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How to Get Rid of Pigeons

a pigeon

While pigeons live their best life around humans, they can be quite a nuisance to us. No homeowner wants their yard filled with these birds or their vehicles covered in droppings. While their cooing can be pleasing, it can quickly escalate to noise when they gather in large groups.

If pigeons are invading your property and causing a stir, we have some tips that might help deter them. We also cover how homeowners can remove pigeon nests to keep their population from growing. If these birds continue to bug you, let bird control specialists take over. They have the tools and expertise to get these birds in line.

How to Get Rid of Pigeons

Pigeons may seem like harmless creatures, just bobbing their heads and minding their business on the streets. However, these communal birds can cause excessive noise when gathered in large groups. Their droppings cause problems, too. Because they’re acidic, they can damage car paint and roofing materials if you don’t clean them up.

Here are some things you can do to make your property uninviting to these birds.

Eliminate Food Sources

You might be providing the pigeons in your area with food without knowing it, causing them to return to your property. The best way to keep them away is to cut off their food supply. That means cleaning up thoroughly after outdoor meals and securing trash cans and recycling bins. Not only will you deter pigeons, but rats will also be less likely to appear on your property.

If you want to keep feeding your backyard birds, place the seeds in a birdfeeder instead of scattering them on the ground. You might also have to change the type of bird food, amount and feeding time to prevent pigeons from feasting. If the pigeons refuse to move to another area, you might have to stop feeding altogether for a few weeks. Don’t worry; your backyard birds will find other food sources while you’re on a break.

Prevent Nesting

Pigeons can make a home out of any flat surface, with their favorites being roofs, ledges, chimneys, sheds and attics. One of the most humane ways to prevent pigeons on your property is to eliminate possible nesting sites. You can use bird slopes and spikes to make it harder for these birds to find their footing.

Nets with half an inch of mesh can also be effective in keeping pigeons out of specific areas. Aside from modifying certain human-made structures, it also helps to prune the trees with dense canopies on your property regularly. That way, you can see every part of your house’s exterior and ensure there aren’t any pigeon nests.

Use Repellents

Many products on the market may help repel pigeons, with optical gel being one of the most popular. These multi-sensory disks contain peppermint oil, citronella, agar and beeswax. They emit a smell that pigeons aren’t fond of and mask pheromones. In addition, they’re sticky, which pigeons don’t like.

Another way to repel pigeons is to use an ultrasonic deterrent. You can place these small and discreet devices anywhere on your property. They make a sound that isn’t audible to humans but jarring to birds, quickly scattering the pigeons on your property. They come in solar-powered models, which require zero maintenance.

Want a simpler alternative to optical gels and ultrasonic deterrents? Try hanging wind chimes on your balcony or porch. While they might be soothing to our ears, they’re not the most pleasant sound to birds and may help ward off unwanted pigeons. Some wind chimes also have reflective properties, which makes them doubly unattractive to birds.

Call in the Professionals

If you already have a large flock of pigeons in your yard, preventative measures might be too late. If that’s the case, it’s time to call in the pros. Pest control specialists will assess the issue and provide the most effective solution. They can also perform regular maintenance checks to ensure no pigeon nests are hiding on your property. They can even help with other pests, like red fire ants.

a pigeon nest

How to Remove Pigeon Nest

Preventing nests is crucial in managing the pigeon population in your area. But what do you do if there’s already one on your property? Nest removal can be dangerous if you do it on your own. It deals with heights, and you can risk contracting an illness or getting an allergic reaction upon exposure to feces or feathers. It’s better to leave the task to professionals so they can take the proper steps, including the following.

Check the Nest

It’s crucial to check for activity before relocating any bird’s nest. If eggs or hatched babies are inside, the right step is to wait for them to grow up and leave the nest. It shouldn’t take too long because pigeons grow up fast, usually only taking four weeks to fledge. You’ll never see them again once they leave.

Never move a nest with eggs or babies inside because pigeons are picky with location. Relocating the nest might cause the parents to abandon their babies, even if the move was just a few feet away. Baby pigeons depend on their parents for food, warmth and survival skills. They will die if you relocate their nest, so it’s best to wait it out and let the parents raise them.

Take Necessary Precautions

Aside from checking if a nest is inactive, professionals take other precautionary measures before relocating it. They’ll identify the bird species and confirm that moving it is legal. Next, they’ll apply an antibacterial spray to the nest, remove the structure and dispose of it in an exterior trash bag or tightly sealed container away from your property. Finally, they’ll use a potent disinfectant to clean the area where the nest was.

They will also protect themselves by wearing respiratory masks, latex gloves, long sleeves and long pants. These steps are necessary because pigeon nests can harbor other pests and contain residual feces with harmful pathogens.

Deter Future Nests

Even though baby pigeons don’t return to their nest once they’ve fledged, their parents can still build new nests in the same area. Pest control professionals can help secure your property and deter them. One solution they might recommend is pigeon netting for your balcony or ledge to keep these birds from nesting and roosting in those areas. They can also help with other pests, like carpenter ant queens.

baking soda

Does Baking Soda Keep Pigeons Away?

Baking soda is a magical ingredient that can clean up all sorts of messes in the kitchen and bathroom. But are they effective in keeping pesky pigeons away? Some people believe it is. They say you can sprinkle baking soda on window ledges, your patio space and anywhere else pigeons like to perch. They hate feeling it underneath their feet and will avoid it at all costs. However, baking soda isn’t a comprehensive solution to your pigeon problem. Once it blows away, you’re back to square one.

There are other more long-term and effective ways to deter these annoying birds. The most crucial control method is eliminating their food and water sources and nesting and roosting sites. Without these essentials, your property becomes less attractive to them. It can also help to use repellents like optical gel to keep them away without harming them. Be sure to follow product label instructions if you’re taking this route. Lastly, you can set up bird slopes, spikes and nets to make it physically impossible for them to rest on any flat surface on your property and build nests.

If these birds continue to drive you crazy, it’s time to call in pest control specialists. They can implement measures to manage the pigeon population on your property so you can have peace back.

Contact the Pros for Your Pest Problems

Even though pigeons don’t enter your home, they can cause as much trouble as indoor pests. Not only do they disturb your peace with their excessive noise, but they can also damage your property with their feces. What’s even more worrying is that they carry diseases that can harm humans. If you’re wondering how to get rid of pigeons, contact the professionals for help. Pest control specialists will keep the pigeon population on your property in check.

Trust ABC for Bird Control

ABC Home & Commercial Services has been helping homeowners get rid of pests for over 75 years. As the largest independently-owned pest control company in the state of Texas, our technicians have the experience and the know-how to quickly identify the source of your pest problem and come up with effective solutions. We’re always here to help if and when those pesky birds decide to make a home out of yours. They can also help with other pests, like ground moles.

Russell Jenkins

Russell Jenkins is the VP of Business Development for ABC Home and Commercial Services in North Texas. Russell has been working as part of the ABC Family since he was 12 years old under the direction of his father, Owner Dennis Jenkins, and has since held several leadership roles at ABC. Russell holds a degree in Agricultural Leadership from Texas A&M University, and is a Food Safety Specialist. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family and two children, playing tennis, and gaming.

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