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Put Down the Bleach: How Cleaning Compounds Can Kill Your Dishwasher

You count on your dishwasher to cut down on your workload. If your dishwasher doesn’t seem to be providing the same level of service as it did before, it’s time to evaluate the products you’ve been using. After all, some dishwasher problems are caused by using the wrong types of detergent or cleaner. Thankfully, avoiding these issues is as simple as making sure that you’re selecting the right products to care for your dishwasher.

Are You Using the Right Cleaners in Your Dishwasher?

No matter how new or old your dishwasher is, using the right types of detergents and cleaning products is key to ensuring its efficiency, performance and longevity. When choosing a detergent, you should always look for a product that’s clearly labeled for use in dishwashers. These may take the forms of liquids, gels, powders or self-contained packs. All of these types of detergent are completely safe for use in … Read Full Post »

What to Consider When Making Energy-Efficient Cooling Updates

Keeping your San Antonio home cool during the hot summer months can be a real challenge. Like many homeowners, you might worry that keeping your cool will simply cost too much. Thankfully, new options in energy-efficient cooling can help you stay comfortable all summer without breaking the bank.

Understanding Your Energy-Efficient Cooling Options

When it comes to energy-efficient heating and cooling options, you have several types of systems from which to choose. Before you start shopping for a new system, you’ll need to understand that you can choose from:

• Ductless systems, which rely on outdoor HVAC units connected to indoor air handlers via a small refrigerant line.

• Central air systems, which use HVAC units paired with ductwork to move treated air throughout a home.

An HVAC specialist can help you decide which type of system is best suited to your needs. Many homeowners now prefer ductless systems because they don’t require any structural … Read Full Post »

Austin, We Have a Problem: Urban Animals Are Currently on the Prowl

Everyone enjoys observing wildlife in action. Unfortunately, wild critters can become a lot less entertaining when they move in and take over your home. Thanks to increased urban expansion, many Austin homeowners are starting to notice that urban wildlife is causing major infestation problems. If you’re suffering from a pest issue, it’s essential to understand what types of wild animals can cause problems and how you can prevent them from taking over your property.

Are Urban Animals Taking Over Austin?

Thanks to its warm climate and surrounding lakes and rivers, Austin is a popular destination for many travelers. Of course, not all of these travelers come in on two feet. Many four-footed members of the animal kingdom have also started calling the area home. Urban wildlife found in the area include:

• Deer
• Raccoons
• Opossums
• Squirrels
• Bats
• Birds

Urban coyotes are also a major nuisance for some Austin homeowners. While these animals don’t generally … Read Full Post »

Honey Bee ID Crisis: Friend or Foe?

Does the honey bee have an evil twin?

Honey bees are beneficial insects that everyone should protect. By pollinating plants, they help people grow vegetables, nuts and fruit. This friendly bug also creates the delicious honey that we enjoy adding to many foods. It will only sting you if it feels threatened. However, this bee has an aggressive cousin that arrived in Texas during the early 1990s.

Although some people call them “killer bees,” Africanized honey bees cause very few deaths. They don’t fly faster or have stronger venom than other species, according to the Houston Beekeepers Association. Nonetheless, these insects won’t hesitate to use their stingers. They can attack in large swarms and sting repeatedly. People with venom allergies must avoid them at all costs.

If honey bees begin stinging you, it’s best to escape as quickly as possible. Texas A&M reports that some colonies contain up to 90,000 insects, so it … Read Full Post »

Pruning Pointers for Healthy, Happy Trees

Smart tree grooming starts with great pruning

Your trees don’t ask for much. They’re content with a well-fertilized lawn and regular watering during our hot San Antonio summers. They also enjoy annual pruning, but they hope you don’t confuse that with a trim. While both should always be on your landscaping to-do list, it’s important to understand the difference. A trim lightly shapes your trees, but pruning keeps them strong and beautiful.

Why Your Trees Care

Shape counts, but pruning is an important part of healthy tree maintenance. Making the right cut frees your shady friends from dead branches, and it helps control disease. That backyard crop of apples and pears depends on your lopper to encourage blooms for an abundant harvest. Most area trees appreciate their pruning from February through early spring. However, midwinter is the best time to work on live oaks because the cold weather discourages the spread of wilt … Read Full Post »

The Ancient Romans Had a Goddess of Sewers and Drains

Her name was Cloacina, and she meant business

Ancient mythology is filled with some incredible characters, but few are as memorable as the Romans’ goddess of sewers and drains. Known as Cloacina, she was initially imagined to have presided over the city of Rome’s Cloaca Maxima, the city’s primary drainage tube. Over time, she came to be known as the patron of many additional things, including actual sewage, sexual intercourse between spouses and personal cleanliness.

A Brief History of Rome’s Sewers

As one of the ancient world’s most advanced civilizations, Rome has a long history of public sanitation. Along with its satellites, the city had open sewers since its founding. Beginning in the 6th century B.C., engineers constructed the first segments of covered sewers within the city limits. As Rome expanded, its sewer system grew along with it. Although its drains and tubes have mostly been filled in or built over, modern Rome … Read Full Post »

Bug Myths That Are Totally False (and a Few That Are Shockingly True)

Debunking common hoaxes and exploring interesting bug facts

Everyone has heard so-called facts about bugs that have made their skin crawl, but the reality is that most of this information is completely false. Fortunately, we have the proper pest control knowledge and experience to help people in the Austin area determine which common sayings are myths and which are actually facts.

The Most Popular Bug Myths

We Swallow Spiders in Our Sleep

Almost everyone has heard some version of this story. The amount of spiders that we swallow in our sleep every year supposedly ranges from 8 to 15. This is a terrifying thought, especially for those who suffer from arachnophobia. Well, we’re pleased to announce that there’s absolutely no truth to this myth. The reality is that it would be extremely unlikely for you to end up swallowing one spider while you’re asleep during your entire life.

Bed Bugs Are Caused by Poor Sanitation

Some … Read Full Post »

May Is Lyme Disease Awareness Month: Is Your Family Safe?

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 300,000 people in the United States alone will be diagnosed with Lyme disease this year. Since May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, now is a great time to learn what you need to know to protect your family from one of the country’s most widespread infectious conditions.

Despite being one of the most frequently reported infectious diseases in the country, most of us know surprisingly little about Lyme disease, its prevention, transmission and treatment. In honor of May being the official Lyme Disease Awareness Month, we’re sharing some of the most important facts you need to know to keep your family safe and healthy all year long.

What Exactly Is Lyme Disease?

Known as the most prevalent tick-borne illness in the United States, Lyme disease is spread through bites from bacteria-carrying ticks. If you’re completely unfamiliar with Lyme disease, take a … Read Full Post »

Struggling With Arachnophobia? A New App Can Help!

Conquering spiders with your amazing digital powers

Your gender doesn’t matter when you scream like a little girl. Don’t feel shy about your pounding heart and sweating palms. You share that fear of spiders with 7% of the world’s population, but there’s a new weapon for conquering your phobia, and it’s just a quick download away.

There’s an App for That Arachnophobia

When was the last time you considered downloading something to help you with a little systematic desensitization? This form of phobia therapy has been around for more than 50 years, and the process is much simpler than its fancy name implies. Gradual exposure to something frightening gives you the power to control that irrational reaction and wrestle it into submission. Combine this straightforward approach with a touch of digital magic, and you have Phobia Free. This clever smartphone app is produced by Virtually Free and based on their dedication to universal … Read Full Post »

Meet the Mosquitoes: Strangest Facts About These Seasonal Insects

Itchy spit, smelly breath and standing water—they’re all part of the strange world of mosquitoes.

It’s a familiar scenario: You’re outdoors enjoying some beautiful weather when suddenly you feel a tickle on your arm. You slap the spot instinctively only to discover that you just swatted a mosquito. Do you know what attracted it in the first place? How about why you’re just starting to itch? Read on for some fascinating facts about these annoying bugs.

It’s All About Your Breath (and Body Odor)

Mosquitoes can detect the carbon dioxide people exhale from as far as 75 feet away. Sweaty people are also a major draw for them. However, there are some smells that dull or stun their carbon dioxide sensors, including mint, certain fruits, and chocolate.

Beware the Aggressive Female

If you get bit, don’t blame the males. Female mosquitoes are the ones that bite, and even then it’s only to get nourishing protein … Read Full Post »