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How Long Does It Take for Bed Bug Bites to Appear?

a bed bug

Bed bug bites often appear as unexplained bites on your skin. The time it takes them to appear after an infestation varies, so it’s important for homeowners to understand what bed bug bites look like.

The sooner you can catch a bed bug infestation, the easier it will be to kick these pests out of your home. Besides bites, there are other signs to watch for that can help you catch them early.

How Long Does It Take for Bed Bug Bites to Appear?

How long it takes for bed bug bites to appear varies from person to person. Every immune system responds differently to bed bug bites, and it’s likely that you won’t have an immediate reaction. Bed bug bite reactions can take up to 14 days to appear, while some people have no reaction to bed bug bites at all.

Noticing bites is typically the first sign of a bed bug infestation, so it’s important to know what the bites look like. The first thing to know is that they seem to appear randomly. This is because bed bugs mainly bite you while you are asleep.

Since people can react differently to bed bug bites, their appearance can also vary from person to person. However, developing small, red welts is common due to bed bug bites. Bed bugs bite in unique patterns, so the welts may appear in clusters or in a straight line.

Bed bugs will bite any skin they have access to, meaning that any skin that is exposed while you sleep is more susceptible. Your arms, legs, ankles, hands, neck, face and shoulders are the parts of your body most likely to get bitten by bed bugs.

It’s important to control the bed bug population in your home to avoid more bites in the future. The best way to control bed bugs is by working with a pest control professional. An expert can effectively identify and control the bed bug population. They can also help answer questions like, “How long do bed bug bites last?” Working with a professional will help you sleep soundly again.

bed bug bites

How Do You Tell if a Bite is From a Bed Bug?

When you have bed bugs in your home, you may wake up with mysterious bites all over your skin. This is a frustrating, invasive experience that compromises your sleep quality. Luckily, once you know how to identify bed bug bites, you can take action to kick the annoying pests out of your home.

Bed bugs feed on human blood while you sleep, and their bites leave undeniable proof of their presence. Bed bug bites appear as small bumps that are itchy and often swollen. They are reddish in color, and each bite has a darker red dot in the center. However, some people may have no reaction at all to bed bug bites.

Bed bug bites are most often found on skin that is exposed while you sleep, such as your face, arms, legs and neck. Wearing long sleeves and pants to bed may help limit bed bug bites, but you must prioritize controlling the bed bugs to stop being bitten.

An easy way to tell if your bites are from bed bugs or not is to consider their placement. Are the bites on parts of your skin that are exposed when you sleep? If so, they could be from bed bugs. It’s helpful to learn how to check your bed for bed bugs.

The only way to completely avoid bed bug bites is to control the bed bug infestation effectively. Working with a pest control professional is the most effective way to control bed bugs. Call your local pest control service to schedule a bed bug inspection and kick bed bugs out of your home.

a bed bug

How Long Before I Know if I Brought Bed Bugs Home?

It can sometimes take days or weeks to become aware of a bed bug infestation in your home. Since these pests emerge during the night to take their blood meal, they stay out of sight during the day. Bed bug bites can also take up to two weeks to appear on your skin and some people may have no reaction at all.

To avoid a bed bug infestation, homeowners should learn all the ways they could potentially bring bed bugs into their homes in the first place.

First, when you stay at a hotel that has bed bugs, the pests could jump onto your luggage or clothing and hitch a ride home with you. On the flip side, house guests with bed bugs can bring them into your home and leave them behind.

Next, bringing secondhand furniture or clothing into your home without checking it first can increase the likelihood of developing a bed bug infestation. Upholstered furniture, couches and mattresses are especially at risk of harboring bed bugs.

You may also develop a bed bug infestation if you regularly use public transportation or other shared spaces, such as shared office buildings. These pests can easily cling to your belongings and come home with you.

Early Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

It’s essential to catch a bed bug infestation as early as possible. While seeing the actual bed bugs is rare, other signs can point to an infestation.

The presence of unexplained bed bug bites is typically the first sign of an infestation. Bed bug bites appear randomly and are arranged in an organized pattern.

Next, bed bugs can leave behind small rusty-colored stains on your sheets. The stains are from their feces, which are made up of digested blood. You may also spot these spots on your upholstered furniture or mattress.

Looking carefully, you may see bed bug eggs or their shed exoskeletons. Both are tiny and hard to detect, but you may spot them around the seams of your mattress. Bed bug eggs are white and may blend in easier if you have lighter sheets. It can be easier to see bed bug eggs on dark sheets. After each stage of growth, bed bugs leave behind their light brown skins. Lastly, bed bug infestations can create a strong, musty odor.

How long do bed bugs live? Bed bugs can live for up to a year and survive in various environments. They also reproduce rapidly. Some bed bug populations can double every 16 days with the right conditions.

It’s important to act quickly if you notice the early signs of a bed bug infestation. Do not hesitate to reach out to a pest control service. The experts can control the pests and help you put prevention measures in place to deter them from returning.

Enlist the Experts to Kick Bed Bugs Out of Your House

Bed bugs are extra frustrating pests because they bite you while you sleep, a time that should be restful and rejuvenating. If you wake up with unexplained bites, they are likely from bed bugs.

If you suspect that there are bed bugs in your home, contact a pest control professional. Working with an expert is the best way to ensure that bed bugs won’t disturb your sleep anymore.

ABC Can Bring Your Whole Family Relief From Bed Bugs

Homeowners who have a bed bug problem agree that it can significantly alter your normal routine and have a negative impact on your mental health. Take your back life from these pests by contacting ABC Home & Commercial Services. We offer pest control solutions to all types of pest problems, so you can get some relief.

Holt Myers

Holt joined ABC in 2021 as the Electrical & Appliance Operations Manager before transitioning to Division Manager for Pest Control. Before ABC, Holt worked as a Project Manager and Superintendent in Construction. Holt also served in the US Marine Corps from 2003 to 2007. Holt is a member of NPMA’s PestVets, Stewards of the Wild and Texas Wildlife Association. Holt is an avid outdoorsman, who loves to travel and spend time with his wife and daughter.

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