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As the Weather Warms, the Bugs Return

Spring into…pest control?

Spring is a wonderful time in the San Antonio area. As the threat of frost and ice diminishes, locals emerge from their slumber and actually use their lawns, gardens and porches as they’re intended. Unfortunately, humans and pets aren’t the only creatures that look forward to spring. Much to the chagrin of local homeowners, a range of pesky bugs and other pests thrive in warmer weather.

Fire and Carpenter Ants

Our part of the world is home to several species of ants. These critters form massive colonies in the ground near our homes and in our gardens, and they’re not deterred by colder weather. That said, they tend to become dormant during cold snaps. Once the weather warms for good, you’ll see these critters building mounds near your home. Over time, they could cause structural problems for your home or outbuildings and pose stinging threats to pets and children.

Paper Wasps

Most … Read Full Post »

Tips on Finding a Pest Management Professional

With so many companies offering pest control services in the Austin area, where do you start your search? Find out what questions you need to ask to narrow your options down fast and find the right fit for your home.

When you’re dealing with a pest infestation, every minute counts. From termites that make permanent marks in the home’s structure to blood-sucking bedbugs, common household pests can instantly lower your quality of life and eventually cause a big dent in your bank account. The sooner you contact a professional pest management company, the sooner you can get back to living life without fear. Below, we share all of the tips you need to know to find the best pest control company for your needs and budget.

• Get leads and information online. For a searchable register of pre-screened pest management companies in Austin and step-by-step pest identification guides, check out this comprehensive … Read Full Post »

Can Pest Control Treat for Lice, Scabies and Dust Mites?

You’ve probably heard of dust mites, lice and scabies. These three pests are smaller than other common household pests—in fact, they can be microscopic—and may not make their presence felt immediately. However, they each have a well-defined role to play in our homes and personal spaces. Learn more about these creatures and what can be done to manage their activities.

What Are Dust Mites, Lice and Scabies?

Lice, dust mites and scabies are ubiquitous. Whereas lice and scabies are generally regarded as “personal pests” for humans and animals, dust mites are largely harmless and may actually perform beneficial tasks for their human hosts.

Dust mites measure less than .5 millimeter in length and can congregate in colonies of many thousands. They can’t clearly be seen without the aid of a microscope. Meanwhile, head lice can grow up to three millimeters in length, and body lice can be even larger. Scabies mites are about … Read Full Post »

Has Your Landscape Hit a Wall?

Retaining Your Soil’s Sanity

If anyone needs proof that the earth isn’t flat, it only takes a drive around San Antonio to confirm the obvious. The Hill Country is beautiful, but its rolling terrain slips landscaping challenges into your best-laid plans for a stable yard. An attractive retaining wall can shore up your shifting scenery and restore some sanity to the area’s expansive soil.

Walls That Work Hard

Retaining walls might look like ornamental additions to a landscape, but the Riverwalk wouldn’t exist without these humble feats of engineering. While they appear to define the water’s flow, they actually support the massive soil foundations of the buildings that line the river’s banks. Even a small wall performs the same vital function: It acts as a barrier that shores up soil along changes in the landscape’s elevation. The wall’s strength rests on a base built below ground level and a compacted backfill that supports … Read Full Post »

The Perils of Poor-Quality Bed Bug Treatment

Traditional pest control methods prove remarkably ineffective in the battle against bed bugs.The Perils of Poor-Quality Bed Bug Treatment

Many pests plague our corner of Texas, but bed bugs are notoriously difficult to exterminate through traditional treatment methods. As a result, misguided pest control techniques can become financially and emotionally draining. Proven treatment techniques are limited, but there is hope.

The Perils of Ineffective Bed Bug Treatment

At a global bed bug summit that was held in Denver in December 2013, one of the presenters shared some poll numbers about treating bed bugs. In both 2010 and 2013, 76% of the pest management professionals who were surveyed indicated that bed bugs are the most problematic pests to control.

One Vermont couple learned the hard truth about bed bug control. Neil and Patricia Whitney are highly praised foster parents, and one of their foster children came from a home infested with bed bugs. When an … Read Full Post »

Does Your Yard Need a Haircut?

Spring is almost here, and your neighbors will soon be outdoors with their lawnmowers, string trimmers and spreaders. As if by magic, their neglected, winter-ravaged yards will morph into works of art. Like the perfect hairstyle, a healthy, polished lawn and landscape makes its owner look awesome. But not everyone has time to maintain a demanding yard. You may barely have time to style your own mane, much less battle half an acre of green fluff. If you’ve never had time for yard work, you probably don’t have the needed experience or skill either. Don’t be embarrassed. Many who attempt lawn care for the first time find that it’s quite easy to end up with a faux hawk instead of neat, uniform grass.

Bed Head, Split Ends, Dandruff and Lice

Keeping your hair looking good requires more than just shampoo and hairspray, and taking care of a lawn involves more than mowing … Read Full Post »

Cool Pest Science: Using Beetle Pheromones for Pest Control?

Over the years, modern science has come up with a stunning range of solutions to everyday pest problems. Many of these are conventional and even boring, but others capture the imagination of the public. We’re betting that you’re not familiar with an offbeat yet effective means of controlling structural pests and other unwanted insect visitors: beetle pheromones.

What Are Pheromones, Anyway?

Pheromones are biological compounds that animals excrete to attract mates, communicate or perform other important tasks. Human pheromones exist mainly to strengthen ties between mates and family members, but other animals use these chemicals for different purposes. Although some pheromones are associated with strong odors, many of these compounds are odorless and can’t be detected by the human sensory system.

Origins and Application

According to groundbreaking research, the female Asian longhorned beetle—an invasive species that has devastated structures and foliage across wide swathes of the United States—secretes a powerful sex pheromone that attracts … Read Full Post »

New to Austin? Become Familiar with Our Most Common Pests

The Austin area is among the country’s fastest-growing metro regions. Anyone who spends time here understands why: It’s a vibrant, economically diverse city with a unique local culture and plenty of natural amenities. Unfortunately, the area’s pests seem to like it just as much as its human residents. If you’re new to Austin, take some time to learn about the creepy, crawly and occasionally dangerous critters that also call the region home.

Wasps and Other Stinging Insects

Several species of wasp are endemic to the Austin area. The most visually stunning of these is the Cicada killer, a 1.5-inch beast that can kill a tarantula with its venom. The area also harbors several varieties of paper wasps. These smaller creatures aren’t as scary to look at, but their stings can be dangerous for children and those who have a sensitivity to venom. Meanwhile, fire ants like to create colonies near structures and … Read Full Post »

Can Your Lawn Reveal Your Deepest Secrets?

You probably won’t find lawn conditions mentioned in many pop psychology books, but if you look carefully, there may be a correlation between a person’s lawn and their personalities and priorities. At first glance, it might not seem important, but if you’re looking for a mate or trying to impress your neighbors, your personal environment and what it reveals about you could be a make-or-break factor. Here are a few personality types that could potentially be linked to lawn condition (and of course, we take these results with a grain of salt!).

The Control Freak

The Control Freak’s lawn is never more than a fraction of an inch too long or short. It’s the perfect shade of green, and any blemishes are quickly isolated and treated intensively until they’re back in formation. The Control Freak regularly inspects every plant in the yard and references the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab when necessary.

The … Read Full Post »

Ants: They’re Mightier than You Think

When you see a spider, you probably run or at least flounder helplessly in a corner until someone removes it. Cockroaches likely make your skin crawl and your hair stand on end. A scorpion might send you into convulsions, but an ant is probably lucky to inspire a raised eyebrow. Granted, the presence of one or two ants is no reason to sound an alarm. Unfortunately, when several hundred join forces, they can do a surprising amount of damage.

Never Underestimate the Ant

Ruining your picnic is child’s play for some ants. Here are a few ways various types of Texas ants can make your life miserable.

• Common household ants can contaminate your food stores in record time. They’re especially fond of sweets. They carry bacteria on their feet, so once an army of ants invades a food item, it’s theirs.

• Red imported fire ants typically nest outdoors. Their mounds can damage … Read Full Post »