Need Some Extra Cash? Take a Look at Your Tank
Don’t let your hot water heater drain you out of house and home
How much hot water do you use each day? You’re probably not running your tap nonstop, so what is your water heater doing the rest of the time?
If it’s the normal, tank-type variety, it’s probably pretty busy. Nobody puts in a requisition for hot water. With no idea of when you’re going to want it, your heater must stand at the ready, keeping the water continually toasty in case you make a request.
It does this by making steady demands on your energy supply. If it didn’t keep working around the clock, the water in the tank would not remain hot for long.
What if you never had to waste energy keeping your water hot? What if you could heat it on demand at the moment you need it?
With a tankless water heater, that’s exactly what you can do.
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