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Stop the Weed-Whacking Insanity

When the weather is warm and there’s plenty of rain, it can seem like all you do throughout the spring and summer is try to keep weeds under control. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to put away that noisy, stinky old weed whacker? With the right lawn care methods, you can do just that and still have an amazing lawn.

Don’t Buzz Cut Your Lawn

An ultra-short lawn may extend the time until you have to mow again, but it also leaves your grass vulnerable to being overrun by more aggressive plants. Mowing at a higher level gives your grass a long enough leaf to produce the nutrients it needs to grow strong and “crowd out” pesky weeds.

Hoe Your Rows

Weed whackers only cut the visible parts of weeds, but a good old-fashioned hoe can stop them in their tracks. If you’re sick of weeds that seem to spring up year … Read Full Post »

Don’t Set the Table for Termites

Dallas pest control tips to eliminate termite infestations

You may be welcoming termites and other pests into your home without even knowing it. Termites cause over $5 billion in property damage each year. It’s always smart to get a regular pest inspection, but there are other things you can do to discourage an infestation as well. Here are some effective pest control tips to help you stop setting the table for termites.

Stop Piling Mulch Near Your Home

Mulch is heaven to termites. It’s a source of food and provides a moist environment where termites thrive. When mulch is near your foundation it acts as a bridge that welcomes the pests into your house. If you must use mulch, keep it piled well below the siding or wood construction. It may be a good idea to use gravel as an alternative to mulch to avoid the inadvertent luring of termites.

Remove Tree Stumps

When dead … Read Full Post »

PestWorld for Kids

Kids are either fascinated or grossed out by bugs. Whatever category your children fall into, PestWorld is a great website to educate them about how bugs affect people’s daily lives. From educational information to games, this interactive hub introduces kids to the basics of pest control and helps them learn more about the “creepy crawlies” they share the world with.

Pest Guide

A comprehensive list of common pests gives kids all kinds of information about how bugs adapt to living in different conditions, including how and why they take up residence in homes. With resources such as “Amazing Pest Facts” and complete information sheets, kids can learn about bugs such as ants, bees, cockroaches, dust mites, pill bugs and wasps, along with other potential pests, including gophers, mice and voles. The guide demystifies critters that can sometimes be startling or scary by providing useful information for kids and adults alike.

Games & Entertainment

For … Read Full Post »

Three Drought-Resistant Plants That Add Color to Any Space

Austin landscaping schemes and drought-resistant plants harmonize like milk and cookies. If we don’t consider our climate and choose Texas-friendly plants, our green spaces soon resemble barren wastelands flourishing with tumbleweeds. It’s not pretty. These three plants, however, require very little water and add an abundance of glorious color to any space.

Portulaca Grandiflora

Also called the moss rose, portulacas grow six to 10 inches tall, but this plant sprawls outward more than upward. If you want a flowering plant that loves high heat, can withstand Austin’s sun and has very little water requirements, this is your plant. Additionally, it doesn’t need fertilization or have special soil requirements.

Moss roses produce intensely vivid blooms through spring, summer and fall. The blooms continue to show and add color to your space after the stems and leaves appear to have withered from heat.

Asclepias Tuberosa

You might better recognize this plant by the name pleurisy root or … Read Full Post »

Castle Moats Were Sewers, Too

Not much of a fairy tale

It turns out that those fairy tales you read as a child all left out a very important truth: The moats that surrounded medieval castles weren’t just useful defenses against attack; they were also open sewers into which the castles’ primitive waste disposal systems flushed human excrement and other foul substances. The next time you have a plumbing problem, be thankful you don’t live near one of those.

More About Moats

The history of sewers is fraught with misconceptions and legends. However, it’s true that moats played a big role in sanitation for medieval Europe’s nobility. Whereas commoners used communal outhouses or open, out-of-the-way latrines, residents of Europe’s castles used rudimentary plumbing systems called garderobes. These were little more than holes or short tubes that dropped waste directly into the castle’s moat or onto a hillside that led down into the pool. Needless to say, moats were … Read Full Post »

The Risk Report: Why You Should Never Hire an Unlicensed Plumber

It’s time to have work done on your home’s plumbing system. Maybe you need to have emergency repairs completed or you want to remodel your bathroom. Whatever the case, many homeowners dread going through the process of collecting estimates and hiring a plumber. However, taking the time to choose a licensed plumber who can truly meet your demands is key to ensuring the successful outcome of the project and protecting your home’s value. Don’t be lured in by unlicensed contractors who offer to work at cut rates.

Is Hiring a Licensed Plumber Really Important?

Unlicensed plumbers and contractors target homeowners throughout the greater San Antonio area. These unlicensed workers often attract new clients by promising to complete work at much lower rates than other companies. If you’re looking for a plumbing professional to complete work in your home, it’s important to be very wary of unlicensed plumbers. Because they haven’t proven their … Read Full Post »

Five Composting Nutrients You Need to Know About

What links aquariums, manure and coffee? Lawn care in Austin, of course.

Anyone in Austin with a penchant for lawn care knows the benefits of composting. You likely know that it gives purpose to otherwise useless yard waste, and it’s one of the best means of nourishing plants into a large, healthy state. Many would-be composters mistakenly assume that they’ll have to go out of their way to create their own healthy compost, but a lot of the nutrients most essential to effective composting come from everyday materials.

1. Aquarium Gunk

Do you have an aquarium? If so, you have a ready source of moisture and nitrogen for your compost. When you clean the tank, toss the water, algae, waste and live plants from the aquarium directly into your compost heap.

2. Coffee Grounds

Used coffee grounds give your compost excellent doses of copper, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and each of these nutrients bolster … Read Full Post »

Well-Maintained Trees Boost Home Values in San Antonio

Getting the most out of your saplings, shades and shrubs

Trees add to your home’s curb appeal and help you enjoy the great outdoors. Whether they’re fresh saplings, mature specimens or stately shrubs, their branches spread a special peace. The climate in San Antonio is ideal for nurturing native trees, and these canopied beauties can actually improve your property’s value along with its landscaped good looks.

Growing Green Investments

Residential trees aren’t a cash crop, but a recent study by the city estimates that they add as much as 7% to your property’s value. Just one mature live oak commands an appraisal value of $10,000. With careful pruning, trimming and the right touch of mulch, you’re doing more than caring for the trees: you’re making an investment that pays off if you decide to sell the house. You’re also enjoying aesthetic dividends that keep your home beautiful for many years to come.

Planting With … Read Full Post »

Big Pests, Small Holes

What has sharp teeth and the ability to squeeze through a nickel-sized hole?

You’re probably aware of the better-known characteristics of mice and rats. They have distinctive ears, protruding snouts, sharp teeth, drab-colored hair and tiny claws. They also have voracious appetites for human food. You might not know, however, that mice and rats can squeeze through remarkably small holes, which can make it difficult to keep them out of your home.

How Small Is Too Small?

Rats and mice are able to squeeze through holes many times smaller than their bodies. While rats need a hole that’s equivalent in diameter to a half dollar, mice need just a nickel-sized opening to work their “magic.” Needless to say, that’s far too small for house cats to follow. Contrary to popular belief, these critters don’t have collapsible skeletons. They do, however, have extremely flexible bodies and loose joints that can easily accommodate tight squeezes.

Common … Read Full Post »

What’s Going On Under Your Sink?

Settling the score in the kitchen and bathroom

When you think about plumbing problems, your first thought probably involves your home’s toilet. For multiple reasons, toilets tend to cause a host of visible problems with relative frequency. Meanwhile, temperature swings can cause poorly insulated pipes to burst in your basement or under your yard. However, there’s another class of plumbing problems that doesn’t get the attention it deserves: leaks, breaks and clogs in kitchen and bathroom sinks.

Clogged Sink Drains

This is a common problem in the bathroom and kitchen. Although a slow drain may be little more than an inconvenience for intrepid homeowners, clogs can eventually cause damaging backups. Worse, they may even result in burst or leaky pipes underneath your sink. To prevent these negative effects, attack the problem as soon as it becomes apparent. If you don’t want to use harsh drain-opening chemicals, opt for a handier approach. Simply remove … Read Full Post »