Bugs That Look Like Termites But Aren’t

According to the National Pest Management Association, termites cause more than five billion dollars worth of property damage each year in the United States alone. The most destructive type of termite, the subterranean species, feeds 24 hours a day, so this dangerous pest doesn’t ever take a vacation. Homeowners can protect their biggest investment by learning more about bugs that look like termites but aren’t.
Most of us can distinguish between the most common bugs and insects we see in and around our home. Roaches, mosquitoes and flies look quite different from each other. But when it comes to other insects, our knowledge is fuzzy, at best.
Different pests require different types of treatment. Let’s explore what insects resemble termites and how to tell these bugs apart so that you can keep these pests away from your property.
Carpenter Ants
The bug which is most commonly confused with a termite is an ant. Both … Read Full Post »