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Why Is That Mouse in My House?

Having pests in your home is always a troublesome experience, and you probably aren’t pleased by the idea that there are mice and rats living in the house alongside your family. Understanding a bit more about what causes these infestations and how to get rid of them, however, can help you handle your own pest control problem.

What Causes Rodent Infestations?

There are actually quite a few reasons why rodents enter homes. Many of them look for warm homes to find shelter from the cold, and some simply look for places that offer food, water and other necessities. Having a dirty and unsanitary home can cause rodents as well, although even clean, clutter-free houses are susceptible to infestations.

How Can You Tell If You Have Mice or Rats in Your Home?

There are several things that you can look for if you think that you might have a rodent infestation:

• Mouse or rat droppings … Read Full Post »

Keeping Crawlies off Indoor Plants

Having houseplants is a great way to improve your home’s aesthetic appeal and air quality, but you might be afraid that your indoor plants will attract insects. Although different types of bugs love plants, following these tips will help you keep critters away from them.

Choose the Right Plants

Choosing the right plants for your home’s environment and lighting conditions is an essential first step. Before investing in house plants, research to ensure they will do well inside your house.

Use Clean Soil

Although digging up a bit of dirt from your backyard might be tempting, this should usually be avoided. Outdoor dirt can contain insects and larvae, and you don’t want to bring these pests into your home. Instead, opt for high-quality potting soil that can be purchased at your local retail store or garden center. The soil will be clean and free of bugs and might also have more nutrients for your … Read Full Post »

Why Aren’t Your Rat Traps Working?

If you have recently spotted mice or rats in your home, you might have set a couple of traps to try to capture them. Unfortunately, rat traps really aren’t the best solution to a rodent problem.

Some Traps Just Don’t Work

Many traps are not sensitive enough to pick up on the lightweight scurrying of a mouse or rat, so rodents can run right over them without getting trapped.

Some Rodents Are Very Crafty

A lot of rodents are experienced with traps and able to snatch the cheese right off of them without getting trapped. Many are frightened of these apparatuses and will avoid them completely. In most cases, mice and rats can find food in your home without having to resort to snatching it from a trap.

Dealing with a Trapped Rodent Isn’t Pleasant

If you have ever had to deal with the remains in a rat trap, you know that it really isn’t a … Read Full Post »

Ants Are Only Cute in Movies

In the movies, ants are cute creatures that everyone roots for; however, they can damage your home in real life. Because of this, contacting a professional pest control company is vital as soon as you notice signs of an infestation. Remember that ants nest in the crevices and cracks of your property and that they will also scavenge through your home, looking for food supplies.

The Danger of a Carpenter Ant Infestation

If you notice giant black ants in your home, you most likely have an infestation of carpenter ants. This particular ant species can cause extensive and costly damage to your home. Once their nests have been built into your home, you will likely experience issues with your structural wood, rigid foam insulation, sheathing, and subflooring. Unfortunately, carpenter ants are widespread in many areas, including Orlando. Remember that carpenter ants that nest outside don’t pose any risk to your home.

Other Ant … Read Full Post »

Does Your Property Have a Raccoon Problem?

Raccoons may look harmless, and you may consider them only a nuisance, but they can cause severe damage and injuries. A hungry raccoon might dig holes in your lawn and tear garbage bags open. It may attack pets or farm animals after it begins to feel safe on your property. Raccoons could even attempt to enter your home.

These furry mammals usually look for food at night to avoid being seen. There are many ways to detect raccoons on your property, though, even if you can actually spot them. Vegetables in the garden may go missing at night, or seeds from a bird feeder may vanish.

You can also look for a restroom. No, raccoons haven’t figured out how to use toilets. They leave excrement in large piles that are known as latrines. Rather than defecating in random locations, they prefer to select certain rocks, trees, and stumps. Unfortunately, your deck or … Read Full Post »

Why “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” Is a Bad Way to Protect Your Home from Termites

We’ve all heard the old phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind.” If you apply it to some things, like dieting, it works wonders: Stash those Keebler brownies and you might find it’s easier to lose weight. On the other hand, it’s a horrible method of dealing with other problems. One such problem is termites. Just because you don’t see swarms of hungry insects eating through your home’s wood doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Termites do their work behind the walls. That said, termite colonies often leave clues if you know what to look for.

Pest Control Inspection

How many times have you taken your car in for an oil change only to have the mechanic tell you that you have some serious engine trouble looming on the horizon? One of the best things you can do to guard against a termite infestation is to invest in regular pest control inspection. Professionals … Read Full Post »

Curb Appeal: Regional Plants That’ll Make Your Landscape Pop

When you’re dreaming up the ideal landscape, why should you choose plants native to the Austin area? Simply put, regional plants sing in a glorious harmony of colors that turn your business or residential property into an eye-catching dreamscape, and they do this with a minimal amount of water and work. In our particular climate and weather conditions, regional plants thrive where non-resident plants, even with constant attention and nurturing, struggle to survive.

If you’re stymied trying to decide on the regional plants to use in beautifying your landscape, the Native Plant Society of Texas and the Texas AgriLife Extension have substantial lists of native plants. We’ve assembled a list containing a few of our favorites for you.


In colorful landscaping schemes, mistflower graces your property with two Bs: blooms and butterflies. Clusters of fuzzy blooms top clumps of four-foot stems with leaves of one to three inches. The blooms, in both … Read Full Post »

When Should I Have My Lawn Aerated?

After mowing, watering, trimming, raking and mulching, you think you’ve met your lawn care needs, but then that pesky aeration word pops up and bursts your daydream thought bubble. Do you really need to aerate? If you want one of the lushest, greenest lawns in San Antonio, you do. Fortunately, you only need to aerate your lawn twice each year, so you don’t have to fret about it regularly.

With San Antonio’s dry climate, we recommend aerating during early spring, around March 15, and again in fall, around October 15. If your lawn receives abundant traffic, however, you might consider aerating up to five times each year. Spring aeration prepares your yard for new grass growth, and fall aeration helps your lawn recover from an activity-filled summer. Additionally, Texas A&M Agrilife Extension recognizes the holes left in the lawn behind the aeration machine as perfect little feeding tubes for water, fertilizer, … Read Full Post »

Keeping Shrubs Healthy and Happy

Shrubs are attractive, versatile assets to any lawn. You can use them to decorate, enhance privacy, and add artistic flair. Maintaining shrubs requires care and attention throughout the year to ensure the foliage looks its best. Follow these tips to keep your shrubs healthy, happy, and beautiful.

Choose Appropriate Sizes

Cramming any plant too close to its neighbor leads to bigger messes and hassles. Before adding shrubs to your yard, decide on the style you want. Are you aiming for a dense privacy hedge, or would you prefer to line the front walk with stout accent bushes? Choose the shrubs that look best with the layout of your lawn for an eye-catching landscape design.

Water and Moisture Maintenance

Like all plants used in landscaping, your shrubs need optimal water to thrive. During the first couple of years after planting, give everything a good drink once a week, soaking the soil without leaving a puddle. … Read Full Post »

Staying Warm and Cost-Efficient with Home Automation

When the cold weather sets in, homeowners can experience common and persistent problems with their heating system. For example, one part of the house feels excessively warm, while another is freezing. Or this one: You aren’t home very often, but turning your heat off is out of the question—no one enjoys the idea of coming back to a frigid home at the end of the day. Installing a state-of-the-art home automation system can be the perfect answer for all your heating woes, one that can save you a lot of aggravation, money and effort.

Control Your Indoor Climate

With the help of programmable thermostats, you will be able to set temperatures for various times of the day. For instance, you can choose to increase the temperature of your home just in time for when your family returns back from school and work. With multiple zoning systems, you can choose to heat up … Read Full Post »