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Termites in Trees: Is My Home At Risk?

Termites in Trees

Most homeowners have heard of termite infestations in the wooden structures of a home, such as floors, attics, support beams and the wood frames behind drywall. But did you realize termites in trees can also be a real problem, especially if termites make their way from trees on your property onto your home and other wooden structures?

Termites in Trees

Read on to find out about signs of termites in trees, including termite holes in trees’ trunks and branches, and learn what to do if trees on your property are home to a termite infestation.

Types of Termites

There are two main types of termites that can cause problems to people’s homes and other parts of their property: subterranean and drywood.

True to their name, drywood termites don’t require much moisture to survive, and thus can thrive within the drier woods found in hardwood floors, attic spaces or higher-up areas of a home. While … Read Full Post »

2017 Orlando Bucket List, Summer Edition

orlando bucket list summer

Temperatures are inching higher here in central Florida, and you know what that means—it’s time for all summer fun activities! Wondering about the top things to do this summer in Orlando, Florida? The Sunshine State is famous for its theme parks and extensive outdoor fun opportunities, but Disney, swimming holes, and great hiking spots are just the beginning of all that central Florida has to offer.

Orlando Bucket List, Summer Edition

Our Orlando Summer Bucket List is below, and don’t worry: This list of summer fun activities truly has something for everyone. Read on to learn about the top things to do this summer in Orlando.

Water and Theme/Adventure Parks

Wekiwa Springs State Park is just a 20-minute drive north of Orlando, and it’s well worth the trip. You’ll get a glimpse of gorgeous, unspoiled vistas that hint at how central Florida appeared to the Timucuan Indians who lived here long ago. There’s truly … Read Full Post »

Houston Bucket List, Summer Edition

Temperatures are on the rise in Houston and so is the humidity. That means it’s time to start planning your Houston Summer Bucket List! Looking for a handy list of the top things to do this summer in Houston, Texas? If so, read on for all sorts of summer fun activities, tips and ideas.

Top Things To Do This Summer In Houston

Whether you’re an indoor or outdoor person, new to Houston or a longtime resident, on a budget or feeling flush, single, partnered or parenting…there’s something for everyone!

Museums and Galleries Galore

Houston is home to a thriving art gallery and museum scene, including Moody Gallery and Anya Tish Gallery, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Natural Science, and many more. The Museum District alone boasts 19 museums and many of them are free to enter. Enjoy the air conditioning and the educational exhibits and marvel at the beautiful winged … Read Full Post »

What Is a Mosquito Hawk?

What Is a Mosquito Hawk

Mosquito hawks, also known as crane flies, are often mistaken for huge, threatening mosquitoes—but they are not a type of mosquito at all. In fact, they aren’t even related to mosquitoes, despite the fact that they are rumored—incorrectly—to feed on mosquitoes and their larvae.

What Is A Mosquito Hawk?

What do these huge flying insects eat? Do mosquito hawks bite humans, the way mosquitoes do? And perhaps most importantly, how can you keep these insects out of your home and yard?

What Mosquito Hawks Aren’t

First, let’s clear up a couple of misconceptions about mosquito hawks. Crane flies are not the only insect species referred to by that name. Dragonflies are also sometimes called mosquito hawks since they actually do prey on mosquitoes (along with other small, flying insects) for food. Contrary to popular rumor, however, dragonflies aren’t an effective factor in mosquito control, as they don’t eat nearly enough of those bloodsucking pests … Read Full Post »

How to Get Rid of Mayflies

How to Get Rid of Mayflies

If you’ve ever seen a gathering of flies around your home’s doorways or entryway, you’ve probably encountered a gathering of mayflies. But whether you correctly identified them, well, that’s another story. That’s because mayflies are often misidentified as dragonflies and damselflies. Although these creatures are relatively harmless, chances are you don’t want mayflies inside your home.

How To Get Rid of Mayflies

Warmer months often mean more flies and insects flying around and outside your home. When you start noticing flying insects, the next step is usually taking steps to keep these insects from getting inside your home. Let’s discuss how to correctly identify mayflies, what to do if you have an infestation, and ways to prevent them from infesting your home again.


Despite their name, the mayfly is unrelated to a housefly or other true flies. And though they might look the same at first glance, the two species are quite different. … Read Full Post »

Crane Fly vs. Mosquito: What’s the Difference?

Crane fly vs mosquito

Though crane flies are often called “mosquito hawks,” likely due to their appearance—they look like a giant, extra intimidating mosquito, and have also been rumored (incorrectly) to prey on mosquitoes for food—the two insect species are actually unrelated.

Crane Fly vs. Mosquito

As their name might suggest, crane flies are a species of fly. These flying insects don’t dine on mosquitoes, much less on humans or any other type of animal—much to the dismay of homeowners hoping that crane flies might help with mosquito population control. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, consume animal blood as an essential part of their diet. Read on to learn more about these two varieties of insects, including their similarities and differences and which is most likely to win in the crane fly vs. mosquito showdown.


The most significant similarity between crane flies, and mosquitoes is the fact that they are flying insects that share a passing resemblance. … Read Full Post »

Deck Maintenance Ideas and Tips

deck maintenance ideas

Do you have an outdoor deck, but not enough knowledge about how to maintain it? Looking for deck maintenance ideas, or tips on how to maintain a wood deck?

Deck Maintenance Ideas and Tips

Here’s everything you need to know about maintaining your deck throughout the year, so you can continue to enjoy a functional, safe and beautiful outdoor living space.

Why Do Decks Need Maintenance?

Any deck, whether made of wood, composites or any material, is bound to start showing some wear and tear over time. Outdoor decks, after all, are exposed day in and day out to the elements: heat, cold, sunshine, rain, sleet, hail and snow. In some climates, decks might have to withstand inches of precipitation and a thirty- or forty-degree temperature shift all within a single day. As building materials expand and contract with temperature changes and absorb or repel moisture while also withstanding the effects of dryness, … Read Full Post »

Toilet Auger vs. Snake: Which Tool to Use and Why


Have you ever walked into your bathroom to find a clogged toilet? If you have, we’re sure you’d prefer not to have to experience that again. If you haven’t, we hate to break it to you, but you probably will at some point. You’ll want to be ready to know what to do when you have to deal with a clogged toilet and which tools are best for the job. Two of the more common tools homeowners use for basic plumbing repairs are toilet augers and snakes.

Toilet Auger vs. Snake

When do you need a toilet auger and in what situations is a snake the right tool for the job? Read on to find out.

The Toilet Auger

One of the most common tools for unclogging a toilet is the toilet auger. Also known as a water closet auger or plumbing snake, this device is designed to move through the drain of the toilet … Read Full Post »

How Long Do Flies Live?

How Long Do Flies Live

What’s that buzzing around your outdoor picnic? It’s probably fly. That’s because the housefly (Musca domestica) is one of the most common insects people interact with daily. And with more than 16,000 species of flies in North America alone and an ability to produce an estimated 1,000,000 offspring in weeks, it doesn’t look like they’re going anywhere anytime soon.

How Long Do Flies Live?

Let’s learn more about the lifespan and lifecycle of a common fly and how you can rid your home of them. We’ll also address common myths about flies and dive into the world of these pesky pests.

The Lifespan of a Fly

Contrary to popular belief, the common fly lives longer than a mere 24 hours. Entomologists say that mature house flies can live up to 25 days. And while the typical range is between 15 to 25 days, some reports indicate a lifespan of two full months.

A few … Read Full Post »

What Attracts Mosquitoes to Humans?

What attracts mosquitoes to humans

For a small insect, mosquitoes can be quite aggravating. A common topic of conversation when mosquitoes are out, and biting is why certain people seem to be the target of mosquitoes and not others.

What Attracts Mosquitoes to Humans?

Let’s take a look at why mosquitoes like to bite us, what makes them choose some people over others, and what we can all do to protect ourselves from these pesky pests.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Did you know all of the mosquitoes who bite you are females? They seek out warm-blooded creatures for a meal. The mosquito’s proboscis, a part of its mouth, works like a hypodermic needle. She injects a little of her own saliva into our skin, which thins the blood and allows her to draw it out of the capillaries in our skin.

The mosquito doesn’t drink your blood for herself but uses the proteins and other substances in the blood to … Read Full Post »