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Three Quick Home Plumbing Upgrades You’ll Love

Whether you’re the go-to neighborhood handyman or can’t tell a tire iron from a toilet seat, you probably don’t give your DIY skills enough credit. With a little preparation and a lot of discipline, it’s possible to execute many straightforward plumbing upgrades and fixes without calling on a professional or buying special tools. We outline three simple tasks that take less than half a day and leave your home in even better shape.

Upgrading Faucets with Aerators and Other Water-Saving Devices

If your home suffers from low water pressure or has wasteful, outdated faucets, you don’t have to replace your entire piping system. Instead, tack a simple aerator onto your faucet head to increase the perceived speed at which water shoots out of the tap. You can buy aerators at most home improvement stores, and installing them simply demands some manual twisting or clipping.

If you’re more interested in sprucing up your faucet’s … Read Full Post »

Going Tankless at Home

How Tankless Water Heaters Can Improve Your Austin Home

To the extent you think about your water heater at all, odds are that you think of a big, bulky contraption with a large tank that stores hot water. Thanks to modern technology, though, you can get rid of the tank and save plenty every year.

Unlike an ordinary water heater, a tankless system heats water on demand. As soon as you turn on a faucet or start up an appliance that uses hot water, cold water flows into the heater. The system warms it up directly using gas or electric heat, then pumps the hot water right where it’s needed. As soon as you shut off the hot water, the system shuts down, too.

The biggest upshot of such a system is that there’s no power wasted heating up water that you don’t really need. A tankless heater gives you exactly as much … Read Full Post »

FAQ: How Toxic Are the Pest Control Products Used by ABC Home & Commercial Services?

If you have a pest problem in your home, you may be willing to try just about anything to dispel the threat. At the same time, you’re probably cognizant of the fact that some pest control products are toxic. We’re sensitive to these issues as well. In fact, we take pains to ensure that our approach to pest mitigation doesn’t jeopardize your family’s health and well-being. These commonly asked questions explain more about our services and philosophy.

What Specific Products Do We Use?

The products we use contain the following:

• Insect growth regulators
• Pyrethrins
• Pyrethroids
• Indoxycarb

Each of these materials acts on specific pests in certain ways. Although they may be harmful if ingested or under other circumstances of misuse, they lack the dangerous side effects that make certain other pest control products unacceptable for indoor use.

What Other Pest Control Methods Do We Employ?

Pest control products are only part of our pest control … Read Full Post »

Does Your Home Have a Deep Dark Plumbing Secret?

If you’ve owned a home for any length of time, you’ve probably dealt with a plumbing problem or two. You may even be handy with routine plumbing tasks like tightening fixtures or unclogging toilets. However, your water system’s woes may be the result of more serious issues that won’t go away without professional assistance. Learn more about how to tell if your home has a deep, dark plumbing secret.

Common Plumbing Problems

Along with a hefty dose of elbow grease, plenty of plumbing problems can be fixed with a plunger, snake or pliers. Unfortunately, many others may be signs of more serious issues that can’t be remediated without professional assistance. These might include:

• Corroded pipes
• Blockages caused by mineral accumulation
• Tree root damage
• Burst pipes
• Intake line issues and sewer collapse

Quick Fixes That Don’t Work

These problems can manifest themselves in many different ways. When faced with a leaky or blocked pipe, many … Read Full Post »

Are You Putting Out the Welcome Mat for Rodents?

Mice may be cute and cuddly on TV or as a children’s toy, but when they get inside the walls of your business, they are dirty, destructive and downright disgusting.

Rodents typically make their way indoors during cooler weather, seeking warmth and protection. While you might feel bad about turning them out to face the harsh elements, remember that these small creatures not only make annoying scratching sounds inside your walls, but they also chew on electrical wires and spread diseases.

For many people, leaving traps and poison out around the building is the go-to solution. But who wants to find rotting rat carcasses lying around as you’re trying to take your lunch break? There’s got to be a better way. ABC Home & Commercial Services in Dallas is here to help.


You may be unintentionally inviting local rodents to take up residence with the following behaviors:

• Rodents don’t have a sophisticated palate. … Read Full Post »

Noises in the Walls: Could It Be a Rat Invasion?

Do you hear noises in the walls or ceilings? It could be a sign that rats have invaded your home. These large rodents recently became the most common pest in the San Antonio area. They will live in any building that provides them with water, food and shelter.

A rat infestation doesn’t imply that a house or neighborhood is unclean. It simply means that your home has at least one opening the size of a quarter. Unfortunately, many new buildings are constructed with small holes in their roofing or siding.

Signs of an Invasion

Two rat species have achieved notoriety in San Antonio. If you usually hear noises in the ceiling, roof rats may have infested your attic. These rodents run quickly and like to eat nuts or fruit. The larger Norway rat is more likely to crawl through your home’s walls.

You will probably notice other indications before you actually see a rat. … Read Full Post »

Drought-Resistant Plants Austin Loves

If you don’t mind summer heat, Austin is a great place to put down roots. Unfortunately, the region’s climate prevents many common lawn and garden plants from putting down roots on a consistent basis. While the Austin area isn’t a desert wasteland, it does experience periodic droughts that can undo hours of hard landscaping work. Consider relying on these drought-resistant plants to protect your property.


As a member of the agave family, lechuguilla is comfortable in truly arid conditions. Its native territory stretches across northern Mexico and into the Chihuahuan Desert of extreme western Texas, but it’s perfectly content in Austin’s wetter climate as well. After a decade-long period of slow growth, this plant grows into a succulent shrub that can provide shade and privacy for your yard without hogging your lawn’s water.

Hill Country Rain Lily

As its name suggests, the Hill Country rain lily is native to the Austin area. While … Read Full Post »

Signs Gas Oven Not Heating Properly and What To Do About It

Gas oven not heating properly

Few things are more frustrating for the home cook than having food turn out unexpectedly bad. Burnt edges, raw centers, undercooked meats and uneven browning can ruin a meal that took precious time to prepare.

Signs Your Gas Oven is Not Heating Properly 

Anyone can have an off day, but if these problems are consistent, they can leave you wondering if there is a bigger problem. If you’ve been using the same gas oven successfully for months or years and suddenly experience cooking difficulties, your oven’s failing heating element, digital controls or other components could be to blame. Here are five signs that can help you recognize uneven or inconsistent heating.

One or Both Elements Don’t Produce Heat

It seems like an obvious problem, but anyone can get in a hurry and not realize that one of the heating elements in your oven is not igniting. If your food isn’t turning out as expected, … Read Full Post »

FAQ: What Pest Control Products/ Materials Are Used by ABC?

Modern pest control measures generally involve the application of products and solvents that kill or disrupt the rodents, arachnids and insects that make their way into our homes. As a homeowner, you have every right to wonder about the safety of these materials. We’re fully committed to ensuring your safety and well-being, so we’ve put together a list of questions that potential customers ask about our pest control program.

How Do You Maximize the Safety of Your Pest Control Measures?

At ABC, we like to approach a pest problem holistically through Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This approach involves identifying and eliminating the cause of the infestation, treating the current infestation, and incorporating preventative measures to keep the infestation from returning.

For the treatment aspect of the program, we select pest control products and materials that are known to have few effects on “non-targets.” Non-targets are “bystander” life forms that don’t act as pests … Read Full Post »

Is Your Home on the Bug Invasion List?

Prevention is crucial for effective pest control

No structure is immune to determined pests. Bugs have invaded five-star hotels, office towers, movie theaters and just about every other type of building, but certain homes are particularly prone to infestation. Make sure your house or apartment doesn’t have too many of these pest-friendly attributes:

1. Damaged or missing screens: Insects can squeeze through very small holes in screens on your windows or attic vents. Sadly, it may only take one bug to infest the entire home. Use tape or hot glue to patch holes until you replace a screen.

2. Unsealed gaps and cracks: Bugs constantly explore your home’s exterior surfaces. They’ll take advantage of any tiny gaps around the gas lines, utility wires, doors or windows. Some insects also enter houses by crawling through cracks in foundation walls.

3. Poorly sealed units: Cockroaches, bedbugs or fleas might infest an entire apartment or condo building … Read Full Post »