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Don’t Let Dishwasher Problems Get the Best of You

Dishwashers take the hard work out of cleaning up after dinner and keeping your kitchen tidy. These convenient appliances are so common that most homeowners take them for granted, but you could be in for a big surprise if your dishwasher stops working and you’re stuck washing everything by hand. While you can’t stop all appliance breakdowns from happening, knowing the signs that your dishwasher is wearing out will help you make the right repair and replacement decisions.

Is Your Dishwasher Wearing Out?

Like most Austin homeowners, you rely on your dishwasher to help you tackle kitchen cleanup tasks. Keeping up on maintenance and monitoring your dishwasher for any signs of trouble will help to ensure that you’re not stuck scrubbing pots by hand. Remember that most dishwashers are designed to last for about 10 years, so you’ll need to take your washer’s age into account as you evaluate its condition.

It’s important … Read Full Post »

Riding Mowers Cost More Than You Think

Do-it-yourself lawn care isn’t cheap

Many homeowners in Texas mow their lawns with riding mowers. These machines offer a fast and relatively easy way to cut the grass. However, it’s important to realize how expensive it has become to buy, maintain and operate yard equipment. The costs can really add up.

Initial Purchase

Depending on its size and features, the price of a mower typically ranges from $900 to $2,000. Fast commercial-grade models cost even more. Keep in mind that Texas adds a 6.25% sales tax to the purchase price. This raises the total expense by $55 to $130.

If you don’t have enough cash for a riding mower, be prepared to pay considerably more. For example, perhaps you decide to finance a $1,600 model at 4.25% interest. This would increase the total cost by almost $180. Loan processing and documentation fees may also apply.

Mowing Supplies

After you buy a riding mower, it’s time to … Read Full Post »

The Texas A&M “Bug Bytes” Podcast

Bugs are more interesting than you ever imagined.

At least 50,000 people listen to the “Bug Bytes” podcast from Texas A&M University. The entomology department in College Station produces this insightful program about the bizarre world of insects. It explores strange bug habits, odd uses for insects and related human culture. “Bug Bytes” offers a fun way to learn more about these fascinating creatures.

Diverse Topics

The content of this podcast ranges from practical to amusing. For example, one episode looked at the reasons why certain people choose to eat insects. Other programs have compared different repellents, discussed insect bathing techniques or examined bugs that glow. This podcast also explores arthropod influences on human creations, such as architecture and technology.

The hosts interview entomology experts from time to time. In April 2011, “Bug Bytes” featured a conversation with the director of a documentary on honeybees. The program briefly examined colony collapse disorder, an unexplained … Read Full Post »

What’s the Big Deal With Efficiency Ratings?

Austin may enjoy some pleasant spring and fall temperatures, but most area homeowners rely on heating and cooling systems to keep them comfortable during extremely hot summers and chilly winters. A great HVAC system can certainly boost home comfort, but many homeowners have to balance their comfort needs against their utility budgets. Thankfully, meeting comfort needs and staying within budget is possible when you pay close attention to HVAC efficiency ratings.

Heating & Air Conditioning Efficiency Ratings

Efficiency ratings are designed to provide consumers with accurate information about the costs of using various home appliances. Efficiency ratings are also used by the municipal, state and federal governments to determine if homeowners can qualify for special incentives or tax credits when buying new HVAC equipment. Before shopping, take time to familiarize yourself with these common HVAC ratings:

• EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings are used to describe the efficiency of air conditioners. Units with … Read Full Post »

Put Your Air Conditioning System to the Test

Will your AC pass or fail this summer?

Summertime in San Antonio is always cooler with iced tea, pool time and an air conditioner you can count on. The last thing you want on a sweltering day is a failing HVAC system. You can help your AC make the grade, but a professional checkup should always be part of the strategy.

Do Your Homework

It’s so easy to forget about that AC filter. Meanwhile, it collects dust, pet hair and carpet fibers that cut down on critical air circulation. When you replace it, write the date on the new filter’s frame and be sure to change it every three months. The outside unit needs a little special care too. Turn the system off before you mow the yard, so it won’t suck up clippings while you work. Be sure to give it a monthly spray with the garden hose to clear out dead … Read Full Post »

National Pest Management Month Recognizes the Importance of the Pest Management Industry

This Month, Remember Your Friendly Pest Control Specialist

From Alaska to Florida, the nation’s pest control professionals work tirelessly to keep Americans’ homes and gardens free of unwanted pests. These specialists have dedicated their careers to the cause, so the least we can do is take our hats off to them with a month-long celebration known as National Pest Management Month. Next time you call our crew members to your house, take a moment to thank them for their hard work.

What Is National Pest Management Month?

National Pest Management Month is a month-long event that recognizes the often-unheralded contributions of the country’s pest management specialists. The centerpiece of the event was a convention in Washington, D.C., in which hundreds of pest control professionals met with lawmakers and lobbyists to stress the importance of the industry. By all accounts, the event—held in the middle of March—was a smashing success.

Scary Facts About Everyday Pests

Homeowners … Read Full Post »

Keeping Creepy Crawlies out of Your Garden

As the Austin area begins to see hotter spring temperatures, many homeowners are heading outside to begin work in their gardens. Before you hit the garden this year, take some time to familiarize yourself with the scorpion, a fairly common garden pest. If you aren’t on the lookout for them, startled scorpions may sting and put a serious damper on your gardening day.

Who’s Creeping and Crawling in Your Garden?

Scorpions have a bad reputation due to their nasty sting and frightening pincers. The scorpions found in Texas don’t cause severe allergic reactions in most people, but they can cause a great deal of discomfort. Of course, individuals who are sensitive to other natural toxins may suffer from more severe symptoms if stung by a scorpion. Thankfully, controlling these pests is easy so long as you can identify them and create a management plan for your space.

Identifying pests is the first step … Read Full Post »

Library Menaces: Are Insects Destroying Your Books?

Bugs that like to feast on books could be making a meal of your San Antonio library.

For those who love to read and collect books, every volume is precious. Whether they’re well-worn modern paperbacks or stunning leather-bound antiques, keeping books in top condition is important when maintaining your personal library. Unfortunately, there are pests that enjoy books just as much as you do—except they enjoy literary treasures for eating, not reading.

Common library pests include cockroaches, silverfish, beetles, booklice and even termites. Each likes to dine on different parts of books. Infestations of any of these can cause a great deal of damage if not identified and dealt with quickly. Pests see books as sources of food and won’t hesitate to nibble on or burrow through the volumes that you’ve worked so hard to collect.

Cockroaches like to munch on cloth bindings and the edges of pages, leaving behind light patches and … Read Full Post »

It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a. . . Bug Bomb?

Are you ready for bug bombs? No, we’re not talking about the insecticide foggers that kill every bug in an enclosed room. These bug bombs are actually made of bugs, but they aren’t just any bugs—they’re bugs with voracious appetites for specific unwanted weeds. The future of biocontrol weed management may involve aerial attacks that drop “bombs” filled with hordes of flea beetles or other beneficial insects on the vegetation below.

The idea was presented in a slide show by West Virginia University entomologist Yong-Lak Park at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America held in Austin, Texas. It depicted unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, armed with biocontrol payloads that can bombard crops, fields and other open areas with hungry bugs ready to turn weeds on the ground into their own private buffets.

Bug Bomb Pros and Cons

The concept of biocontrol isn’t new. Introducing bugs to kill other bugs … Read Full Post »

The Worst Pest in San Antonio: Crazy Ants, Scorpions or Bedbugs?

Nobody roots for these contenders

The Hill Country landscape makes living in San Antonio a joy, and its beautiful vistas are filled with unique ecosystems. The critters and insects that inhabit these areas are good at figuring out that your home is a safer haven than their natural habitat. Of all the little invaders that sneak into the house, there are three that cause the most concern. It’s hard to pick the worst, but these are the top contenders.

Their Name Is Insane

They run like tiny race horses with spindly legs and long antennae, but nothing about crazy ants makes them worth cheering across the finish line. These pests are displacing fire ants throughout the area with sheer numbers. Each colony harbors millions of ants, and their voracious foraging includes anything that carries electricity. These frenzied insects ruin residential wiring, overrun computer equipment and short-circuit communication systems. Crazy ants prey on beneficial … Read Full Post »