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Do You Know the Wormy Truth About Rats?

Everyone knows rats don’t make great tenants because they carry loads of bacteria, but how about parasitic worms? Rat lungworm—or Angiostrongylus cantonensis, if you want to get official—is a parasitic worm that targets rats through their food sources. If that sounds scary already, wait until you hear this: In rare cases, humans can catch rat lungworm through contact with infected foods.

Since we’re talking about rats, you’re probably wondering what eating infected foods has to do with rodent infestations, and that’s a very good question. Here’s how the exchange works:

1. Rats that are infected with an adult form of the rat lungworm parasite pass the parasite’s larvae through feces.

2. Slugs and snails munch on the droppings, picking up the infection hiding inside.

3. Rats then eat the infected slugs and snails, bringing the cycle back to step one.

The interesting thing about this infection is that it works its way up to humans … Read Full Post »

San Antonio Tree Selection: Choosing the Best Trees for Your Yard

Windbreaks, Shades and Canopies That Love Central Texas

Planting a new tree in the yard yields instant green thumb gratification. Even the smallest sapling stands up straight with a promise of easy care and future shade. The mild San Antonio climate is very forgiving about your choice in timber, but some trees love the area more than others.

From Understories to Canopies

Trees don’t have to grow tall to be beautiful, and some of our loveliest local choices are the understory species. Mexican buckeyes and Texas redbuds mature at 10 feet, so enjoy these smaller plantings as windbreaks that offer natural landscaping privacy. Taller maples, walnuts and Mexican plums reach ideal heights for keeping your great outdoors shady and comfortable. Count on live oaks, cedar elms and Sabal palms for magnificent, towering canopies that spread over the house, block the sizzling sun and help hold down summer cooling costs.

Fabulous Flowers and Delectable Fruits

The … Read Full Post »

Are You Overwatering Your Lawn?

Stop drowning the grass and start practicing smart irrigation

Proper lawn care is all about balance. While it’s a good idea to give the grass a drink when it’s looking parched, overdoing it can lead to a host of problems that leave the lawn looking worse than before you watered.

Signs of Overwatering

How can you tell if you’ve been watering too often? One sign is the development of excess thatch. This layer of shallow-rooted plant material is routinely broken down on healthy lawns but can take over in the presence of too much water. Overwatering discourages grass from putting down deep roots, allowing thatch to thrive. Weeds that like damp areas may take up residence as well.

Watering too often promotes the growth of fungus which may appear as bright colors or brown spots. Dampness attracts insect pests that eat away at healthy grasses both above and below the ground, leaving unsightly damage … Read Full Post »

Why Are We Bugged by Bugs?

The science behind our fear of insects

What’s your least favorite insect?

For many people, that question is hard to answer. That’s not because there are so few scary bugs out there. Rather, it’s because lots of people are afraid of—or just generally “creeped out” by—all bugs. Recently, we heard an illuminating podcast about the psychology behind our fear of bugs. While it might not be enough to dispel your fears, it could help you understand why insects, arachnids, and arthropods seem so creepy.

Anyone Can Be Afraid

In the podcast, a well-known academic named Jeffrey Lockwood discusses his own fears of insects. As a grasshopper expert, he fancied himself immune to the fears that afflict normal folks. As it turns out, however, he’s just as susceptible as the rest of us. When he was out on the open prairie near his home base at the University of Wyoming, he came across an area … Read Full Post »

Best Tips for a Tick-Free Yard

Ticks thrive in damp, leafy areas with plenty of shade from the hot Texas sun. If that sounds like your yard, chances are that you’re about to – or already do – have a few new tenants, and they aren’t planning on paying the rent. Despite their tiny size, ticks can cause big problems, including the dreaded Lyme disease. While rates for new cases of Lyme disease are relatively low in Texas compared to other states, your health is too important to gamble on statistics. Here’s what you can do to transform your yard from a tick haven to a tick-free zone in any season:


Keep Your Grass Close to the Ground

Tall grass makes the ideal hiding spot for hungry ticks on the attack. The cover keeps them out of sunlight and out of sight while they wait to make direct contact with a passing animal – or you. To discourage … Read Full Post »

5 Reasons to Avoid a Plumbing Snake

DIY Plumbing Snake Problems

When you have a drain that’s hopelessly clogged, it’s tempting to grab a plumbing snake to take care of it. Also called pipe snakes, these coiled wire tools can be effective at clearing clogs, but they can also cause a great deal of damage if you don’t know what you’re doing.

5 Reasons to Avoid a Plumbing Snake

The top plumbing problem homeowners face is clogged drains. There are a number of tools you can use to unclog a drain, the most frequently used being a plunger, a plumbing snake and a drain auger. The last thing you want to do when using a snake to unclog a drain is to do further damage to your home. Here are five reasons you may want to hit the pause button before reaching for a plumbing snake:

#1: You May Have The Wrong Type of Snake for the Job

Most homeowners don’t realize there are several different types … Read Full Post »

Often-Forgotten Care Tips for Your Washer and Dryer

Save money and stay safe by maintaining your appliances

The National Fire Protection Association reports that America’s washers and dryers sparked nearly 17,000 fires during 2010. The flames destroyed property worth over $230 million. Laundry appliances will operate more safely and last longer if you set aside time to maintain them. These care tips can prevent serious water leaks, fires, explosions, and clothing damage:

1. Inadequate dryer cleaning causes the majority of fires. People often check lint filters but neglect other components. It’s best to disconnect the exhaust duct every 12 months and remove any debris that has accumulated. Clean around the dryer’s motor with a vacuum cleaner.

2. Most importantly, remember to remove lint from the external dryer vent at least once every 180 days. Clean it more often if you have a large family. This will prevent lint fires and ensure that your dryer doesn’t overheat. You can find this vent … Read Full Post »

Air Ducts Leaking? Watch Out For These Warning Signs

air ducts leaking

Many San Antonio home and business owners are not aware that their HVAC’s air ducts are leaking. All they know is that their home or office is uncomfortable and seems as if there is no air coming out of vents because something feels “off” about the temperature. We know how frustrating it can be to notice a problem but not know what is going on exactly, or how to fix it.

Air duct leaks are more common than you would think. If you have noticed any of the following warning signs, schedule an appointment with a trusted air conditioning professional to help you determine whether or not your AC issue is caused by a duct leak.

Stuffy Air Or Uneven Temperatures

If certain rooms are difficult to cool, or you notice the air not circulating well in some areas, it’s possible that the air from the AC unit is seeping out through the … Read Full Post »

Signs of a Hidden Water Leak

Detecting and eliminating unwanted dampness

Hidden leaks can waste thousands of gallons of water per year and often result in serious damage to the underlying structure of your home. Watch for these signs to detect leaks so you can take action before they become severe.

Increased Water Bills

A sudden spike in your water bill is one of the telltale signs of a hidden leak. If you can’t find any reason for the change and your bills remain high even when you’re trying to be conservative, it’s time to have the plumbing checked.

Discolored Patches

Hidden water can cause dark places, rings, or other color changes to appear on the ceiling and walls around your home. In some cases this may be the result of a leaky roof, but it could also mean that the pipes are sending water where it shouldn’t be going.

Peeling or Blistered Walls

Water inside walls can cause wallpaper and paint to … Read Full Post »

The Joys of Urban Farming in Dallas

Growing your own food no matter what the season

Did you know that fall and early winter in Dallas are great times to grow some of your favorite vegetables? Even if you don’t have a lot of space, you can take advantage of the mild Texas climate to enjoy fresh produce all year.

Home Garden Options

The best place for a garden is somewhere that gets a lot of sun, contains fertile soil with good drainage, and can be watered easily as needed. You can plant in your front yard, backyard, or even in containers on your porch.

Urban gardening requires getting creative with the space you have available. This may mean utilizing window boxes and hanging baskets or building raised beds. As long as you can give your plants the light, water, and nutrients they need, you’ll be on track for a bountiful harvest.

Benefits of Gardening

Making space to garden in and around your … Read Full Post »