Do you spend a lot of time primping and preening your San Antonio lawn, only to notice that it still doesn’t look as nice as you’d like? Have you noticed that your neighbor rarely spends any time at all on lawn maintenance and yet his grass looks terrific? If so, this article may help. There are many myths surrounding mowing and proper lawn care, and described below are the top five myths of all time.
1. You should mow your grass extra short at the end of fall.
Many people are under the belief that they should mow their grass extra short right before winter begins. However, this is simply not so. If you have cool-season grass, a two-inch cut is fine. On the other hand, two and a half inches is recommended for tall fescue.
2. Never leave grass clippings on your lawn.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, in most cases, grass clippings are great for your lawn as they can help to replenish nitrogen back into the soil. Grass clippings will only damage your lawn if the grass is wet, if you’re preparing to reseed or if you’re cutting more than a third of an inch.
3. You should keep leaves raked off your lawn.
This is a half-myth. While whole leaves can smother your grass, if you chop them up with your mower, they can actually help to fertilize your lawn. Follow up by feeding your grass a good fertilizer, and worms will turn the leaves into useful soil.
4. If you mow your grass short, you won’t have to mow as often.
Cutting your grass short may very well add some time between mowing; however, this practice can also damage your lawn. This is because short grass allows sunlight to reach weeds, which encourages them to grow and take up much-needed space in your lawn’s soil.
5. Mowing dandelions and other weeds will kill them.
Weeds are extremely hardy plants that store food in their roots. As such, simply mowing them will not kill them. They will continue to grow and in some cases may even grow faster with just mowing. To kill weeds, you must use a good weed killer.
Benefits of Hiring Lawn Care Professionals
Proper mowing and lawn care is surrounded by a multitude of myths, some of which are described above. If you are a homeowner in San Antonio and are at a loss of how to maintain your lawn, the professionals at ABC Home & Commercial Services can help. Our expert team has all of the experience and skills to make your lawn look its best.