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How Our Least Favorite Critters Made It Through Winter

Insects are an inevitable part of warm weather. Every year, the very same bugs appear, buzzing and bumbling where you don’t want them. Even a long Texas winter can’t deter these persistent pests. Have you ever wondered how they manage to make it through the same weather that had you shivering in your boots?


Perhaps the most obvious way to avoid freezing is to skip winter entirely. Like birds, some insect species simply take a vacation and come back when the warm weather returns.

Freeze Tolerance

Some insects have a unique protein in their bodies that acts almost like antifreeze. These “cryptoprotectant” compounds serve to lower the freezing temperature of the insects’ bodies and are triggered by the environmental changes that signal an oncoming winter, such as shorter days and cooler temperatures.

Lying “Dormant”

Insects can weather the winter in a variety of forms. Some snuggle up in cocoons, spending the season as pupae. Others … Read Full Post »

Bugger Off, Boxelder Bugs!

All about a pervasive central Texas pest

Boxelder bugs are a fact of life in central Texas. Like many other garden pests, these insects love to reproduce in ornamental trees and other cultivated plants that commonly appear in the region’s gardens. Although they do have some redeeming qualities, they’re notorious for causing serious damage to a wide variety of plants. If you have a boxelder bug infestation, there are a few tips you can follow to mitigate it.

What Are Boxelder Bugs?

Boxelder bugs are half-inch critters that live in and around several species of trees that are native to central Texas. During cold weather, they often burrow under roof shingles and attempt to enter homes through cracks in the wall. They can cause serious damage once they’re inside, so it’s best to keep them outside. Although they’re not members of the same species, red-shouldered bugs and largus bugs behave in a very … Read Full Post »

Why Starlings Are Taking Over Your Lawn

The lowdown on these high-flying fowls

When you talk to a dedicated bird lover about his San Antonio favorites, he won’t mention starlings. Ask him to name a species he considers a pure nuisance, and you’ll hear all about this invasive creature. You’re both on the same pest page for good reason. The estimated starling population here in Texas exceeds tens of millions, so it’s no wonder they’re all over your lawn.

Good Intentions Gone Wrong

It started in New York City’s Central Park in the late 1890s with Eugene Schieffelin’s release of a small flock of starlings. The gentleman was obsessed with birds from Shakespeare’s plays, and his intent was to fill the American sky with every species mentioned by the Bard. Sadly, there are no records of any other introductions by Mr. Schieffelin. However, his one contribution resulted in a current starling head count that could easily populate a remake of … Read Full Post »

Why Do Raccoons Have Masks?

why do raccoons have masks

You might confuse a raccoon for a small pet if you come across one in your yard. While these outdoor pests may not look fierce, they can cause quite a bit of damage to your yard and can create a big mess if they get into your trash containers. One reason we tend to associate raccoons with mischief is the mask that covers most of their face.

Why Do Raccoons Have Masks?

You might think that between the destruction, theft and spreading of disease blamed on this furry animal, raccoons might wear masks to prevent being identified in a police lineup. After all, their damage could be deemed criminal activity under the eyes of the law. One theory, though, is that the black fur under the raccoon’s eyes reduces glare and enhances the nocturnal raccoon’s vision when it’s dark outside.  Another theory is that the different patterns of each animal’s mask help raccoons recognize … Read Full Post »

Landscaping Tips To Help Lower Your AC Bills This Summer

It’s summertime in Houston, so the list of survival essentials looks something like this: 1.) water, 2.) food, 3.) air conditioning … and after that, not much else matters. So, how do you keep your AC running efficiently and minimize the chance that it breaks during the hottest day of the year?

Starting outside with the AC condenser
There are several things homeowners can do to maintain their central ac system, but one of the easiest is to start outside. The condenser unit is the big box (some are round) outside that is loud and can be obtrusive, so a lot of people like to landscape around it to hide it from view and cut down on the noise it produces.

The condenser’’s job is to cool down the refrigerant in the system and turn it from a hot vapor back into a cool liquid. The more quickly and completely your … Read Full Post »

Don’t Let Pests Chase Away Business

The customer is always right about pests

Rodents and insects create problems for Dallas businesses, whether they’re child care centers or furniture rental stores. They can annoy, sicken or injure your firm’s customers and employees. Even if you don’t have direct contact with the public, an infestation may ruin valuable goods. It’s vital to take action before pests cause serious harm to your business.

Bothersome Bugs

Your company may offer excellent products and services, but this won’t stop a small infestation from chasing away your customers. No one wants to find ants crawling on a dining table or hotel bed. Likewise, people won’t shop or eat if they smell an expired rodent in the wall. A single pest can prevent you from gaining a loyal patron.

Bad Publicity

When customers buy flea-infested furniture or swat flies while eating meals, they often tell other people about these experiences. Business review websites make this very easy to … Read Full Post »

If You’re Going to Live in Texas, You Might as Well Grow Yellow Roses

Roses take well to Texan soils

“The Yellow Rose of Texas” has been a well-known ditty since the middle of the 19th century. It remains relevant to this day, but not for the reason you might think. According to folks who know about these things, Texas is one of the country’s best places to grow roses. Whether you prefer the yellow variety or want to plant a different hue, your property could use the color.

Where Do Roses Grow in Texas?

As anyone who lives here knows, Texas is blessed with a wide range of climate and soil types. In the far western part of the state, residents of El Paso contend with sandy soils and meager rainfall. Despite these limitations, hardy varieties of roses bloom handily amid the brown desert. In the northern fringes of the Panhandle, cold winters demand a little extra care. To the east and south, rain-fed soils and … Read Full Post »

Upgrade Your AC System to Beat the Heat

How to stay cool and save cash

An average July temperature of 95 degrees means that Austin homeowners need efficient, effective solutions to beat the heat. A well-designed, professionally installed HVAC system can go a long way toward keeping any house comfortably cool even on scorching days. Unfortunately, many homeowners worry that keeping their properties cool during the spring and summer months means shouldering unbelievably high electricity bills. Instead of stressing about staying on budget, consider how upgrading your air conditioning system now can help you beat the heat and save money.

Keeping Up With Heating and Cooling Needs

Taking time to honestly evaluate your heating and cooling needs is the first step towards choosing energy-efficient upgrades that will help you stay comfortable while cutting down on costs. Think about how you use your current HVAC system. Is your system able to meet your cooling demands? In what ways does your system fall … Read Full Post »

Beat the Sting of Summer by Banishing Wasps

San Antonio’s warm weather makes the ideal environment for active wasp hives. Find out what you need to know to make this summer a wasp-free season.

With the hot and humid summer months just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start planning your pest control solutions against stubborn wasp infestations. While wasps are beneficial to the environment, having a busy hive on your property is far from ideal. From extreme pain to strong allergic reactions, wasp stings are associated with a number of risks that can affect you, your children and even your pets. Whether you’re used to dealing with wasp infestations every summer or just want to take precautionary measures to make sure your wasp-free home stays that way as temperatures rise, below are the basic facts you need to know to keep wasps in check in any weather.

How Do Wasp Infestations Start?

The way wasps nest depends … Read Full Post »

600 Miles of Roots

Untangling the fuzzy facts about pampas grass

Pampas grass has a mixed reputation, and rumors around lawn care circles allege that just one clump produces a root mass that can unravel to a length of more than 600 miles. If you drove that distance east from the Bryan-College Station area, you’d make it to the Florida panhandle. What else should you know about this unusual ornamental?

Are Those Fronds Friend or Foe?

The sight of a Texas sunset through those feathery plumes adds a special beauty to the evening, but early settlers saw them as something more practical. Pampas grass was imported from South America to feed grazing herds. This plan proved to be mistake, but the plant’s rooting tenacity and efficient reproduction techniques made it a permanent part of the landscape. The flowers are dioecious, which means that each shrub is either male or female, and all it takes is one gentleman … Read Full Post »