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How Many Years Do Your Household Appliances Have Left?

We’ll help you make an educated guess

Major appliances aren’t cheap, and some units take considerable effort to install. It makes sense to keep them running as long as possible. You can accomplish this by reading the manual and taking various steps to boost the longevity of your equipment. Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to estimate how many years each appliance will survive because it may help you save the right amount of money for replacements.


Medium and large refrigerators typically last between 10 and 18 years. Small models conserve space and electricity, but they remain less reliable. These units often fail after about eight years. Refrigerators will last longer if you keep your kitchen below 70 degrees and clean any exposed condenser coils. When you unplug it, prop the doors open to prevent mold.

Ovens, Ranges

Most cooking appliances have very few moving parts, so they usually perform well for 11 to 21 … Read Full Post »

Conserve Water to Prevent Higher Rates in San Antonio

A classic cause and effect relationship

For two decades, San Antonio has struggled with perennial water shortages and persistent price pressures. Despite serving as a model for other southwestern cities, it’s unclear how much more the city can do to keep rates affordable—or even ensure that enough water reaches its residents and business owners. The next line of defense against urban drought might be locals who install low-flow fixtures, repair leaky faucets and conduct other important repairs.

The Lay of the Land (and Water)

Among American cities with limited water resources, San Antonio has long been regarded as a pioneer. The city was one of the first to see its water allocation curtailed as a result of a court order, and the amount that it pumps from the nearby Edwards Aquifer is likely to be capped in the face of competing sources like ranchers and endangered animal species. As a result, it’s a … Read Full Post »

Are Your Guests Sleeping With the Enemy?

The modern bed bug invasion and what to do about it

Are unwelcome visitors feasting in your guest rooms? We’re not talking about intruders helping themselves to the minibar. We’re talking about bed bugs. Are they dining on your guests?

Bed bug infestations are on the rise. When the National Pest Management Association surveyed pest management companies in 2010, they found that 95% of the companies that responded had encountered bed bugs in the previous year, up from just 25% in 2006. The nasty things have been found in homes, hospitals, dorms, retail stores and even in the offices of the Wall Street Journal.

The hospitality industry is also on the creepy-crawly radar. When bed bugs invaded hotels in New York, it made headlines all over the world. Most people assume these creatures are a sign of poor housekeeping. The truth is that bed bugs are the world’s best hitchhikers. They hide in … Read Full Post »

Four Ways to Cut Cooling Costs in San Antonio

With the area’s year-long warm weather and summer heat spells that don’t break for weeks at a time, high cooling costs are one of the major drawbacks of living in San Antonio. Find out what changes you can make to keep your energy bills in check when temperatures rise.

While San Antonio’s sunny climate is one of its main attractions, it’s a perk that comes with a hefty price tag for many local residents. If your home has an outdated HVAC system or lacks insulation, your cooling costs can skyrocket during the hot and humid summer days when not using air conditioning isn’t an option. The good news is that it’s possible to keep your cooling costs under control with a few small changes to your lifestyle and maintenance routine. Below are some of the best ways to bring your monthly energy bills down before the next heat wave hits our … Read Full Post »

Termites Never Sleep

termite droppings

They prefer to eat

We’ve all wrestled with big questions like “What is the meaning of life?” and “Why are we here?” For worker termites, both of these queries have an identical answer: to eat wood. In fact, termites are so single-mindedly devoted to this task that they can’t be bothered to sleep in between meals. If you thought your kids were eating you out of house and home, just wait until you learn about these insect pests.

Programmed to Work

The sad truth is that termites simply aren’t programmed to sleep. Instead, they’re programmed to work. The brains of worker termites are far simpler than ours, so they don’t require as much repair and refreshment as those of higher-order animals. Despite the fact that they’re “always on,” termites actually live pretty long for insects—between two and three years for a standard worker.

As long as they’re alive, termites continue to gnaw their way … Read Full Post »

Making the Big Switch From Traditional to Tankless

Stretching your energy dollars further

By now, you’ve probably heard something about the benefits of tankless water heaters. Compared to traditional water heaters, these pieces of equipment have plenty of positive implications for your home’s energy bills as well as the general state of your utility areas. While installing a tankless water heater isn’t rocket science, it does help to keep a few commonsense tips in mind as you embark on this money-saving project.

How Do Tankless Water Heaters Work?

Also known as “continuous flow” heaters, tankless water heaters live up to their name. Instead of taking in heating and storing water from an incoming main line, tankless water heaters deliver powerful blasts of heat that warm up the water that flows into a structure from outside without halting its movement. Since stored water has much more time to lose heat than rapidly flowing water, this dramatically reduces the amount of energy that … Read Full Post »

When Dallas Yards Get Hungry

Enhancing your property with proper fertilization techniques

Although Dallas definitely stays warmer year-round than states in the northern half of the country, it’s still imperative to consider your property’s lawn care needs for the spring, summer and fall. After all, fertilizing strategies change with the weather, and you also need to aerify warm season turfgrasses during the spring and summer months. Taking the time to create the proper strategy will help ensure a lush lawn.

Fertilization Schedule for Southern Grasses

It’s common for Dallas-area residents to have Southern grasses such as Zoysia, Bermuda and St. Augustine on their property. All of these grasses require granular slow-release fertilization four times a year to help them look their best. This requires a proper schedule so that you don’t end up overwhelming your yard or inadvertently causing some damage. You should have the first fertilization applied between late February and early March, and follow it up … Read Full Post »

Stop the Weed-Whacking Insanity

When the weather is warm and there’s plenty of rain, it can seem like all you do throughout the spring and summer is try to keep weeds under control. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to put away that noisy, stinky old weed whacker? With the right lawn care methods, you can do just that and still have an amazing lawn.

Don’t Buzz Cut Your Lawn

An ultra-short lawn may extend the time until you have to mow again, but it also leaves your grass vulnerable to being overrun by more aggressive plants. Mowing at a higher level gives your grass a long enough leaf to produce the nutrients it needs to grow strong and “crowd out” pesky weeds.

Hoe Your Rows

Weed whackers only cut the visible parts of weeds, but a good old-fashioned hoe can stop them in their tracks. If you’re sick of weeds that seem to spring up year … Read Full Post »

Don’t Set the Table for Termites

Dallas pest control tips to eliminate termite infestations

You may be welcoming termites and other pests into your home without even knowing it. Termites cause over $5 billion in property damage each year. It’s always smart to get a regular pest inspection, but there are other things you can do to discourage an infestation as well. Here are some effective pest control tips to help you stop setting the table for termites.

Stop Piling Mulch Near Your Home

Mulch is heaven to termites. It’s a source of food and provides a moist environment where termites thrive. When mulch is near your foundation it acts as a bridge that welcomes the pests into your house. If you must use mulch, keep it piled well below the siding or wood construction. It may be a good idea to use gravel as an alternative to mulch to avoid the inadvertent luring of termites.

Remove Tree Stumps

When dead … Read Full Post »

PestWorld for Kids

Kids are either fascinated or grossed out by bugs. Whatever category your children fall into, PestWorld is a great website to educate them about how bugs affect people’s daily lives. From educational information to games, this interactive hub introduces kids to the basics of pest control and helps them learn more about the “creepy crawlies” they share the world with.

Pest Guide

A comprehensive list of common pests gives kids all kinds of information about how bugs adapt to living in different conditions, including how and why they take up residence in homes. With resources such as “Amazing Pest Facts” and complete information sheets, kids can learn about bugs such as ants, bees, cockroaches, dust mites, pill bugs and wasps, along with other potential pests, including gophers, mice and voles. The guide demystifies critters that can sometimes be startling or scary by providing useful information for kids and adults alike.

Games & Entertainment

For … Read Full Post »