure to set the traps against the wall or behind something. Mice don’t like to go out in the open, so they stick to well-known paths around the edges of rooms to stay hidden. Position the traps with the trigger end closest to the wall since that’s where the mouse is most likely to set it off.

Also, be sure to wear gloves when you set up the trap. Handling either the trap or the bait with your bare hands can keep mice away. They can smell your scent and will consider it a threat, and give the trap a wide berth. Using too much bait is another mistake; using just a small amount will make it harder for the mouse to steal the bait without setting off the trap.

If you’ve been using mouse traps without much success, it’s time to seek professional help. A pest control specialist can devise a comprehensive pest control plan to resolve your mouse problem. If the plan includes traps, they can set them up correctly.

ABC Can Control Mice on Your Property

Dealing with a mouse problem can be time-consuming and frustrating. Instead of dealing with this on your own, contact ABC Home & Commercial Services. Our licensed professionals will create a customized rodent control plan, so you can feel comfortable at home again.

Russell Jenkins

Russell Jenkins is the President of ABC Home and Commercial Services in North Texas. Russell has been working as part of the ABC Family since he was 12 years old under the direction of his father, CEO and Owner Dennis Jenkins, and has since held several leadership roles at ABC. Russell holds a degree in Agricultural Leadership from Texas A&M University, and is a Food Safety Specialist. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family and two children, playing tennis, and gaming.

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