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How Did College Station Get A Rat Problem?

rats are abundant in college station neighborhoods.

So much of what our rodent specialists and pest entomologists know today has its origins in research done by Texas A&M. We’re so proud to learn from and work alongside researchers at the University.

Rodents Have A Complicated Past

Recently, one professor of biology and researcher at Texas A&M, Rodney Honeycutt, decided to look into the evolutionary history of rodents. Specifically, he wants to understand how a certain species of larger African rodents ended up with distantly related cousins on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean some 40 million years ago.

This story by ABC about Honeycutt’s rodent project perfectly describes what most of us are all wondering.

“They could have done it only one of two ways, as far as anybody knows. Either they swam across, which seems preposterous. Or they climbed aboard a raft and followed the currents across the Atlantic to the new world.” – Lee Dye

We know … Read Full Post »

Heater Blowing Cold Air? How To Solve This Problem

Heater Blowing Cold Air

If your heater is on and blowing cold air, it is most likely an issue with either your thermostat or your ductwork, but the complexity of heating systems opens up multiple possibilities. We’ll explore some of the more common reasons heaters blow cold air so that have so that you have the information you need to contact a trusted HVAC repair professional to get needed repairs done.

Heater Is Still Warming Up

Whether your heater is electric or gas, heat exchange is not an instant process. It will take a while after turning your heater on to initiate all of the processes involved in creating and moving heated air throughout your home.

Your heater has to first collect and compress the air in your home, then heat it and expel the cold air. Heating systems work by heat exchange, which means that your HVAC system returns the cold air to the outside of … Read Full Post »

Can Carbon Monoxide Leak If The Furnace Is Off?

Can Carbon Monoxide Leak If Furnace Is Off

Understanding how HVAC systems work and having an HVAC maintenance checklist can be helpful to avoid potential dangers from these appliances that many of us don’t completely understand nor have the knowledge to repair.

The main cause of carbon monoxide in homes is heating, although chimneys, space heaters, dryers, cars, generators, grills, stoves, ovens and tools can also generate this byproduct. Your heating and cooling system burns fuel to create cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter. Any time fuel is burned, the chemical processes create a byproduct called carbon monoxide, or CO. Cracks and leaks, obstructions and general malfunctions in your heating and cooling system can cause your exhaust system to fail and allow CO to seep into your home. When and if this happens, the consequences can be extremely serious.

Can carbon monoxide leak if a furnace is off? Technically, your system won’t produce carbon monoxide if your furnace … Read Full Post »

7 Elements of a Perfect and Happy Lawn

A Short and Complete Guide to Nurturing North Texas Yards

If lawn care chores are wearing you out, you might be trying too hard. Nurturing a Dallas landscape takes some effort, but why make it complicated? You can keep that yard perfectly happy with seven simple steps.

1. Understand the Grass – Just knowing what kind of turf you’re growing isn’t enough. Bermuda grass doesn’t like shade, and St. Augustine is a heavy drinker. Whether it’s buffalo, centipede or zoysia, show that lawn some love by learning about its preferences.

2. Watch Your Watering – Break the habit of watering on set days. Slow, deep soakings encourage healthy root systems, so wait until the yard looks a little thirsty. Whether you irrigate with a sprinkler or an automated system, water early in the morning for maximum effect.

3. Feed on Schedule – Most North Texas lawns like their nutrients served every two months from … Read Full Post »

When a Pest Infestation Has Gone Too Far

Pests may be par for the course in Texas, but infestations are still serious business. Find out when it’s time to call in professional pest control.

From pesky mosquitoes to curious rodents to ominous spiders, pests are a fact of daily life in the hot and humid Dallas area, but that doesn’t mean you should keep your guard down when it comes to pest control. While seeing an occasional critter is no big deal, it can sometimes be the first sign of a growing problem behind the scenes. How do you tell the difference between a stray and a more serious infestation? Watching for the warning signs below is a good place to start.

Dead Pests

If you keep seeing dead pests throughout your home or around your windows, there’s a good chance that a living colony is thriving somewhere on your property.

Structural Damage

The most destructive pests use homes as nesting grounds, leaving … Read Full Post »

4 Rodent Species Houston Residents Should Know

Every Year NPMA declares one week in November Rodent Awareness Week.

It is important to us that our neighbors stay in the know. Rodent Awareness Week 2015 is a great time to brush up on your rodent knowledge so that you can keep your home free from rats and mice. The more you know, the better you can protect yourself and your family.

Houston has a pretty well-documented roof rat problem and has for a few years now. The wet cool months of November-March are when we get the most calls for help with rodent control in Houston, Texas.

4 Rodent Species To Look Out For In Houston

Deer Mice

These are brown-bodied mice with pointy noses, small ears, and
short brown and white bellies and tails. Deer mice mature at 7 weeks and can rapidly reproduce, which is why even just one mouse could signal an infestation. If you find a deer mouse, a nest, … Read Full Post »

Here’s Why Cockroaches Love Your Clean Home

Roach crawling on white tile floor

If you’re like virtually every other human on the planet, you don’t want to see cockroaches in your home. To keep them away, you practice common sense. You keep your house spotless, take out your trash regularly and keep all your foods in sealed containers. Ever wonder what causes roaches in a clean home? You aren’t alone. What is it, exactly, that could be luring these disgusting pests onto your property?

Unfortunately for humans, cockroaches are incredibly versatile. They’ll eat things you might have never expected them to eat, and their water-finding senses are sharper than you realize. Roaches are experts at hiding and have even evolved to sense the slightest movements in their surrounding environment, which explains why we most often see these pests scurrying across our floor. That said, there are a few conditions that might make cockroaches fall in love with your home, no matter what the level of … Read Full Post »

How to Lengthen the Lifespan of Your Washer and Dryer

Get more use out of your appliances with smart preventative maintenance

“They don’t make things like they used to” is a common complaint when something big like a washer or dryer breaks down. Although nothing lasts forever, a little care and diligence can help major appliances keep going for many years. Get the most out of the 12-year average life span of your washer and the 13 years expected from a dryer with these simple maintenance tips.

Be Clean

Prevent the buildup of detergent and lint by cleaning both the inside and outside surfaces of your washer and dryer on a regular basis. Empty the dryer lint trap every time you remove a load, and find out if your washer also has a lint trap that should be cleared to prevent poor drainage.

Aim for Efficiency

Follow manufacturer instructions to avoid overloading your washer and dryer. Learn which settings are appropriate for different load sizes … Read Full Post »

The Heat Is On: Eliminating Bed Bugs with Heat Remediation

Controlling bed bugs is no sweat when you use heat

Finding bed bugs in your home can be a shock. These tiny parasites feed on human and animal blood and can hitch a ride in on almost anything. Luggage, clothing and old furniture are all potential “vehicles” for bed bug travel. Using heat remediation treatments can put a stop to a problematic infestation.

Bed Bug Woes

For most people, bed bug bites result in red, itchy bumps, but the reaction can be severe if you’re allergic. Bed bugs have also been known to carry pathogens, including serious diseases such as MRSA—there is no scientific evidence to show that bed bugs spread these diseases to humans, but it’s still disconcerting to know that there are parasitic insects lurking in your bedroom.

Treatments for Banishing Bed Bugs

Bed bug populations are growing, perhaps due in part to the fact that these pests have become resistant to many … Read Full Post »

5 Ways Your Landscaping Can Boost Your Energy Efficiency

Beautify your lawn and conserve resources at the same time

Smart landscape design can lower your energy bills all year long. Learning how to arrange plantings for maximum efficiency transforms your lawn into a beautiful oasis that works to reduce heating and cooling costs. Start saving now with these energy-efficient landscaping tips for your Austin home.

Cool Down with Trees

Shade trees have the power to cool your yard by as much as six degrees and reduce indoor temperatures up to 25%. A cooler house can make your air conditioner run 10% more efficiently throughout the season. This not only reduces energy use but also prolongs the life of the unit by reducing wear from regular operation.

Create Dead Space

Planting vines, shrubs and bushes near the walls of your home traps an insulating pocket of “dead air” that helps regulate temperatures in all seasons. Place plants far enough away so that there will be … Read Full Post »